The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2246 A big taboo has been committed

The frontline battlefield of wizard civilization, the planet Hopfta.

This is a medium-sized mechanical planet located within the Gallente Federation. It is an important arms and energy output planet for the Federation in the battlefields around the planet.

The gloomy sky and countless metal ruins are piled up throughout the world.

In this vast atmosphere, a few dragon roars came from many areas on the planet's battlefield.

The war on the planet Hopfta has been coming to an end since two years ago.

Because of the location coordinates of this planet and its extremely important role in the battlefield of this star field, the wizard civilization invested a large number of troops in the battlefield of this plane.

The sixth-level peak creature, the Purple Dragon God, appears here with his legion of purple dragon beasts.

The Purple Dragon God broke through the original realm and entered a new level three hundred years ago.

Facing the continuous dangerous wars assigned by the wizard civilization, it has not stopped for thousands of years.

For the Purple Dragon God, its ending is either to fall sadly in this endless war, or to continue to make breakthroughs and become stronger, striving to live longer.

Although the planet Hopfta is now nearing the end, the Purple Dragon God himself did not show much joy.

Because it knows that no matter how long it takes for itself and its legion to rest on this mechanical planet, or even to seize some of the war benefits, the next war mission will follow.

There is no room for it to stop!

Thinking of this, the Purple Dragon God couldn't help but sigh.

It is actually the Purple Dragon God's own fault for being treated like this by the wizard civilization.

Because it committed a major taboo in joining the Wizards Alliance - Chao Qin Mu Chu, repeatedly jumping between the two top powers in the wizarding world.

So much so that he attracted many powerful people from the two major forces.

That's why some powerful wizards and civilizations wear small shoes.

I still remember that when the Thain division had just conquered the Wild Star Territory, they also showed their intention to continue sending troops to the surrounding star territory.

The Beast Star Territory had surrendered to the Gallente Federation early on, so naturally it had something to rely on.

Under the leadership of the Purple Dragon God, the Blue and Purple Star Territory established a cooperative relationship with the Dragon Vein Warlock family, which had already been "swaying", and successfully joined the Wizards Alliance under the recommendation of the Dragon Vein Warlock family.

But now, the force behind the Purple Dragon God and the Blue Purple Star behind him in the wizarding world is the Western Islands.

If there is no story or clue behind this, I am afraid no one will believe it.

The truth is a little more complicated than most people's conjectures.

Because this also involves a conflict between an elder-level plane that has already joined the Wizards Alliance and the Purple Dragon God.

As one of the veteran franchised planes of the Wizards Alliance, the Deep Sea Giant Flood Plane has been conquering the world with the Wizarding Civilization since it was still a medium-sized plane.

The current king of the deep sea giant dragon clan is suddenly another powerful being who is about to touch the realm of domination.

Including the wizarding civilization, they also intend to support the deep sea giant dragon plane and promote it to the level of large-scale worlds.

The deep-sea giant dragon clan is also a branch of dragon-attributed creatures, but their dragon bloodline is shallower than the giant dragon clan in the wizarding world, let alone the true dragons in the fairyland.

However, the power of the deep sea giant dragon clan is real.

This plane is also rich in a special resource - dragon beads.

The giant dragon clan of the deep sea will collect the dragon beads of the fallen clan members and use them for other purposes.

These dragon beads, whether given to the younger giant dragons to absorb or sold to the wizarding civilization, can fetch a high price.

It's just that because the deep sea giant dragon family generally has a long lifespan, and as a veteran of the Wizards Alliance, few people dare to play their evil tricks.

Therefore, due to various factors, the price of the dragon beads of the deep sea giant dragon family has always been high in the Wizards Alliance.

Sometimes, because of its rarity, the auction price of a top-quality dragon bead in the Wizards' Alliance far exceeds its own value.

The Purple Dragon God, who had not long joined the Wizards' Alliance, angered the Dragon King of the deep-sea giant dragon clan.

Although the Purple Dragon God has now entered the sixth level of peak realm, compared with the deep sea giant dragon king who has been in this realm for more than 100,000 years and is about to enter the realm of dominance, he is not at the same level.

Two level six dragon beasts even had a fight thousands of years ago.

The Purple Dragon God, who had not reached the peak of the sixth level at that time, was naturally no match for the Deep Sea Giant Dragon King.

If it weren't for the civilized war, the Deep Sea Giant Dragon King would definitely not let the opponent go easily.

The reason why there is a gap between the two level six dragon beasts is because of a female dragon.

To be precise, she is the daughter of the giant dragon king of the deep sea.

During the Civilized War, this guy, the Purple Dragon God, came into contact with the daughter of the giant dragon king of the deep sea because of a certain war cooperation. At that time, he was "shocked as a dragon".

Because it had not yet joined the Wizards Alliance, most of the alliance planes it had come into contact with before were alien worlds that had good relations with the Dragon Vein Warlock family.

The giant dragon plane in the deep sea is an alliance plane that has established long-term strategic cooperation with the Western Islands.

Even because he joined the Wizards Alliance too hastily, the Purple Dragon God missed the second chance before the start of the Civilization War.

The 15th Wizards Alliance Conference.

Therefore, the Purple Dragon God naturally does not know what the deep sea giant dragon family is like.

At that time, there were only a few fourth-level giant dragons in the deep-sea giant dragon clan on the battlefield in this plane, including the daughter of the deep-sea giant dragon king.

The phrase "Dragon nature is inherently lustful" is also extremely applicable to the Purple Dragon God.

This guy had no interest in the many female purple dragon beasts of Blue Purple Star. Instead, he took a good look at the female deep-sea giant dragon, and he didn't know what kind of evil he had committed.

The final result was that the Purple Dragon God failed in his courtship, and after being rejected by the other party, he simply had sex with him.

He was just an ordinary alien fourth-level creature from the Alliance. He claimed to have understood the Purple Dragon God of the Wizards Alliance, but he was completely on the opposite side of the deep sea giant dragon plane.

It even injured several other level four deep sea giant dragons at that time, including the son of the deep sea giant dragon king!

How can the Deep Sea Giant Dragon King tolerate his own children being bullied like this?

If it hadn't been during the civilized war, it might have applied to the wizarding civilization and had a life-or-death fight with the Purple Dragon God.

The Purple Dragon God was indeed at fault in this matter, so the wizarding civilization couldn't favor the Purple Dragon God, and the Dragon Vein Warlock family couldn't take advantage of it.

Because the Dragon Vein Warlock family also has a certain connection with the deep sea giant dragon plane, many warlock members have to deal with these deep sea giant dragon planes when refining dragon blood potions.

But the most shocking thing is not the dispute between the Purple Dragon God and the Giant Dragon King of the Deep Sea.

But after the Purple Dragon God captured the daughter of the Deep Sea Giant Dragon King, he wanted to show his love and hope to be recognized by the Deep Sea Giant Dragon King.

He actually led his subordinate civilization and defected to the Western Islands.

As a result, he violated the taboo of the Wizards Alliance.

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