The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2244 Battle Plan

The King of Ghost Crows' aid was like giving help in the nick of time to Thane.

Although he knew that the other party was probably so powerful because of the soul-gathering ring that Thain promised to it, Thain still couldn't help but feel a certain sense of indebtedness to this late-level sixth-level ghost crow.

"When this Wild Star War is over, we will start refining treasures for it." Thain muttered.

In addition to the King of Ghost Crows coming to aid, Thane has also applied for a large amount of war supplies from the higher-ups of the wizard civilization in the past one or two decades.

Countless penetrating magic artillery shells are continuously transported to the wild star field battlefield.

Since the bones of these Gallente Federation legions are so hard, Thane will use the magic equipment produced by the wizard civilization to crush them bit by bit!

Including Thain himself, he is also good at alchemy. In these years, he has also improved many magic shells transported by wizard civilization to make them more powerful!

It's a pity that the inert crystal has no longer been circulated within the Wizards Alliance since the return of the Zerg.

At least Thane hasn't seen too many of them in the Wizards Union market.

Fortunately, the blue star creatures and Kryptonian creatures who followed the expedition to the wild star field still had some inert crystals on hand as storage.

It is precisely because of this part of the crystal that the magic bombs improved by Thain are more powerful.

Inflicted extremely heavy casualties on the Gallente Federation.

In fact, at this stage, everyone is persisting, it just depends on who can't persist first!

However, compared to the improvements in the batch of magical equipment that Thain supported the wizard civilization, the person who really made a great contribution in this field was Zoro, the fourth-level black magician of the Black Domain who was not expected by anyone before. He is Thane's senior brother.

In the later stages of those experiments that incorporated the power of inert crystals into magical bombs, Thane didn't have much time to operate them.

He had more, more important things to worry about.

Therefore, after giving this part of the inert crystal secret to Zorro, Zorro, who gradually understood the essence, led his disciples and began to "work"!

Although there is no secret treasure like the Rubik's Cube, there is no perfect experimental assistant like the robot WALL-E.

But Zorro and his team of black domain alchemists finally produced magic bombs with an efficiency that was 60% that of Thain's own operation.

This is already a very high number!

Zoro does not need to worry about the war situation in the entire Wild Star Territory. He does not need to socialize with the higher-ups of the wizard civilization to ask for war supplies, nor does he need to negotiate with other powerful warriors from the wizard civilization to participate in the war.

He only needs to stay in the laboratory and refine the magic weapon with his apprentices!

After Zorro subsequently invented and manufactured several sets of mechanical assembly lines specifically for the production of modified magic bombs.

Even Thain's master Bogagaru couldn't help but sigh to Zorro when he learned about this, "This guy is really a talent!"

Zorro's performance on the civilized battlefield is somewhat similar to Thain's mentor Lu Lianman. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

After Lu Lianman arrived at the Wild Star Field battlefield, she rarely appeared on the frontline battlefield in person.

Most of the time, she stayed in the back of the Wild Star Territory, refining various types of potions needed by all powerful wizards.

Zorro produces a large number of magic penetrating bombs.

He has even recently been studying how to launch these magic energy penetrating projectiles not in the form of magic cannons, but to find ways to improve them and add them to those intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

Once the improvement is successful, the initiative of the wizard civilization army on the battlefield will be greatly enhanced.


Zoro's contribution alone on the Wild Star Field battlefield is not inferior to that of any fifth-level great magician.

It was his performance that caused many powerful wizards and civilizations on the battlefield in the Wild Star Territory to gradually take off the "colored glasses" that regarded him as a black magician in the Black Territory.

"I'm afraid this will be a protracted war." Before the King of Ghost Crows led his army to arrive, Thain, who was inspecting the frontline battlefield, said to the fourth-level magician Mussol and the fourth-level knight Jean on the battlefield. said. 🅆

These two level four experts are both members of the Ashes of Thane.

A war covering an entire star field cannot be solved by Thane alone.

Faced with the Gallente Federation garrison huddled in the underground metal front, even a sixth-level powerhouse like Thane didn't have a good solution.

We can't destroy all the warring planes in the Wild Star Territory, right?

And even if the wizarding civilization wants to destroy these worlds! It is not something that can be done easily.

The Gallente Federation legions stationed on these planets have tried their best to strengthen the core of these worlds.

Even in this plane, in the process of hedging the legions of the two civilizations, they are already in a bad situation with broken rules and chaotic environment.

But if these worlds want to fall apart, it cannot be done overnight.

What's more, hiding in solid underground fortifications, no matter how bad the surface environment becomes, the impact on the Federal Legion will be greatly reduced.

In response to Thain's instructions, the two level four experts nodded in approval.

After completing the inspection of the battlefield on the planet Togepi, it happened that the King of Ghost Crows led an army to arrive at the Wild Star Field battlefield.

Compared with the last war cooperation in the Corellon Star Territory, the Ghost Crow King brought more Ghost Crow Legions and more powerful Ghost Crows above level 4 this time!

In the words of the Ghost Crow King himself, "It brings all the combat power that the Ghost Crow Star Territory can mobilize!"

The total number of ghost crows reaches nearly 100 million, and there are more than twenty ghost crows of level 4 or above, marking the current prosperity and development momentum of the ghost crow clan.

Although the number of ghost crows above level four is still relatively small, it is significantly lower than the advanced intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

But there are really many ghost crows who have reached the third level and demigod stage!

In recent years, the Ghost Crow Clan has seen more and more breakthroughs by newly promoted fourth-level experts.

As the Ghost Crow clan becomes more prosperous and powerful, it is also directly reflected in the substantial increase in the strength of the Ghost Crow King.

As the king of an ethnic group and the leader of the entire civilization, the King of Ghost Crow's strength is also closely related to the Ghost Crow clan.

After arriving at the Wild Star Field battlefield, the Ghost Crow King immediately asked Thain to assign a fighting plane to it.

Before coming, the King of Ghost Crows also roughly found out what the situation was like in the Wild Star Territory.

It is ready for a hard fight.

Bringing all the young and old from the tribe here this time is enough to prove the sincerity of the King of Ghost Crows!

However, what the King of Ghost Crows did not expect was that Thane and others did not arrange it to the frontline battlefield immediately, but instead allowed his Ghost Crow Army to rest temporarily.

"After a while, you will have another combat mission." That's what Thain told the King of Ghost Crows.

After entertaining the King of Ghost Crows, Thane found Triris and couldn't help but ask, "Master, what do the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization think of our next war plan?"

"Can the Purple Dragon Beast Legion of Blue Purple Star be transferred back?" Thain asked.

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