The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2229 The Scorched Battlefield

As the civilized war progresses, the wizarding civilization is already at a comprehensive advantage, and the forefront has even reached the hinterland of the Gallente Federation.

In such a war background, there is still a star field on the border of the civilizations of both sides that has not been recovered, which is really beyond Thane's expectation.

"Hasn't the Wild Star Territory been conquered yet?"

"I remember that thousands of years ago, the wizard civilization wanted to assign us, the Jade Burning Fire Sect, to go to the battlefield in the star field over there."

"It was only later that it was involved in the ruins of the Ai Youlandie civilization and the wars surrounding the Black Bat civilization, so in the end it was someone else assigned by the wizard civilization." Thain said in surprise.

"Yes, after the Wild Star Territory was occupied by the Gallente Federation, the Wizarding Civilization failed to recapture this medium-sized star territory after several attacks. Instead, it suffered heavy losses in that star territory."

"We, a family of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, were sent to carry out war missions in the Wild Star Territory five hundred years ago."

"At that time, you also invited our two leaders to go to the Corellon Star Territory to participate in the battle."

"There is a war mission in the Wild Star Territory. The two leaders cannot go there in person, so they can only send part of the robot army headed by the Golden Iron Beast to support you." Shockwave said respectfully.

Shockwave is a think-tank type robot among the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron. Its combat effectiveness is not high, but its ability to analyze and handle affairs is very strong.

This time we came to Seen for help. In fact, it was originally proposed by him and was approved by the two leaders.

"The mission five hundred years ago?"

"How long has it been since your intelligent robot army went to the Wild Star Territory? How is the war going?" Thain asked.

"We officially launched the impact war on the Wild Star Territory four hundred years ago."

"At the beginning of the war, the situation was relatively good. Under the leadership of the two leaders and many powerful people in the wizarding world, we recaptured many planets in the Wild Star Territory."

"The occupied territory has quickly expanded from one-third of the original territory to nearly half of the star field."

\u003e"But since two hundred years ago, the war situation has been in a stalemate."

"A large number of robots are lost in battle every day. Those federal legions and beasts are more tenacious than we imagined."

"In the Wild Star Territory, every planet has been transformed into a metal land by those federal legions, covered with countless metal jungles."

"Every time we regain a plane, we have to pay an extremely heavy price." Shockwave said.

At the same time, a holographic projection was launched from Shockwave's fingers, allowing Thane to more clearly observe and examine the current battle situation in the Wild Star Territory.

In the picture, endless metal ruins appeared at the end of the field of vision.

Countless ruins and debris filled the battlefield in front of them.

But in the context of such ruins, what they represent are not garbage planets, but the Gallente Federation and beast planet creatures, which have invested a large number of combat legions. With these metal ruins as the basis of the terrain, tenacious sniper attacks Follow every attack of the wizard civilization army.

Especially those creatures from the beast planet, which are obviously flesh and blood creatures, but they are extremely suitable for Gallente Federation technology.

And in such a "metal jungle", they can perfectly display their wildness and talent, which is really eye-catching.

In addition, the battlefield commander of the Gallente Federation in the Wild Star Territory is also a real genius.

There are dozens of warring planes, all designed with such metal fortifications, which is the handiwork of the other party.

Moreover, the Gallente Federation also hollowed out the underground of most planets in the Wild Star Region.

For the wizard civilization army, if they want to completely conquer these worlds, just occupying the surface is not enough.

No one knows whether there is still a large number of alliances hidden somewhere underground.

State Legion.

"The Gallente Federation's past war advantages were mainly reflected in the firepower coverage of their battleship groups in the sky and within the star realm."

"That level of firepower is no less than the forbidden spell-level magic of our wizard civilization."

"But the commanders of the Gallente Federation in the Wild Star Territory actually found another way and voluntarily gave up their advantage in the sky and instead fought an underground war with our wizard civilization?" Thain looked at the holographic picture presented by the shock wave. , couldn’t help but sigh.

"Yes, each of those federal underground bunkers was built extremely solidly by them."

"Including beast star creatures can also explode with considerable combat power underground."

"Every time our intelligent robot army moves forward, we have to pay a considerable amount of lives as a price." Shockwave said in a deep voice.

If there was no other way, the intelligent robots of Cybertron headed by Optimus Prime would not have begged Thane in such a humble way.

In fact, their clan's foundation in the Wizards Alliance is too shallow, and they don't know many powerful wizards from the wizarding civilization.

And Optimus Prime also knew that Aksu, the sixth-level peak magician in the Wizarding World who was presiding over the Wild Star Territory War, was somewhat unable to bear the heavy losses he had suffered in the Star Territory over the past few hundred years.

Once Aksu leads the wizard civilization knights and magician army to leave, until new support forces arrive, all the bitter consequences will need to be resisted by these smart robots.

What's more, there's a chance that no more elite legions of wizard civilization will come to plunge into this "bottomless pit"!

Because the effort is not proportional to the gain.

The Wild Star Territory and the Beast Star Territory behind it are like stones in a pit, smelly and hard.

Instead of spending a lot of energy and cost to conquer this outer star field, the wizard civilization should continue to increase its efforts and put pressure on the hinterland of the Gallente Federation.

The civilized battlefield is a whole.

Just witch

The division's civilization continues to advance on the front line, even approaching the hinterland of the Gallente Federation's home star domain.

By then, it is estimated that the Wizarding Civilization will not need to send troops to regain the Wild Star Territory, and the Gallente Federation will take the initiative to withdraw its troops and return to the battlefield of the Home Star Territory.

Perhaps, in the context of such a civilized war, the Gallente Federation is already thinking this way.

After all, the strategic value of garrisoning in the Wild Star Territory to them is no longer great.

What's the use of holding on to the front line when our hometown is about to be penetrated? !

The intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron are really a bunch of honest people.

They know that Thane, who holds the Rubik's Cube, is of great significance to their family.

Therefore, during the battle in the Wild Star Territory, no one dared to hide anything from Thane.

Not only did he show all the actual battle conditions to Thane, but he also informed them of the risks involved and the worries they had as a family of intelligent robots.

Now, the choice is Thain's.

To help or not to help?

Of course I want to help!

Thane regards the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron as an important aid to his future exploration of truth and the development of his power.

But before agreeing to these intelligent robots, Thane must first obtain a commitment from them.

"I can send troops to assist you, but I also have a condition." Thain said.

"Master, please speak." Shockwave said respectfully, the flashing red light in his eyes signifying his excitement at this time.

"I want your intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron to be led by me in the Wizards' Alliance from now on."

"And establish a priority cooperation channel with the Holy Tower of Ashes." Thain said solemnly.

"Brothers, I would like to recommend to you the book "The Strongest God of War" that Xiaodou is reading recently. It is the work of Xiaodou who admires the great god Lie Yantao the most. Readers who like urban literature can read it, including "The Strongest God of War" by Brother Lieyan Bing" Xiaodou also likes it! Xiaodou guarantees that it is from urban literature!"

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