The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2256 The war between the two star regions ends

The war in the Wild Star Territory lasted for 317 years.

At the beginning, the task given to Thain and others by the wizard civilization was to recover this medium-sized star field.

But in the end, what Thain and others actually accomplished was to annihilate more than 90% of the Gallente Federation garrison.

It’s not that Thain and others insist on overfulfilling their mission, it’s actually that those federal garrison troops are fighting to the death!

If they don't wipe out all the opponents, Thain and others will simply not be able to complete the war mission of regaining the Wild Star Territory.

After the Wild Star War ended, less than 10% of the Federation Legion evacuated from the Wild Star.

Thain had previously pointed out that he wanted to capture the federal five-star general Merrick, but finally let him escape.

As expected, these Gallente Federation creatures were just "taking advantage" of the Beast Star Territory. They didn't think too much about the medium-sized star territory that they were loyal to and had fought with them in the Wild Star Territory battlefield for many years.

The retreating Gallente Federation legions even bypassed the Beast Star Territory.

The beast star field, which had lost more than 90% of its combat power, appeared directly in front of the wizard civilization army in an undefended manner.

"It's a pity. If those federal rear legions weren't too desperate, I think I could have kept them." After the war, the Purple Dragon God flew to Thain and said.

The Wild Star War finally ended after more than three hundred years, and it was considered a relatively perfect completion of the mission entrusted to Thane and others by the wizard civilization.

Among them, the Purple Dragon God, who has an extremely active war attitude, can be said to have taken the greatest credit.

Thain looked at the distant starry sky at this time and said, "Forget it, although the alliance bounty of this five-star general is very tempting, it should be out of reach now."

"Next, prepare to start the war of conquest of the Beast Star Territory." Thain ordered.

"Yes! Master Thain." Purple Dragon God said eagerly.

As a former neighbor

Since then, the Purple Dragon God has long coveted the Wild Star Territory and the Beast Star Territory.

Now the Wild Star Territory has been destroyed.

However, because there has not been too much war in the Beast Star Territory, the current status of each plane is still relatively complete.

The purple dragon beast legions that the Purple Dragon God sent to the Beast Star Territory not only greatly harassed the rear of the Beast Star Territory, but also captured a lot of war wealth in those beast planes.

Because the Purple Dragon God and the Purple Dragon Beast Legion under his command are the most familiar with the Beast Star Territory.

Therefore, the vanguard army that attacks the Beast Star Territory next will still be the Purple Dragon God.

"After the Wild Star Territory War, only a small number of the Beast Star Legions fled back to their home star territory. As for the Gallente Federation, they completely withdrew their defenses from the star territory."

"I think the Beast Star War will not last too long." Triris came to Thane and said.

"Yes, this is all thanks to your command, Master."

"I have a number of experiments to complete next. The war in the Beast Star Territory may require you to worry more about it, Master. Thain said respectfully to Triris.

The seizures in the Wild Star Field battlefield, whether they are turbine metal wings, black fortresses, or complete level six mechas, are all of great interest to Thane for research.

On the contrary, Cuillis has really not had any important experiments in recent years, and she is not interested in the mysteries of mechanics, so she has not gained as much as Thain.

Triris also knew that Thane had been worried a lot about the war in recent years.

So he smiled and said, "Okay, but I can't do it in vain."

"I heard that you have the ability to refine world-class secret treasures. If you have time later, help me refine it.

A magic weapon. "Triris smiled.

Thain hurriedly replied, "Since it is the master's request, the disciple will definitely complete it!"

Thain didn't need to worry about the subsequent war in the Beast Star Territory. Thain thought about it and started researching the complete sixth-level mecha.

Intelligent robots such as Decepticons and Optimus Prime will continue to participate in the war with Master Thane and others.

Including the eight-winged angel Fumila, he was also sent out by Thane.

In the end, only a few people around him, including the constructors Yuri and Wall-E, continued to accompany Thane and explore the avenue of truth with him in the laboratories of the combined fortress group.

I heard that the giant mecha manufacturing technology of the Gallente Federation was derived from the mecha troops of the Rose Dynasty civilization.

Thain has also studied the fourth and fifth level mechas of the Rose Dynasty civilization. Now, looking at the analogy, there are still many differences between the mecha systems of the two civilizations.

As a constructor, Yuli's greatest characteristic is her outstanding mental strength.

Of course, because she often cooperates with Thain in body training, Yuli's physique is far superior to that of ordinary people.

This was also the reason why she was able to leapfrog and control higher-level demon dolls many times in succession.

But this time, facing Thain's modified federal level six mecha, Thain failed after letting Yuli try several times.

Sure enough, the level six mecha is still too much for Yuli now.

She must also further improve her mental strength and physical fitness, and increase her familiarity with this new type of mecha.

"You don't need to be in a hurry. When this time is over, I will help you upgrade the Flame."

"On the way to strength, we still have to abide by the principle of gradual progress."

"Even if you can forcibly control a level six mecha now,

, and cannot exert even a few percent of its power. "Sain said to Yuri.

"Yes." Yuli lowered her head.

While Thain was carrying out his personal experiments, the war in the Beast Star Territory was going smoothly.

Only half of the Wild Star Field battlefield was left in the territory back then. It took Thane and others more than three hundred years to completely conquer it.

As for the larger area of ​​​​the Beast Star Territory, Trilis led the wizard civilization army to conquer it, and the total time it took was only 32 years.

There are 143 planes with complete rules in the Beast Star Territory. In addition, there are also some mechanical planets and artificial satellites that the Gallente Federation helped build for them before they left.

The resistance of these planes and planets is extremely low.

On average, five worlds can be conquered in a year.

The war is advancing so fast that even the wizarding civilization legions who have been engaged in arduous wars for hundreds of years in the wild star battlefield are quite uncomfortable.

"This is the ideal rhythm of war." More than one level-4 wizard from the wizarding civilization who participated in the war sighed after the war.

At the end of the Beast Star War, Thain's research on the Federation's sixth-level giant mecha also happened to be coming to an end.

And he was just about to start research on the world-class secret treasure turbine metal wings.

After hearing the success stories from the front line, Thain's mood improved a lot.

And it was also from Trilis that Thain learned that the wizard civilization had faint signs of using the Wild Star Territory and the Beast Star Territory as a new direction of war, and launching an attack on the hinterland of the Gallente Federation's home star territory.

If the Sai En division is willing, they will serve as the vanguard of this star field battlefield.

"I was in bad shape this morning. I only wrote one chapter. Xiaodou will continue to work hard in the afternoon and evening~"

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