The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2194 Various Legions

Yi Jing demiplane.

The various combat legions under Thane's command temporarily reunited in this world.

The Sorcerer Borrick and the Knight Ganuru who had decided to join the Land of Ashes were also met directly by Thane here.

The fourth-level magician Borrick is a young magician with short black hair.

Holding a ram's horn magic wand, he actually had a smell of sulfur that was common among demons.

When asked about this matter, Thane was shocked to learn that Borrick's magician's true caster profession should be classified as a "demon warlock."

Thane, who also masters the transformation of the Ash Demon and possesses part of the demon blood factor in his body, can also be called a demon warlock.

It's just that Thane's path to the elements is not as thorough as Borrick's magician.

"The control of demons in the field of elemental energy is indeed different from other creatures."

"If there is a chance in the future, I think we can communicate more." Thane smiled at Borrick.

"It is my honor, Master Thane." Borrick said respectfully to Thane.

Borrick, who grew up under the protection of the Holy Tower of Ashes, has always regarded Thane as his idol.

The other Ganuru Knight, who came with a mercenary group to join the battle, was several times more rugged in appearance and style than Mage Borrick.

This is a three-meter-tall strong man with short razor braids.

His weapon is a giant ax as long as his body.

Even when he met Thane, this guy was not wearing armor, but only wearing a pair of purple shorts.

His strong chest and muscular arms were directly exposed in front of Thane.

There are many scars and bloody scabs on it that look like centipedes.

These wounds have basically healed, showing the Ganulu Knight's rich combat experience.

When he met Thain like this, it wasn't that he didn't respect Thain, but that Ganulu was used to "running naked".

In his own words, "When I led a mercenary group to earn a living, where did I get the extra money to buy armor?"

“Later I gradually got used to it.


This is an existence that has been messing around with the mercenary group since the first level.

Ganuru Knight is a very interesting powerhouse.

Thane promised him that he would help Ganulu refine his heavy ax during his trip to the Corellon Star Territory.

Including Mage Borrick, Thain gave him a notebook from his previous research on demon blood.

Because some of the demonic bloodlines recorded in the notes belong to the purgatory demons in Faerûn, many of the descriptions of demonic power are not easily available in the wizarding civilization.

Therefore, the notebook is extremely precious to Master Borrick.

Establishing and operating a force is like this. Not only does the leader need to be extremely powerful, but it also needs to provide visible benefits to the followers who follow him.

A small alchemy experiment and a magic notebook that he had recorded before made these two fourth-level strongmen who decided to join the Land of Ashes become more and more respectful to Thain.

When the Land of Ashes becomes more prosperous in the future, Thane can consider imitating his ancestor Trilis and establishing a medium-sized organization in the wizarding world similar to the Gate of Elements. 6̳̳

Thain and others did not stay in the Yijing demiplane for a long time.

After the armies from all walks of life arrived one after another and all war supplies were prepared, they marched to the frontline battlefield in a mighty manner.

Nearly twenty space fortresses are advancing together, and the picture is quite spectacular.

Lina and Meikaly in the Black Territory each have a fortress. This is something Thane has known for a long time.

Even Lina's space fortress was bought by Thane.

The fourth-level black magician Joanne actually owns a dilapidated second-hand space fortress that she found somewhere, which was beyond Thane's expectation.

Feier and Zorro, who had just built the Black Tower, were not far away from having a space fortress of their own.

Waiting for this Corellon War

When it's over, they should have enough assets to order.

"The Legion of Believers, the Kryptonian Legion, the Huyan Legion led by the God of Black Mist and others, as well as the Justice League Legion established by Gal Gadot and others, have all gone to the Corellon Starfield battlefield in accordance with the original requirements."

"Because they are on the front line of the civilized battlefield, they may have arrived in the Corellon Star Territory a little earlier than us." Level 4 magician Meili reported to Thane in the fortress command room.

"Including the Centaur Legion, the Flame Insect Legion and other combat legions directly under our Ashes Holy Tower, they have also entered various major fortresses to prepare for war."

"But... you asked me to contact the intelligent robot army of Cybertron before."

"The leading Decepticons and Optimus Prime did not come in person because the wizard civilization assigned them other combat tasks to perform."

"On the contrary, we sent a part of the intelligent robot army headed by Golden Iron Beast, Li Batian, Thunderbolt, etc." Meili said.

The intelligent robots on Cybertron still value their friendship with Thane.

After all, Thain controls the lifeblood of their tribe's intelligent tribesmen - the Rubik's Cube.

Not seen for many years, these intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron have also undergone great changes.

Although the number of newly born tribesmen has always been a flaw.

However, those veteran intelligent robot experts who have experienced the tempering of civilized wars have all achieved varying degrees of strength improvement.

The Golden Iron Beast now possesses the fifth level of peak strength. It is the president of the intelligent robot army sent to the battlefield of the Corellon Star Territory.

In addition to him, intelligent robots such as Li Batian and Thunderbolt, which were only level four in strength back then, now have level five combat capabilities.

The evolution of intelligent robots is different from that of ordinary passively evolving creatures.

Their ability to improve their strength depends largely on the high-grade federal technological materials captured on the front lines of civilized battlefields, as well as the law energy contained in many federal warships.

Including the energy generated by Thane’s Cube

Amethyst can also speed up their evolution speed, injury recovery, etc.

All in all, this is a very special ethnic group.

It is also the Wizards Alliance legion that Thain is currently most keen to win over.

In response to Meili's report, Thane nodded.

Everything is mostly developing in a direction that satisfies Thain.

Thain then asked, "Where is the King of Ghost Crows? I have also invited the King of Ghost Crows to lead his Ghost Crow Army to join us in the next war."

"About the Ghost Crow King's will tell you personally." Meili replied.

"Guaguagua, Master Thain, of course we, the Ghost Crow Clan, are willing to join the plane war led by you."

"But I am currently leading the children on a mission in the central star field of the Gallente Federation."

"It will take a while before we can reach the Corellon Star Territory where you are." The King of Ghost Crows croaked.

On the other side of the communication light screen, Thain chuckled and said, "It's great if you can come. I welcome the King of Ghost Crows to participate in the Corellon Star Territory War."

"With level six creatures like you joining us, our chances of winning the war will be greater." Thain said with a smile.

"Guaguagua, even without me, with your strength, Master Thain, it is more than enough to win that medium-sized star field."

"I would also like to thank Master Thain for making us, the Ghost Crow Clan, rich."

"It just so happened that I was on the federal battlefield recently and confiscated a lot of new gadgets. Some of them may be of interest to you, Master Thain."

"When we meet in a while, I will send it to you." The King of Ghost Crows said.

This sixth-level creature who likes to devour souls is really good at being a human being.

No wonder he thrives in the Wizards' Union.

Although many powerful wizards and civilizations who know the King of Ghost Crows have their first impression of him as "stupid" and "silly".

"Okay, then we are waiting for your arrival." Thain smiled at the King of Ghost Crows.

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