The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2245 Complaint

The Purple Dragon God of the Blue Purple Star was once the most powerful person in the surrounding star field.

Including the purple dragon beast army under its command, it is also famous, far stronger than the Wild Star Army and the Beast Star Army.

It's just that because dragon creatures generally have difficulty in giving birth, the number of purple dragon beast legions in the Blue and Purple Star Region has never been large.

At that time, we faced the aggressive wild orangutan army.

As well as the ferocious and cunning beast star field army that unites many weak surrounding planes.

Purple dragon beasts rarely compete with them.

This also puts this star field, which once had three medium-sized world civilizations, in a delicate balance.

Until, a full-scale war broke out between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation, affecting the vicinity of this star field.

Nowadays, the wild orangutan family is close to destruction, and even the wild star field has been reduced to ruins.

The Beast Star Territory was also almost drained of its bones and blood in the war with the wizard civilization.

Only the Blue and Purple Star Territory, which stood on the sidelines and was the last to take refuge, can leave a relatively intact force today.

However, the situation of the Purple Dragon Beast clan is not as good as outsiders imagined.

How can the wizarding civilization be so easy to deal with?

Currently, the strongest person in the Blue Purple Star, the Purple Dragon God, is leading a small group of his tribe to fight life and death on the front lines of the civilized battlefield.

As of today, the Purple Dragon God has not returned to his home star domain for nearly three thousand years.

Although the group of purple dragon beasts under it occasionally returned to the home star field to rest, the wizard civilization would soon wave its "whip" to urge these alliance plane legions to go to the front line.

It is also because dragon creatures generally have a long lifespan and are relatively strong that they can withstand such a war.

What Thain paid attention to at this time was to apply to the wizard civilization to transfer the purple dragon beast army back from the front line of the civilized battlefield to assist

He and others attacked the Gallente Federation Legion and Beast Star Domain creatures from the flanks or behind.

He has submitted this plan to the wizard civilization.

Triris is at a higher level than Thane, and has wider connections in the wizarding civilization than him. She may have received the news.

Sure enough, in the face of Thain's inquiry, Cuillis pondered for a while and then replied; "The wizarding civilization is still considering it and has not made a decision yet."

"I heard that the wizarding civilization force that the Purple Dragon Beast clan has taken refuge in is from the Western Islands and has little contact with our Flame Conclave."

"Now during the Civilization War, although everyone is fighting for the wizard civilization, the overall situation is complicated."

"It doesn't matter if it's the early to mid-term of a civilized war, because victory in the war is the top priority. As long as the conditions we propose are reasonable, the top leaders of the wizarding civilization will support it."

“But as the war progressed to the later stages, the war in the Wild Star Territory was almost abandoned by the higher-ups of the Wizarding Civilization.

"It may not be easy if you want to transfer the purple dragon beast army back to their home star field to join the war." Triris pointed out to Thane.

What Cuillis wanted to tell Thane with her remarks was that the wizarding civilization was not monolithic.

Just like Cuilisi's rift with Aksu, the sixth-level peak magician, the relationship between the major forces in the wizarding world is also relatively complicated.

All in all, there is competition in cooperation, and occasionally things will happen that cause obstacles for one's own people.

——The Blue and Purple Star Territory is located around the Wild Star Territory and is adjacent to the Beast Star Territory to a certain extent.

The war between the wizard civilization and the Beast Star Territory has been going on for thousands of years. It is hard to believe that there would be no other wars.

Like Thain, they had the same idea to transfer the Purple Dragon Beast Legion from Blue Purple Star back to rely on their local advantages to assist their side in fighting.

The reason why such a decision has never been made, and the fact that the Purple Dragon God himself has not been able to return to his home planet for thousands of years, may have some other origins.

Maybe it involves some of the origins of other powerful wizard civilizations.

Triris must have heard some rumors and told Thain this.

Of course, these origins have nothing to do with Thain.

But since Thane has applied to be in charge of the Wild Star War, we have to have a relationship with him!

After finishing the communication with his master Cuilis, Thain frowned and contacted Knight Klopp instead.

As Klopp Knight's most optimistic young player, and under the witness of Klopp Knight, he joined the "reserve potential master training list", Thain naturally has a single contact with Klopp Knight.

When he applied to come to the Wild Star Territory to participate in the war, Thain did not specifically mention it to Klopp Knight.

However, since it involves whether he can successfully complete the war to regain this star field.

And the Purple Dragon God is the Western Islands force that has taken refuge, so Thane has to bother this senior knight again.

"I see, I understand." At the frontline command center, after a brief exchange with Thain, Knight Klopp hung up the remote magic transmission.

Klopp has never paid too much attention to the situation in the Wild Star Territory before.

He had only heard that this star field had not been recovered for a long time.

But because this war zone is not the battlefield that Klopp Knight is mainly responsible for and concerned about.

So he really didn't know about the situation in the Purple Dragon Star Territory before.

For Crowe

For a person of General Knight's level, whatever information he wants to know, he can get it quickly.

Although it did not take long to be promoted to master, Knight Klopp has more connections, influence, and authority in the wizarding civilization than many true spirit-level magicians who were promoted earlier than him.

After quickly figuring out what was going on, Klopp dialed two remote calls in succession.

"I don't care what conflicts you had before, immediately transfer the purple dragon beast army back to their home star domain. The war there needs these dragon creatures even more!"

"What? The frontline battlefield situation they are currently in is more important? Then let me check and find out what war missions they are currently performing."

"Everything must be based on the final victory of the civilized war in the wizarding world. I don't want to hear about power being wasted for no reason!" Knight Klopp said, and hung up the remote magic transmission.

With a wave of his hand, he resolved the mobilization of a dragon beast army.

Knight Klopp looked at the coordinates of the star map where the Wild Star Territory was located, pondered for a long time, and then contacted the leader of a Fairy Territory Legion.

This time, Knight Klopp's tone became much gentler.

I saw him say, "Is it Taoist Zhong Kui? You told me last time that members of your Immortal Domain Witch Clan want to switch to a frontier to take charge of the battlefield?"

"I happen to have a star field here that is more suitable for you, called the Wild Star Field."

"Yes, there is a federal area that has not yet been deeply developed. I believe that your Witch Legion will make great gains after arriving." Knight Klopp said with a smile.

"Today Kawenka is flying, there are only four updates, hope you understand!

Xiaodou will try to adjust tomorrow.

The fastest way to help Xiaodou adjust is the monthly pass. Does anyone else have a free monthly pass qaq to help Xiaodou replenish his kidneys?"

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