The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2253 Fierce Battle

After completing the deal with Zhong Kui, the war in the Wild Star Territory continues.

Although Thain got a new level six mecha, he also collected many new gadgets in the Wild Star Field battlefield.

But because the war on the front line was still intense and intense, even Thain didn't have much time to spare and stopped to conduct his own magic experiments.

Over the years, Thain has also frequently traveled to various battlefields.

Because his mechanical natural disaster curse is too overbearing, Thane's ranking on the federal dangerous list has also been rising.

Thain had only been promoted to the sixth level for a few years, and his threat index was no different from those of the sixth level peak powerhouses of the wizard civilization.

According to the information statistics of the Gallente Federation, because Thane still has the power to transform the Union Fortress, his personal combat power is ranked by the Federation to the level of late-level sixth-level creatures.

Anxiety returned to anxiety, but the advancement of wizard civilization was still not greatly affected.

Seven years later, the headwind plane was taken over by the wizard civilization.

The Decepticon King, a late-level sixth-level creature, led a small number of beast star field legions and hurriedly evacuated from the battlefield in this plane. Later, they were chased by intelligent robots from the planet Cybertana.

The Gallente Federation legions originally stationed on the battlefield in this plane were all eliminated by the wizard civilization without exception.

The victory of the Headwind Plane was due to the desperate fighting of those advanced intelligent robots, and also due to the extremely uneasy feeling of the Decepticon King and other beast star domain creatures upon learning that their home base was under attack.

The creatures left in the Beast Star Territory at this time are all "old, weak, sick and disabled".

How can we withstand the impact of the purple dragon beast army?

The Decepticon King can't wait to fly back to the Beast Star Territory immediately to solve the crisis in his home star territory.

But unfortunately, the order of the Gallente Federation is to require the Decepticon King to lead his legions and continue to stand on the front line of the Wild Star Territory.

And the wizard civilization cannot let the Decepticon King, who has been seriously injured, leave.

In addition to the advanced intelligent robot Decepticon holding a high-frequency shock wave blade, he has been leading his army of intelligent robots to pursue the opponent.

The Purple Dragon God, who heard some news from his partner, also volunteered from the other side of the battlefield, hoping to attack his old enemy, the Decepticon King.

Taking into account the rapid elimination of the Decepticon King, it can greatly disintegrate the Gallente Federation's defensive power in the Wild Star Territory.

Especially once the Decepticon King falls, those beast star field experts with level 4 and 5 strength and the ordinary beast legions will inevitably have their military morale greatly shaken.

Thain thought for a moment and then agreed to the Purple Dragon God's request to fight.

Although doing so would cause holes in their encirclement front and more federal legions to escape.

There's nothing we can do about it

, there is no absolutely perfect war plan in the world.

The first task of Thain and others is to regain the Wild Star Territory, not to annihilate all the federal legions in the Wild Star Territory.

The Purple Dragon God, who received Thane's order, was overjoyed and went straight to the Thunderfire World where the Decepticon King was currently staying temporarily.

The Purple Dragon God led part of his army of purple dragon beasts to block the road. Not long after, the Decepticons also led an army of intelligent robots to the world of thunder and fire.

Facing two powerful enemies at the same time, including one as powerful as the Purple Dragon God, the Decepticon King has no hope of returning to its home star domain, and even it itself may be lost in this world!

The world of thunder and fire.

In the dark blue sky, the Purple Dragon God spreads his wide dragon wings to face his former "old friend" the Decepticon King.

The Purple Dragon God, the Decepticon King and the fallen wild gorilla god are indeed old friends.

The three of them met more than once that year to discuss maintaining peace in the surrounding star fields.

Unfortunately, the wild orangutan god who was keen on war died first.

Right now, the Decepticon King, who was seriously injured, looked like he would not survive.

"Do you think you can survive to the end?" When the Decepticon King faced the Purple Dragon God who was more powerful than himself, he couldn't help but reveal a mocking smile on his lips.

"I think I should be able to live longer than you." The Purple Dragon God puffed out his chest and stared at the Decepticon King with his huge purple dragon head.

The Decepticon King shook his head and said, "In my opinion, wizard civilization is not an easy world civilization to get along with."

"No, it should be said that there is no truly kind and beautiful world in this star realm."

"Similar to the laws followed by most of the planes in our Beast Star Territory, the law of the jungle is the strongest."

"The Wild Ape God and I ended up like this just because we were too weak." The Decepticon King raised his saber-toothed fangs and looked at the Purple Dragon God and said.

In fact, the Decepticon King's words also imply that the Purple Dragon God is also weak.

Even though the Purple Dragon God has reached the peak of Level 6, he is still a minor player in front of the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization.

Relying on the stronger ones for survival is what enables a weak plane like them to continue.

The only difference is that the Beast Star Territory is following the wrong person, the Blue and Purple Star least it seems to be fine now.

The Decepticon King's words also greatly touched the Purple Dragon God.

But while sighing, the Purple Dragon God should take action

There will never be any ambiguity!

From his partner, the Purple Dragon God has learned that Master Thain, a sixth-level magician of the wizarding civilization, is very interested in the pair of world-class secret treasure wings behind the Decepticon King!

The Purple Dragon God has offended the Dragon Vein Warlock family, and now he is not doing well under the forces of the Western Islands.

In the future, there will be a father-in-law who is about to be promoted to the realm of domination. I wonder if he will accept me.

In this context, the Purple Dragon God urgently needs to find a new backer in the wizarding civilization!

He didn't want to end up like the wild gorilla god and the Decepticon king, with his body and soul destroyed, and even his home star field destroyed.

Relying on the power of the giant dragon clan in the deep sea, the Purple Dragon God's friend found out that he could return to the Blue and Purple Star Territory to participate in the war this time. It seemed that it was this Master Thain who had the power.

Although he is just an "ordinary" sixth-level magician, he has not reached the peak level of sixth-level.

But the Purple Dragon God did not look down upon Master Thain at all.

Look at Master Thane's connections on the battlefields of the Wild Sector.

And Trilis, another sixth-level peak magician in this star field, is Thane's master.

It can be seen that Thain has certain authority and influence in the wizarding civilization.

Instead of hugging the thigh that would appear somewhere in the future, the Purple Dragon God wanted to press the treasure on Thain in front of him.

This is the reason why he is extremely respectful to Thain and even stays with Bixi to get close to his wife.

In fact, taking refuge in a "potential stock" like Thain was also the idea given to the Purple Dragon God by the fourth-level female deep-sea giant dragon.

Trilis may not necessarily be interested in the Purple Dragon God's peak level 6 combat power, but Thane will soon be promoted and should be able to use its power even more.

At this time, seeing the energy field around the Purple Dragon God becoming more and more violent, the Decepticon King also knew that his last battle was coming.

The turbine wings behind him gradually rotated, and an amethyst dragon ball emerged from the chest of the Purple Dragon God in front of him.

The Purple Dragon God also has his own world-class secret treasure, which is this amethyst dragon ball that has been cultivated for countless thousands of years!

Dragon-type creatures are indeed a famous wealth race in the star world.

Among the three sixth-level powerhouses in this medium-sized star field in the past, whether it was the "Ape God Hammer" in the hands of the wild gorilla god or the "Turbo Metal Wing" of the Decepticon King in front of him, in terms of grade, none could compare to the purple one. This amethyst dragon ball of the Dragon God.

This dragon ball, which exudes the beautiful light of law in the sky of the Thunder Fire World, has reached the level of a low- to mid-grade world-class secret treasure, and is about to touch the level of a low-grade high-grade secret treasure!

As the Purple Dragon God continues to become stronger in the future,

Its natal dragon ball will obviously continue to improve in level.

Affected by the power of law contained in the dragon ball on his chest, the sturdy Purple Dragon God spread out the amethyst dragon wings on his back.

Two law energy balls containing extremely suppressive fluctuations gradually appeared from between its dragon claws!

"Double Dragon King Different Dimension!" As the Purple Dragon God roared, the two law energy balls he held in the dragon's claws continued to surge and expand, and soon reached a level greater than the Purple Dragon God's body. .

From a distance, it looks like the Purple Dragon God is holding two purple-red suns!

The Purple Dragon God's surge of momentum in front of him also made the Decepticon King, who was seriously injured, secretly surprised.

The Purple Dragon God is indeed the strongest level six creature in the surrounding star field.

Even though the Decepticon King has experienced countless fierce battles and undergone technological transformations from the Gallente Federation, he now has to admit that the Purple Dragon God is still stronger than himself.

Even if the Decepticon King is in his prime at this time, it may be difficult to match the Purple Dragon God who has mastered the unique skill of "Double Dragon King and Different Dimension".

However, even in such a desperate situation, the Decepticon King still did not give up, let alone lead to death.

"Storm Star Cloud Split!" A roar that shook the clouds came from the mouth of the Decepticon Tiger King.

The two sharp saber-toothed fangs became even more sharp and ferocious during the gathering of such storms.

A violent energy storm emerged from the Decepticon King's turbine wings and soon acted in front of him.

This is a collision between two "suns" and a "star storm".

When these two sixth-level experts used their world-class secret treasures to display their strongest tricks, the entire world of thunder and fire changed color!

This is a terrifying blow unimaginable to lower creatures.

However, when these two top powerhouses were clashing, the Purple Dragon Beast Legion led by the Purple Dragon God had also violently collided with the remnants of the Beast Star Territory army under the Decepticon King.

At the same time, the Level 6 advanced intelligent robot Decepticon, who arrived at the battlefield in this plane a little slower, could not help but use his crimson eyes to pay attention to the battle that was breaking out high in the sky.

The world-class secret treasure high-frequency shock wave blade emits "sizzling" blue ripples on the side of the Decepticon's arm.

Of course, it is impossible for the Purple Dragon God to fight alone. In the program of the intelligent robot family, there has never been a moral constraint for single combat.

After ordering his army of robots to participate in the war in this plane.

The propeller behind the Decepticon burst out with bright light, and it rushed towards the battle group in the sky in front of it.

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