The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2193: Solving the Black Domain Problem

The black tower forces participating in the Corellon Star Territory War are tentatively designated as Meikaly's Black Tower of Cang Skeleton, Lina's Black Tower of Netherworld, Zorro's Black Tower of Moro, Faile's Black Tower of Death, and Joni's Dark Source. Black Tower.

The overall energy of the five black towers is not small.

As for the Black Knights, another major power group in the Black Territory, Thain and others did not win over them this time.

Because the black magician himself is a spellcaster with strong individual combat capabilities, he does not need the protection of knights.

In other words, they will not trust any creature except their own summoned units and corpse-refining beasts.

The army in the Black Territory has basically been dispatched.

He also visited Lina's Netherworld Black Tower.

Lina's Netherworld Black Tower is located in the center of the Black Territory.

Not only is the development of her black tower the most stable, but Lina has also been promoted to level five.

The strength of the Netherworld Black Tower is second only to the Meikali Blue Skeleton Black Tower that has been standing for tens of thousands of years.

Another sigh for Thain during this trip to the Black Realm is that I didn’t expect that my senior brother was so good at playing.

Sure enough, staying in a place like the Black Territory, senior brother has also changed a lot.

After Thane inspected and solved the legions dispatched in the Black Territory and some "minor problems" faced by several black towers.

Thain returned to the Holy Tower of Ashes and met his son Narcisiu and his girlfriends.

Seeing all kinds of people of the opposite sex in front of him, with different professions and even different races, Thain's mouth twitched slightly.

He didn't scold Narcissus, because Thain himself seemed to have a lot of beauties, but not as exaggerated as Narcissus.

Thane informed Narcissus to follow his mothers in the next plane war.

Narcisiu expressed great excitement about being able to participate in the plane war.

It was also when the Ashes Holy Tower army was about to set off that the fifth-level black magician Sherpa, who had previously targeted Mei Kaili and others, finally came to the door.

This guy didn't come here voluntarily, but someone from the Black Territory had spoken.

The majesty of Thane, the normal master of the holy tower, is obviously not as good as those old guys who have accumulated power in the depths of the black realm for a long time.

Two level six black magicians and a level six black knight contacted Sherpa through various channels.

If this guy wants to continue to hang out in the Black Realm in the future, he must come to the Holy Tower of Ashes to "please bear the thorns".

Maybe he knew about the previous situation of the fourth-level black magician Feimengsi.

After arriving at the Holy Tower of Ashes in a low-key manner, the fifth-level black magician Sherpa presented a section of his palm to Thain.

This guy is quite proactive!

The palm of a fifth-level black magician is considered a good experimental material.

More importantly, if this guy does anything strange in the future, Thane can use the palm with the mark of his blood to cast curses on him.

It is not a pleasant thing to have body information obtained by a sixth-level magician.

Even though the fifth-level black magician Sherpa forced a smile in front of Thain, Thain could still see the embarrassment deep in his heart.

"Creating too much chaos in the Black Territory is not what the guardians want to see."

"I heard that the Guardian of Spring and the Guardian of Summer have traveled to the Black Realm several times in the past thousand years."

"You were forced here by Bergen and the others. After this, I will talk to Master Bergen and the others about this matter." Thain said expressionlessly.

Between opening and closing his mouth, he was talking about guardians, or sixth-level black magicians such as Bergen.

It shows the connections and status of a top powerhouse like Thane in the wizarding world.

After training Sherpa to a pulp, Thane snorted coldly.

"You can take care of yourself!" After saying that, Thain turned and left Sherpa, leaving him alone to think about it.

Bergen is a sixth-level black magician deep in the Black Territory. He is considered a scheming guy. He is friends with Andy Dufresne in the heart of the Black Territory.

These are the ones who joined forces to put pressure on Sherpa this time.

The two guardians have never been able to solve the problem of the black domain. In Thain's view, it is because the guardians failed to directly threaten these "meritorious ministers"


The overall suppression of the Black Domain in the Wizarding World has resulted in people in the Black Domain not having any direct interest in the normal Holy Tower powerhouses or even the guardians of the Wizarding World.

Apart from driving these people from the Black Realm out of the wizarding world, the guardians seem to have no means to directly punish them.

Continue to block the black area? Or is it to intensify the search for black magicians in the middle and lower levels?

The effect of this method on the current governance of the black area is actually very small.

On the contrary, Thane can choke the Black Territory's neck.

If Thane is on the upstream side, he deliberately targets certain powerful people or certain forces in the black realm and does not smuggle resources to them.

Those black magicians who have truly become impoverished must also be caught blind.

Being able to help the Guardians control the chaotic atmosphere in the Black Realm is also good for Thane.

First, it can shorten the relationship with the Guardian of Summer and others, but after Lina, Mei Kelly and others go to the Corellon Star Territory, their black tower will not be destroyed or impacted.

So on the eve of his departure from the wizarding world, Thain also deliberately communicated with Bergen, Andy Dufresne and other black domain powerhouses.

I heard that Master Andy Dufresne had just been promoted to the sixth level, but he had many connections in the dark realm, and also had a relationship with Norton, the warden of the Atlanta Star Prison.

In short, Master Andy Dufresne can still protect himself in the Black Domain.

In the past, when he was at the fifth level, many veteran black domain powerhouses gave him face.

Now promoted to the sixth level, Master Andy Dufresne is a signature and good old man in the Black Domain.

Under the premise that the Tower of True Spirit in the Black Realm did not say anything, and several peak level six black magicians did not show up.

Only Master Andy Dufresne is qualified to resolve some conflicts within the Black Domain.

In the past, no matter how much trouble there was outside the Black Territory, Master Andy had no name, and it was not easy to forcefully control it.

Or he doesn't really want to care.

But when Thain took action, it had directly begun to affect the overall interests of the top management in the Black Domain.

Master Andy had to step forward to coordinate the solution of the black domain

a series of issues in recent years.

In fact, Master Andy is also a gray magician, not a pure black magician, otherwise he would not have become friends with Norton, the warden of Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

But what makes this old man really awesome and famous is that he successfully escaped from the Atlanta Interstellar Prison with a group of inmates.

Jiuji Demon Lord and others who are still serving their sentences in the interstellar prison, if they had Master Andy's craftsmanship, they might not have to spend time in a miserable kiln anymore.

As the fifth-level black magician Sherpa surrendered, the sixth-level black magician Andy Dufresne and others launched a top-down "cleaning" operation in the black domain.

The atmosphere in the Black Territory, which had been in chaos for thousands of years, finally became clear.

There are signs of returning to the time before civilized war began.

The Guardian of Summer is very well informed.

She didn't know where to find the information, and learned that the person behind the incident was Thain.

Including that she also has a general understanding of Thain's smuggling and other ashes in the Land of Ashes.

——In fact, there are some things that cannot be hidden from the real top management at all.

And those at the top will not be too strict on everything.

The Guardian of Spring and Summer only gave Rose advice and instruction back then, and would not really punish her in any way.

This society is like that.

However, by the time the Guardian of Summer contacted Thane, he had already led his legion, left the wizarding world, and started rushing to the frontline battlefield.

In response, the Guardian of Summer said to himself, "The Guardian organization of the Ashes of Thane will also be established."

"This time, let's send him two clever little guys."

"I heard that this guy has also prepared 20 million magic coins in support funds?"

"Haha, you are so rich."

"A young man like this should support our Guardian cause more." Guardian of Summer said with a smile while touching his chin.

"Xiaodou saw the monthly tickets that everyone rewarded, so he said nothing. The fifth update is until the end of the month!

Around seven o’clock in the evening, there are two more updates~”

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