The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2173 My son is missing

Moreover, as a person from the Black Realm, the Spider Queen also has a major characteristic, or advantage, that is, she can act unscrupulously.

Do some things that are not convenient for wizard civilization officials to do.

Targeting those neutral world civilizations should not be the main task of wizard civilization at this stage.

The current main task of the wizard civilization is to destroy and conquer the Gallente Federation.

In this process, trying to win over those "grassroots" as much as possible will help the wizard civilization determine the general trend of wars among surrounding civilizations.

But other than that, it's almost time to beat each other up.

This set of wizard civilization is really good to play.

Co-opting at the official level.

However, as a black glove strongman, he can instead execute the will of wizard civilization and "beat" those neutral planes that are not very good.

There are even some neutral planes that had in-depth cooperation with the Gallente Federation before, but they did not directly send legions to assist the Gallente Federation and confront the wizard civilization head-on.

When dealing with this part of the surrounding neutral world, the wizarding civilization still looks at each other with a kind smile.

But if you look at it, you will find that the wizard civilization is actually a smiling tiger.

It’s not that I won’t take care of you, it’s that the time has never come!

Even some neutral civilizations have lost their way and are now trying their best to curry favor with the wizard civilization.

But the mistakes they made in the past must be sorted out.

A big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other.

This method of wizard civilization is actually the most commonly used technique in the early development of the wizard alliance.

Those alliance planes are submissively governed by wizard civilization.

And those neutral planes and civilizations in the surrounding star fields, what are they still "neutral" about?

After the Gallente Federation War is over, joining the Wizards Alliance should be their only destination!

Don't want to join?

Okay, the Wizarding Civilization will dispatch an army as expected and come over to have a chat with you.

Talk about the things you did behind the back of wizard civilization.

Thane was not sure whether the war initiated by the Spider Queen was initiated by herself, or whether there was an instruction from the wizarding civilization behind it.

However, the more people Than brought there, the better. Green was appreciated by the Guardian of Winter, and Angelet's Komoyin Serpent Warlock family also had great influence on the west coast.

If the Spider Queen had not made it clear that Thane would not be allowed to take the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect with him.

The final lineup that Thain brings will probably be even more luxurious.

It is possible to directly turn against the enemy and surpass the spider queen in strength.

After leaving Planet Geist 2, Thain spent a short period of frontline combat zone and returned to the Wizarding World at a faster speed.

At this time, the Rubik's Cube was already fusing the mechanical sphere he had just obtained.

I really don’t know, only

How could a palm-sized Rubik's Cube swallow a metal ball with a diameter of ten meters?

When Thain returned to the outside of the wizarding world, the Rubik's Cube had completed 1761 of its devouring of the mechanical space in the metal sphere.

The speed was much faster than Thain expected.

The Union Fortress Group was parked outside the Wizarding World by Thane.

He is looking forward to the time when his Rubik's Cube can really evolve to ride on the combined fortress group.

At that time, doesn't it mean that Thain can save money on renting the star port?

What's more, will a star port be installed in the future?

Shaking his head, he threw away these currently unrealistic thoughts.

Thain, who has returned to the wizarding world, now has only one goal, to advance to level six!

After returning to the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane first looked at the Holy Tower of Jade Source.

Mentor Lu Lianman is still in a breakthrough state and has not yet left the laboratory.

Thain's outing this time did not last long in total.

According to Thain's estimation, it would take at least thirty years for a mentor to successfully break through to level five, or perhaps one or two hundred years at a long time.

Until Thain walks out of the laboratory next time, this pair of master and apprentice will not meet again in the short term.

After sighing softly and leaving all matters to Mellie, Thane headed straight to his private laboratory.

However, Mellie stopped Thain and told him an unexpected situation.

"Naxixiu left the Holy Tower of Ashes and went to the Black Realm to find his mother." Meili said.

"Ah?!" Thain said in surprise.

"When did he leave?"

"How could you just let him leave?"

"Do Lina and Meikali know about this?" Thain asked one after another.

Facing Thain's successive questions, Meili also felt very guilty. This was indeed her negligence.

However, as the dean of the Holy Tower, Meili is usually very busy. Who would have thought that this kid would sneak away with just a blink of an eye!

And Narcissus didn’t run alone, he also had “accomplices”!

The owl Xiao Qi, the half-undead girl Er Luo, and the elemental creature Sha'er all followed this kid.

Originally, Hal, the electronic cockroach, was also the target of Naxixiu's seduction, but Hal was reluctant to leave WALL-E, so he didn't go with him.

And after Naxixiu left, the back leg told the little fox girl about it, and then the news reached Meili's ears.

Meili originally wanted to chase him, but the boy had already passed through the teleportation array in the Land of Ashes and headed straight to the south coast.

Learning about breathing from my adoptive father

This guy also used his abilities and survival skills of casual cultivators very well to avoid Meili's pursuit.

When Xia Ya came out of the training room and learned that the child was missing, she also made a special trip to the south coast in person, but was surprised that she could not catch the kid.

The sky is high and the sea is wide enough for fish to swim. Narcisiu, who has never left the land of ashes, does not want to live a restricted life.

Especially after his father, mother, and adoptive father left the Holy Tower of Ashes one after another.

When Thain was as old as him, he had already experienced going to the Black Realm alone.

Narcisiu's strength at this time was much stronger than that of Thain.

Not to mention, there are three demigod-level protectors beside him at the moment.

As long as he doesn't provoke creatures above level four, he can conquer the entire wizarding world.

When he heard that Xiao Qi also went with Narcisiu, Thain's worries eased a lot.

Xiaoqi is much more stable than Naxi Xiu, and with him watching, Thain can feel more at ease.

Moreover, Xiao Qi had the experience of going to the Black Realm with Thane back then, but now it was just equivalent to walking the same path again.

In addition, there are two more mothers with level 5 strength covering the Black Domain.

Thain could not imagine what danger this boy would encounter.

When I learned from Meili that Narcissus had left the Holy Tower of Ashes for more than ten years.

Thain said in shock, "As soon as I left the wizarding world, this guy slipped away?"

And according to this time period, Narcissus should have almost arrived in the Black Territory, right? The space teleportation arrays throughout the Wizarding World are still very convenient.

"Lina just sent a message some time ago, saying that she has found traces of Narcissus and is keeping an eye on him, so we don't have to worry too much," Meili added.

This time, Thain nodded with complete relief.

"Naxi Xiu's strength is not weak. It would be good to let him go out and see the world."

“Tall trees cannot be grown in a greenhouse.”

"He is so old and has his own certain cognition and values. Going to a place like the Black Realm... may help him understand that the world is not as beautiful as what we show him." Thain sighed.

Then he tried not to think about his son anymore, and started to prepare, and still followed the plan to hit the sixth level.

Unlike the brat who sneaked out, Thain's disciple Kathleen is still well-behaved and has been practicing the secrets of truth taught to her by Thain in recent years.

And it seems that he is about to be promoted to the third level.

"When I come out of seclusion as a master, I will teach you the secret of Ashes Fire." Thain said to Kathleen before entering the laboratory.

"Yes!" Kathleen nodded heavily and said, "I wish you all the best, mentor!"

Equally well-behaved is Tourmaline.

More than ten years ago, when Thane left, Tourmaline turned into a dragon turtle form and slept in the Moon Bay outside the Holy Tower of Ashes.

More than ten years later, he is still sleeping without moving his body.

Highlight a stable.

Even some apprentices who have just arrived at the Holy Tower of Ashes have stayed at the Holy Tower Academy for more than ten years and found that the scenery of Moon Bay has not changed, and they all regard Tourmaline as an island.

There are real dirt, rocks and trees on the back of her turtle shell!

There are even many rare spiritual materials.

It’s just that there are very few lucky ones who can collect it.

When Thane entered a state of retreat and breakthrough in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

In the distant black realm, in a newly built huge black tower.

Naxi Xiu, who had the owl Xiaoqi standing on his shoulder, looked timidly at the gorgeous female magician in black robes in front of him.

"Gee, are you my junior brother's son?"

"It's so cute. You have indeed inherited some of your junior brother's handsomeness." Fei'er, a fourth-level black magician, touched Narcissus' head and said with a smile.

Mayfair's extremely sharp purple nails made people feel extremely chilly.

But she didn't have any ill intentions toward Narcissus.

Narcisiu, whose body was not yet fully developed, looked around at the rather gloomy black tower environment, swallowed his saliva, and said, "Auntie, my mother asked me to go home for dinner. You see..."

When Fei'er heard this, she pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "I'm sorry that junior brother has not forgotten me. How could I hurt a little guy like you?"

"It just so happens that I recently got a new group of slaves. How about giving them to you as playmates?" Feier asked with a smile.

Narcisiu shook his head, "Let's forget it. My father said that the principle of equal value transactions should be followed. I can't just take advantage of others."

"I'm not an outsider." Faile poked Narcissus' forehead with her finger and said, "There are female elves among the slaves this time."

Naxixiu made a "gurgling" sound in his throat.

Seeing this, Feier's face smiled even more and added, "And the breasts are big."

Narcissus replied, "Uh... shall I go and take a look?"

"Look, everything is fine, right?" Narcisiu turned to look at Xiao Qi.

Xiaoqi called out "gugu" twice.

The half-undead girl Luo and the elemental creature Sha'er on the other side didn't express any opinions.

After a while, "Well, Aunt Fei'er, can I take away all your slaves?" Naxi Xiu scratched his head and asked.

"Of course, they are my gift to you." Feier smiled.

Naxi Xiu nodded heavily this time and said to Xiao Qi, "I can help them get out of the sea of ​​misery. How can they be comfortable in the Holy Tower of Ashes in the Black Territory?"

"Gugu" Xiao Qi replied.

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