The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2172 Mechanical Space

Green will definitely lose from this transaction. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

It depends on how the two parties decide.

From the perspective of market economic value, although Thain's sea heart flame from the fairyland civilization is rare, its valuation will not be too high, because its law fluctuation limit is definitely not as good as the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire and Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire that Thain obtained before. Nether Fire and so on.

On the battlefield in this dimension, the federal technology product that caused the desire to devour the Rubik's Cube was either a world-class secret treasure, or a fragment of a world-class secret treasure that was extremely complete.

For a treasure of this level, you can see how much it is worth based on the market price in previous auctions.

But then again, truth is priceless.

If you look at Green's own value perception and knowledge system needs, the sea heart flame in Thain's hand is really "more fragrant" than ordinary world-class secret treasures!

Green himself has not dabbled in much mechanics, and the Federation's technological treasures are of extremely limited use to him.

After the fragment of the secret treasure arrived in Green's hands, it was most likely that he would study it for a period of time and then sell it to the wizarding civilization trading market.

It is sold to anyone, and if it is sold to Thain, he will definitely not suffer a loss.

I saw that Thain was not in a hurry to finalize the deal with Green, but raised his hand and added, "I only use Hai Xinyan to exchange for the federal secret treasure with you. You must be in a loss. After all, the world itself was conquered by you. That secret treasure also belongs to you."

"In addition to Hai Xinyan, I can also give you some rare fire element specimens that I collected in the Tianming Empire and the Divine World battlefield. I believe you will be interested in them."

"Besides, I can also use magic coins or soul crystals to make up for the other price differences. What do you think?" Thain asked with a smile.

Green also smiled and nodded. Magicians follow the principle of equivalent transactions, and since Thain and he are friends who have known each other since their apprenticeship, Green is not worried that Thain will cheat him.

Judging from the price Thain finally offered, he really did not treat Green badly!

It's a pity that the rest of the Jiutian Xuanhuo and other cutting-edge flames that Thain had in hand were transferred to other members of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect, and there was no spare one left.

Otherwise, using this object as another trading item would better demonstrate Thain's sincerity.

After confirming the transaction, the two ended reminiscing.

Greene needs to continue to lead his combat corps and speed up the advance against the Federal front.

Before setting off, he invited Thain, "I'd really like to see your true peak combat power. How about showing it in this plane war?"

"I think your mechanical secrets are not just about splicing seven space fortresses together, is that simple?" Green looked up at the metal continent in the sky.

Regarding Green's invitation, Thain pondered for two seconds and finally replied, "Okay."

In the war on Geist Planet 2, after Thane joined, only half a year passed before the main federal front was completely defeated.

The majestic giant fortress robot gave great surprise to the warring creatures between the wizard civilization and the Gallente Federation on the battlefield of this planet.

The Gallente Federation creatures, which have developed mature giant mecha manufacturing technology, were shocked and speechless when they saw the fortress mecha that was a hundred times larger than their fourth-level mecha.

Green, the fifth-level magician who was the leader of the other side of the war, could not help but sigh in a low voice in a corner of the battlefield, "Have you already achieved the sixth-level biological combat power?"

Deep in the ruins of the Federation's main front, the area where Thain's giant fortress robots were bombarded, Thain finally used the Rubik's Cube to unearth and find a spherical metal device. This was the biggest goal of his trip.

This spherical metal device has obvious chips and broken marks on the bottom.

It was not caused by Thane, but this technological device was obviously damaged when the Federation star fortress crashed on the planet Geist 2.

"This seems to be a federal technological creation that contains the mystery of the power of space." Green appeared next to Thane and said.


The entire metal ball has a diameter of ten meters.

But when Thain and Green's will went deep into it, they discovered that the volume inside the metal ball was more than hundreds of thousands of meters.

The original role of this metal ball designed inside the war fortress seemed to be to assist the Gallente Federation in transporting large-scale supplies and even personnel.

Because the internal space of this metal ball feels very much like a smaller demi-plane.

But when Thain saw the metal ball, he immediately thought that if the Rubik's Cube could successfully swallow and digest the metal ball and integrate the power of space it possesses.

Does it mean that in addition to Fumila being put into the Rubik's Cube by Thain to carry around, the Union Fortress Group can also...

This is a more high-end topic and involves far more than just space science. 🅆

Because the space inside the Thane Cube is already very large, and the number of bottom-level mechanical cannon fodder accumulated in these years of continuous production has exceeded 10 million.

In terms of the size of the internal space alone, it is certainly not all the prerequisites for Thane to be able to carry the combined fortress group.

But after seeing this metal ball and the feedback given by the Rubik's Cube itself... it is really possible to achieve it in the future.

And it's not even just seven space fortresses, Thain can stuff more into them!

In addition to the huge room for growth in the future of Thain's mechanical fusion secrets, he certainly also needs to prepare some backup models of space fortresses in advance, just in case of emergencies.

In addition to offering some of the elemental flames that Thain had collected in the past, Thain finally subsidized Green with about 20 million magic coins.

This is a very reasonable price.

In fact, Green, who is certified as a master of alchemy, is not short of money if he really wants to pursue the case.

However, one thing about him is very similar to Thane, that is, the magic tools that Green refines are basically reserved for himself and the people around him. He rarely deliberately uses his skills to make money.


There is not even enough time to explore the mysteries of the truth, and there is no extra energy to waste elsewhere.

When Thane left the planet Geist 2, small-scale battles were still breaking out on the mechanical planet.

Green and others still need to complete the subsequent finishing work on the battlefield.

Not only Greene benefited, but also the two fourth-level knights who also participated in the battle.

Thain gave them two life potions as a gift, which was regarded as making friends.

The top-quality potion refined by Lu Lianman herself is simply the best choice for Thain to give as a social gift.

The two knights were happy to get such high-level potion.

When leaving Geist Planet 2, Thain thought of something and invited Green, "I may participate in a war of conquest over a certain medium-sized star field in a while. You can lead an army to follow me." How about together?"

"We will call Angele when the time comes," Thain said.

The medium-sized star field war mentioned by Thane was naturally referring to the war that Spider Queen Rose had invited before.

Anyway, Rose has agreed. Thain can prepare an army on his own, and there is nothing wrong with calling Green and others.

More importantly, after communicating with his master Cuilis and learning about the current situation on the civilized battlefield, Thane concluded that the medium-sized world targeted by the Spider Queen was probably not the Federation Star Territory or the Gallente. Those vassal boys of the Federation.

Thane, who had previous experience in Faerûn, knew that the Spider Queen's vision was sometimes quite far away.

The world targeted by the Spider Queen is most likely the surrounding neutral world civilizations that were in a state of swing during the civilized war.

Now that the Gallente Federation is on its last legs, it has almost been forced into the defense of their home star domain.

Does this also mean that the wizarding civilization can free up its hands to give these world civilizations that were not very obedient before a little beating?

Spider Queen Rose must have also seen this, so she decided to take action extremely keenly.

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