The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2230: Conquering the Intelligent Robots

When Thain was at level 4 or 5, it was really hard to say some things.

Although he already has a very good relationship with the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron.

But you let dozens or hundreds of high-level robots above level 4 that originally broke away from the Gallente Federation attach themselves to a level 4 or 5 magician from the Wizarding World?

This is indeed a bit overwhelming!

Not to mention, there are also level six intelligent robots like Decepticons and Optimus Prime.

However, as Thain has also been promoted to level six, everything will become a matter of course.

Thane needs the power of intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron.

Some of the mechanical integration experiments he conducted in the Corellon Star Territory using the Golden Iron Beast, Li Batian and others as templates have already verified that the mechanical path he explored is correct!

And the last time Jintiemon told him that there are currently 147 advanced robots above level 4 in their intelligent robot family!

What a powerful force this is!

As long as Thain can join the intelligent robot family, with the catalytic evolution of the Rubik's Cube, I believe that the intelligent robot family will develop even more prosperously and powerfully in the future.

This is a matter of mutual benefit.

I believe those smart robots also know that if they want to use the power of the Rubik's Cube, they can only rely on Thain in the future to achieve maximum development.

Faced with Thain's request, the red electronic eyes of Shockwave, a late-level five intelligent robot, flashed and did not immediately respond.

Instead, after thinking for a moment, he said, "Master Thane, from the day we break away from the control of the Gallente Federation and gain freedom, we intelligent robots will not be anyone's slaves."

When Thain heard this, he smiled and said, "I just want you to take me as the leader in the Wizards Alliance in the future. I don't want you to recognize me as your master."

"Haha, our Wizards Alliance is an inclusive and open group. Except for those creatures who are themselves slaves, which alliance plane do you think has a master-servant relationship with the powerful wizard civilization?"

"Even creatures that were originally from the slave plane, our wizard civilization will give them the opportunity to be freed from their shackles one day and become one of the normal alliance planes."

"There is no free lunch in the world, and the war in the Wild Star Territory is not easy to fight. Since Master Aksu wants

The withdrawal of troops shows that the wizard civilization has no intention of sending other local legions to support it for the time being. "

"If I want to lead the forces in the Land of Ashes to go to war, I have to consider the losses that may be suffered on the battlefield there."

"To prove our friendship, I feel that my request is not excessive." Thain shook his head.

"Besides, do you know why the Wild Star Territory is so hard to crack and handed over to your intelligent robot family?" Thain asked.

Shockwave's red eyes flashed. It actually knew the answer, but it just didn't want to say it.

Thain answered for it, "Because you have joined the Wizards Alliance for so long, and you have also performed many tasks and made great contributions to the alliance. But so far, you have not been clearly attached to a certain force or a certain force in the Wizarding World. A strong individual."

"Normally a sixth-level magician in the wizarding world can't give you shelter."

"With the strength of your intelligent robot family, you must at least dominate."

"Although I am not the master, I promise that as long as you join my command, you will enjoy as much help as possible from me."

"Just to help your intelligent robot clan expand more clan members, I can easily help you achieve it now." Thane said to Shockwave in front of him.

Thain said it sincerely.

In the wizarding world, he does not have as much authority as a true spirit master, but he will do his best to help the intelligent robot family.

For the intelligent robot family, apart from Thane, the most likely force in the wizarding world to accept them is the City of Steel.

Including the past few thousand years, the City of Steel has also sent many mechanics to come into contact with these intelligent robots, including even disciples of the true spirit-level mechanic Victor.

But these mechanics are more interested in dismantling and studying the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertana, rather than giving them help.

Especially for the expansion of tribes that smart robots need most, steel

The city's mechanics can't help them.

In the wizarding world, only Thane can help them now!

So, are you relying on the disciples of the True Spirit-level mechanic, or are you relying on Thain in front of you?

There is not much time left for the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron to think about it.

Faced with such a major decision for the ethnic group, it cannot be decided by Shockwave, not even the Golden Iron Beast.

After a moment of silence, Shockwave replied, "I need to communicate with the two leaders first."

"This is your right." Thane stretched out his hand and smiled at Shockwave.

While Thane was talking to Shockwave, Human Torch, one of the two intelligent robots accompanying him, also fell into a state of deep thought.

If it had just left the planet Cybertron, it would have been extremely unhappy with being attached to a certain party.

But with the passage of time, the growth of strength, and the exposure to more and more things.

The Human Torch has obviously become stronger than before, but its personality is not as hot as it was in the early stage of level four.

It is also analyzing the pros and cons in its heart at this time.

And to be honest, the Human Torch is not disgusted with Thane, and is very grateful for Thain's help to the intelligent robot family.

During the last war in Corellon, Thane used the Rubik's Cube to help the Human Torch improve and upgrade its systems and limb accessories after completing the integration experiment with the Human Torch, which improved the Human Torch's strength to a certain extent.

It shouldn't be bad to be attached to such a sixth-level great magician who is knowledgeable, powerful and can bring them the benefits of the intelligent robot family, right? The Human Torch thought to himself.

Unlike Human Torch and Shockwave who have their own thoughts, another intelligent robot from the planet Cybertron is somewhat "heartless".

This is a very small intelligent robot.

The Thunderbolts and their ilk have a physique of more than ten meters, and in combat conditions, they can even expand to hundreds or thousands of meters in size.

The smart robot in front of me is only two meters tall, but its shape is very anthropomorphic.

And the other party’s strength is only

Demi god.

This "pocket" robot, named Hot Wheels, is a new member of the planet Cybertron.

Because of its outstanding growth potential, it has attracted the attention of many advanced intelligent robots, especially Optimus Prime.

In addition, this guy is usually quite articulate and has a vivid mind that other intelligent robots generally do not have, so this time he was sent to the wizarding world to ask for Thain's assistance.

Unexpectedly, when Thain was talking to Shockwave, this guy not only didn't interrupt at all, but actually had fun with Hal, the electronic cockroach in the main office of Thain Tower.

The two little guys are both semi-god-level and can be regarded as "mechanical species". It's quite interesting to look at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

The Human Torch, who was thinking about the problem, couldn't stand it anymore, and asked Hot Wheels to be quiet, and this guy finally calmed down.

And the Human Torch introduced Hot Wheels to Thane by the way.

This little thing with only semi-god-level strength is always boastful among the intelligent robots. He is the "third figure" in the intelligent robot family, second only to the two leaders Decepticon and Optimus Prime.

All intelligent robots usually laugh at this guy's weird behavior.

After all, it is rare for such an alternative to appear among intelligent robots that adhere to programming principles.

Facing Shockwave and Thunderbolt, who were in a state of deep thought at this time, Hot Wheels obviously listened to the content, and saw it said without hesitation, "If you ask me, just join Master Thane's Ashes." The tower forces have won!"

"Master has helped us intelligent robots so much, will he harm us?"

"If the master hadn't rescued and liberated our intelligent robot family back then, maybe my Hot Wheels would be used as a motorcycle tool by some boring Federation human being."

"I don't want to be ridden by some low-level creatures." Hot Wheels said, shaking his head.

The electronic cockroach Hal jumped on its head and kept shaking its tentacles.

Seen's eyes lit up when he saw this, "What an insightful little guy."

"The next chapter will be around two o'clock~"

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