The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2192 Misunderstanding

In addition to Martin, Thane, who was thinking of something, casually asked about Joni's disciple, the black magician Lilianya.

Thain originally thought that the black magician who was his apprentice at the time might be dead long ago.

But unexpectedly, when Thain asked about this person, Joni actually waved behind her.

A tall, semi-god black magician wearing leather boots walked up to Thain.

This black magician also has a beautiful appearance and fair skin. 🅆

But the only fly in the ointment is that the opponent's right eye socket seems to be completely necrotic.

And a magic mechanical eye is embedded in it to provide him with perception and vision.

Lilianya has also changed a lot, and Thain can no longer recognize some of her temperament from back then.

Also, how old were you all at that time, and how old are you now?

Lilianya, who has reached the demigod state, looks relatively young.

It's not that her maintenance ability is too strong, but that in addition to her flesh and blood body, she seems to have also undergone a certain degree of mechanized transformation of her body.

The magical mechanical right eye is just one of them.

Under Thain's faceless interview, it was found that a lot of transformations had taken place inside the other party's body.

Many flesh and blood tissues were replaced by her with mechanical materials.

This transformation allows Lilianya to have a longer lifespan than a normal demigod-level magician, and the aging period will also come later.

This also depends on whether some spell casters can do something to themselves.

For example, those magicians who transform themselves into lich or necromantic creatures have longer lives!

But not everyone likes to change their life form.

Not to mention, it also comes with a high failure rate and danger.

Selena and Irene, whose souls had been taken in by Thane, had no intention of transforming themselves into lichs on the eve of their deaths.

Maybe it was because Thain looked at Lilianya's right eye for a little too long.

Ms. Qiongni hurriedly explained, "This partial mechanization transformation is not an experiment I conducted on her, but something she discovered before."

"This child also had a hard life. Thousands of years ago, when he accompanied me on the battlefield behind enemy lines in the Gallente Federation,

, her eyes were hit by a federal warship. "

"If localized mechanical modifications had not been carried out early, this child might have lost more than just his right eye." Joanne sighed.

Normally, someone would stare at Lilianya’s right eye like this.

When her reverse scales are touched, she will show the other person what true cruelty is!

Although Joni and Lilianya looked respectful in front of Thane, in fact they were both real black magicians, much more pure than Zorro.

Thain nodded and did not make any reply to Joni's sigh.

On the contrary, Lilianya was looking at the most shameful and embarrassing side of her for so long, and she couldn't help but lower her head and turn it sideways.

Her beautiful long dark yellow hair covered part of Lilianya's cheeks.

Thane is obviously very interested in the semi-mechanical transformation Lilianya gave him!

Because Thain himself is a mechanic, this semi-mechanical transformation involves another part of the mysterious field of mechanics that Thain has not touched before.

However, Lilianya's transformation still does not apply to the previous Selena and Irene.

Because the two women's soul power was directly exhausted, and it was not a simple decline in physical functions.

If the two women could be promoted to demigods back then, it would still be possible for them to live for another 10,000 to 20,000 years with Thane's ability.

By then, there might be a way to help them get promoted to level four.

After staring at Lilianya for a moment, Thain stretched out his hand and took the initiative to say hello to this former classmate.

"Long time no see, Lilianya."

"If there is a chance in the future, I think we can conduct some experimental cooperation." Thain smiled.

What experimental cooperation can a sixth-level magician do with me?

Although there was still a trace of confusion in her heart, Lilianya still bowed down respectfully like her mentor.

Compared to her mentor, Lilianya's figure is even worse.


She is characterized by her tallness.

I wonder if Lilianya can still perform body training after transforming herself into a semi-mechanical person.

Having discovered a new research direction, Thain couldn't help but come up with many experimental ideas in an instant.

Sure enough, the sixth level is not the limit for truth seekers.

There are so many things that Thain is interested in right now.


After confirming with Ms. Joni that her Black Tower could also participate in the war, Thane came together with Zorro and others again.

After respectfully watching Thane and others leave, Qiongni couldn't help but call her disciples to her side.

Lilianya is not Joni's only disciple, but she is indeed her first disciple now.

Joni is also willing to discuss many things with Lilianya, including many things at the Dark Source Black Tower, and Lilianya helps take care of them.

Joanne couldn't help but ask, "You and Master Thain were classmates back then, and we had contact after the first level. Do you think...Master Thain has some special feelings for you?"

"After all, the friendship during the apprenticeship is indeed deeper." Ms. Qiongni said thoughtfully, touching her chin.

The instructor's question made Lilianya feel dumbfounded.

"With what I look like now, would anyone still be interested in me?" Lilianya asked.

"That's not necessarily true." Joni shook her head seriously and said, "Some magicians have some quirks. I think Master Thain looked at you for a long time just now, especially your eyes."

"Especially I heard that Master Thain is also a mechanic himself, and he has such a powerful mechanical angel. I wonder what the two of you have in common," Joanne said.

The instructor's remarks made Lilianya smile bitterly and shake her head.

Maybe it was because her mentor was in a good mood today, or perhaps because Thain's mention of experimental cooperation with Lilianya just now gave her a lot of courage, so much so that she even dared to joke with her mentor.

I saw Lilianya whispering, "Rather than saying that Master Thain will fall in love with me, it is more likely that he will fall in love with you."

"What?" Joanie said in shock.

Seeing that her mentor was not angry, Li

Lianya continued, "Teacher, I am more sensitive to certain aspects than you are."

"I think Master Thain may be more interested in you. Although you said that he just looked at my magic mechanical eye for a long time."

"But you didn't notice that Master Thain seemed to be looking at your chest for a while," Lilianya said.

Lilianya's words made Qiongni stunned, and her face gradually turned green and white.

Lilianya also knew at this time that she could not say any more and hurriedly shut up.

The master and apprentice couldn't help but look in the direction of Thain. Thain, who was walking side by side with Zorro, had flown far away without realizing it.

"This must be your illusion." Joni said with a frown.

But after a moment, Qiongni hesitated and said, "But I did hear that Master Thain was practicing body training."

"It seems that body-refining magicians are very different from normal magicians." Joanne pondered.

Lilianya nodded hurriedly.


"Brother, have you fallen in love with Ms. Joni?" Here, Thain was also having a similar conversation with Zorro.

"Otherwise, why would you speak for her like this?" Thain smiled.

Thain was very happy to see his senior brother regain his second youth.

It's just that this time, Thane really misunderstood Zorro, and he didn't have any feelings for Ms. Joni.

After Zorro's immediate denial.

Thane patted Zoro on the shoulder and said, "In addition to getting along with the apprentices, you should also consider other things."

"Now I find that it is good to have a child and have a blood tie." Thain said.

Thane's words gave Zoro some misunderstandings.

A bit of embarrassment flashed across his face, and he said, "Really, why did Feier tell you everything?"

"Oh..." Thain muttered.

"My female disciples and I only do that occasionally."

"Having and raising offspring is still too far away for me, so I won't consider it for the time being." Zorro replied.

"Ah?!" Thain said in surprise.

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