The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2228 Pleading

Hal, the electronic cockroach, could very coincidentally appear when Thain had just completed this phase of the experiment. He must have been the one notified by Wall-E.

This pair of mechanical creatures, who have been friends for countless thousands of years, seem to have some special mysterious connection.

This kind of connection exceeds ordinary signal transmission methods, and even Thain, who is at the sixth level at this time, has difficulty exploring its true meaning.

He guessed that this was a special artistic conception that had accumulated over a long period of time.

It's a bit like the power of fate. It's always hard to explain, but I can't tell exactly what it is.

In addition, there are many secrets about WALL-E and Hal.

As the technological crystallization of the top-level technological civilization Aiyoulan butterfly creature, WALL-E looks rusty on the outside, but it must have some cutting-edge technological secrets inside.

It's just that Thain hasn't been able to unlock it at this stage.

Including Hal, a little bug whose external strength is only at the level of a demi-god, it's not easy either!

As a half-mechanical, half-flesh creature, the blood of Hal's biological battleship flows through his body.

Thane also tried to extract blood factors from Hal's body.

At that time, this gadget was extremely painful.

There was a time when I had to take a detour when I saw Thain.

In the end, Thane only extracted two drops of Hal's blood.

These are two drops of blood with extremely "inert factors".

Yes, this inert factor is very similar to the inert crystal that Thain came into contact with in the past!

I don’t know that the creatures of the Black Yin civilization have this characteristic.

It was Hal and WALL-E who had stayed in the subspace secret realm of the Aiyou Orchid Butterfly Civilization for a long time. During the assimilation of countless thousands of years, they were transformed into inert crystals just like the ordinary crystals produced by those infinite energy devices.

Or is it a bit of both?

In short, how is inert crystal produced and whether it can achieve mass production.

This problem is difficult for even the Zerg Blade Queen, who possesses level eight strength, to solve.

If the demand for inert crystals is solved, the Zerg will suddenly become the prototype of a top civilization, and the opponent's strength will even increase faster than other civilizations!

Thain temporarily slowed down his experiments and went to the top of the Holy Tower to meet his guests.

There were two groups of visitors, no wonder Melly would notify Hal to remind herself.

The first people Thain met were two members of the Guardian organization who came to serve in the Land of Ashes.

This is a man and a woman, the man is a knight and the woman is a magician.

Speaking of which, Thane has been back to the Land of Ashes for some time, and the two guardians have been serving in the Land of Ashes for a long time.

But this was the first time they met.

The knight's name is Buchak. He is a young knight with fiery red hair. He looks to be less than three thousand years old.

Being able to advance to level four in such a short period of time stems from his selfless dedication to his mother plane.

Thain could see that Buchak also had a great deal of plane will attention in his body.

It seems that in the weak stage, it is not only Thain who can get such adventures as the light of the plane.

Another female magician named Mileni is a woman with long light blue hair. She looks a little bigger than Buchak, but has a baby face.

Whether it is Buchak or Mileni, their real ages are younger than Thain.

They are both "little guys" who are thousands of years old. Facing a powerful sixth-level magician and "senior" like Thain, the two members of the Guardian organization seemed very reserved.

During the chat, Thane learned that it had not been long since they had joined the Guardian organization.

The Land of Ashes is the first place where they performed their duties.

"For a long time in the future, I will get rid of Master Thain and take care of you!" Knight Buchak said respectfully to Thain.

"Easy to say, easy to say. I will also lead all the holy towers and knight halls in the Land of Ashes and try my best to cooperate with your work." Thain smiled gently.

The Guardian organization sent two "newcomers" over, which was naturally a good thing for Thain.

In the underground world of the Land of Ashes, some ash products are difficult to expose.

The two newcomers are more likely to be "fooled" by the old guys from the Beren Empire and the Black Territory.

It is estimated that the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization sent them here after many considerations.

After talking with Thain for a long time, especially promising that he and others would assist the Holy Tower of Ashes and other forces to speed up the construction and development of the Land of Ashes, Buchak and Mileni, two members of the fourth-level guardian organization, I left Thain's Holy Tower office with some unfinished content.

Regarding the concept of building and developing the Land of Ashes, many of Thain's ideas coincided with those of the young and energetic Buchak during the previous exchanges, which made the little guy become very motivated.

Magician Mileni was impressed by Thain's wealth of knowledge during a short period of contact.

Although Thain's mastery of the secrets of the original law is different from Mileni's, many of the tips in related fields also made Mileni understand the analogy and she felt that she had gained a lot.

"Mage Mileni, you are a water magician. It just so happens that our Dean Meili of the Holy Tower of Ashes is also a fourth-level water elementalist."

"If you have the opportunity in the future, you can come to our Holy Tower of Ashes often and communicate with Dean Meili."

"I believe you will have a lot in common." Thain smiled.

"Then this will disturb Master Meili and you too much." Mileni said. 🅆

"It doesn't matter. Even low-level magicians often hold academic salons. We magicians above level 4 should also communicate more."

"Hundreds of years ago, I held a magic salon in the Holy Tower of Ashes. At that time, several fifth- and sixth-level masters from the Mamet Alliance and the Western Islands participated, and we all benefited a lot."

"If there is a similar event next time, I can also send invitations to you two." Thain said with a smile.

"Knight Buchak, you may be a knight, but because the secret of truth that I am good at involves body refining and other projects, I might be able to help you," Thain said to the red-haired knight.

After a very harmonious meeting and exchange, Knight Buchak and Magician Mileni declined the life potion that Thain wanted to give, and left the Holy Tower of Ashes without taking anything.

After leaving the Holy Tower of Ashes, Buchak couldn't help but sigh to Mileni who was traveling with him, "Master Thain is so easy to get along with. I was a little worried at first. The one we work with is a Holy Tower who is not easy to talk to." Where is the Lord?"

Most magicians in the wizarding world have some quirks.

in particular

The higher the level of magician, the longer the lifespan of those old monsters, and the more unpredictable their temperaments become.

When Buchak first joined the Guardian organization, he heard other knights in the organization mention that some holy towers and knight halls were really difficult to get along with.

For example, there is a Holy Tower of Dark Fire in the north of the Erie Knights Alliance.

That sixth-level tower master was really difficult to get along with.

Buchak was originally a knight who grew up in the Ely Knights Alliance, so he also heard about the situation in the Holy Tower of Dark Fire.

"Yes, Master Thain also funded our development with 20 million magic coins. It is true that such a generous Holy Tower owner is rare in our wizarding world." Milai, who has more experience Ni said.

Before coming to work in the Land of Ashes, Mileni's main area of ​​activity was the central and western region of the Wizarding World.

There are no well-known forces in the wizarding world sitting there, there are only some scattered holy towers, knight halls, and some small and medium-sized powers.

The Ashes of Thane can be regarded as the prototype of a medium-sized force.

But by observing Thain's attitude towards the Guardian organization, it can be clearly seen that it is completely different from the tower owners Mileni has come into contact with before.

The two fourth-level members of the Guardian Organization sighed and left the Holy Tower of Ashes.

In the tower master's office on the top floor of the Holy Tower, Thain began to receive his second wave of guests.

What appeared in front of Thane at this time were three intelligent robots from the planet Cybertron.

To some extent, their attraction to Thane is even greater than that of the two members of the Guardian organization who have just left.

One of the intelligent robots was the Human Torch who had just ended their war cooperation in the Corellon Star Territory.

But the other Thane paid more attention to was a late-level fifth-level intelligent robot named Shockwave.

It came with a Decepticon request.

"We beg Master Thane to help us complete a war mission assigned to us by the Wizards Alliance." Shockwave said respectfully.

"What mission?" Thain asked.

"The war mission to regain the Wild Star Territory and destroy the Beast Star Territory." Shockwave replied.

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