The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2174 Level 6

The road to truth is endless.

Thain, who entered the laboratory and began to attack the sixth level, looked at the experimental materials in front of him: the blood of Lord Tianyang, the flame of Marduk's affiliated godhead, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, the Nine Netherworld Fire, the Blood Nerve, and the Nine The demonic body of Jimojun Ziyan and the Rubik's Cube, etc.

These experimental materials, more or less, have a great role in promoting the truth of Thain's path to the sixth level.

Magicians use knowledge to complete the transformation of life levels.

Thain's attack on level six this time is, strictly speaking, the foundation of three primary mysteries and many auxiliary mysteries.

The three major origin mysteries are the Ashen Fire Mystery, the Body Refining Mystery and the Mechanical Mystery. They are also the basis of Thane's current power.

As for other auxiliary secrets, they include alchemy knowledge, bloodline knowledge, pharmacy knowledge, light element knowledge, soul element knowledge, etc.

Unknowingly, Thain has already achieved considerable academic achievements in many fields of truth.

In the laboratory at this moment, after staring at the experimental materials in front of him for a long time, Thane took the lead and walked towards the experimental table where the Lord Tianyang's blood was placed.

As the most precious experimental material in Thain's hands - the blood of the Lord, Lord Tianyang's blood of the Lord itself contains extremely profound mysteries of the fire element.

The length of time it takes for a fifth-level creature to transition to a sixth-level creature can often be counted in hundreds of years.

That's why Thain applied to Klopp's knights for another 500 to 600 years of rest.

Moreover, not all strong men at the critical point of the fifth level can successfully cross this realm.

As a symbol of all medium-sized planes in the astral realm, level six creatures themselves represent a new class.

In places where dominant-level creatures are rare, level-6 creatures actually represent the ceiling in the eyes of the general public in the star world.

It was during the civilized war between the Wizarding World and the Gallente Federation that Dominator-level combat forces emerged so frequently.

Because this is a game between two or even several top civilizations, and it is not a normal phenomenon in the macroscopic sense of the star realm.

In some relatively remote star fields, it is common for some creatures of level four or above to never see a master in their entire lives.

In the vision of those creatures, level six is ​​the limited ceiling they can touch.

In the normal star realm, the success rate for level five peak creatures to advance to level six will not exceed 20%.

The probability of advancement in the Wizarding World may be higher, but it's not too outrageous.

The biggest difference between Thane and other peak level five creatures is that despite his young age, in fact, in order to advance to level six, he has done too much preparation work and has reached the extreme in all aspects.

If Thane was an impatient magician, maybe he would have

After that, he will start to break through the sixth level.

The road to truth is endless.

In a flash, more than five hundred and seventy years have passed.

Wizarding World, east of Mamet United Alliance, Forest of Sages.

Narcisiu, who has grown into a sharp young man, carries a jet black heavy sword behind his back and walks together with his companions.

Naxixiu's small team has a really good mix.

In addition to Narcissus, the "magic swordsman", there are also two elven archers, a magician, three knights, and a giant.

The members of this team all possess second or third level power levels.

The strongest one is Narcisiu, who has been promoted to level three.

Among the achievements in the past hundreds of years, Narcisiu's most glorious achievement was when he defeated a demigod-level Warcraft Lord from the East Coast Warcraft Forest seventy years ago.

Except for the fact that there is only one male in the team, Narcisiu, which is a bit uncoordinated.

In every other area, this squad achieved perfection.

Narcissus even wanted to challenge a fourth-level creature.

It's a pity that in a plane with rules and order like the Wizarding World, battles between creatures above level one are very rare, let alone battles between creatures above level four.

It is estimated that only in the black domain, there may be situations where fourth-level black magicians would fight.

It's just that... considering Naxi Xiu's trial situation in the Black Realm, it would be better for him to go to other parts of the wizarding world to see the world.

With two mothers who are level 5 black magicians, a level 4 aunt, and a level 4 uncle, Naxi Xiuzhen can almost walk sideways in the dark realm.

Especially Lina's black tower, which was built deep in the territory of Spider Queen Rose.

Those newly promoted fourth-level black magicians can't afford to offend Narcisiu, and the slightly more experienced fifth- and sixth-level black domain masters also know what it means to be able to build a black tower in that place.

So much so that the originally dangerous and cruel black environment was the "safest" place for Narcisiu!

It's just that the place in the Black Territory is too depressing, and Narcissus is no longer the little kid who only pestered his mother.

After discovering that the Black Realm was not suitable for him to stay for a long time, Narcisiu went out on his own in recent years.

He originally wanted to go directly to the many alien planes under the jurisdiction of the Wizards Alliance.

But neither Lina nor Mei Kelly allowed it!

Perhaps in their minds, Narcissus is still a child even if hundreds of years have passed.


Lina gave her son a strict order to travel within the wizarding world.

For this reason, the owl Xiaoqi, who has been promoted to the fourth level, has been following Narcisiu all these years to protect him silently.

As for when Narcissus can leave the wizarding world and explore and develop in the wider Wizarding Alliance and the Star Realm, it depends on when his father comes out of seclusion and speaks again.

Xiaoqi was successfully promoted after arriving in the Black Domain.

This important partner of Thain has still completed the transformation of his own life level.

I have to say it is a blessing.

In addition to Xiao Qi, the elemental creature Sha'er and the half-undead girl Luo have also shown signs of being promoted to the fourth level in recent years.

It seems that all good things happen to happen together.

Over the past few hundred years, Narcissus has traveled to many places in the wizarding world.

As expected, he did not fully inherit the elemental power of Thane and Lina, but embarked on a path similar to dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

There is fighting spirit, magic power, and even the spiritual power of the fairyland in Naxi Xiu's body.

Including the swordsmanship he usually uses in battles, it also has the charm of the sword that his adoptive father gave him back then.

According to the traditional cognitive concept of the wizarding world, Narcisiu's profession is "Magic Swordsman".

But in fact, only those who are familiar with Narcisiu know that the power he possesses is not just as simple as a magic swordsman.

Oh, by the way, this guy can also be called the top second generation of the low-end version of the Wizarding World.

Although it is not as exaggerated as those descendants of the master who may have world-class secret treasures early on.

But Naxi Xiu has never lacked various "artifacts"!

He is an alchemy master certified by the Wizarding World's Sky City. How can he be treated badly in this regard?

Of course, Thain has not cared about Narcissus at all these years.

The artifacts carried by Narcisiu and his companions were all given by Uncle Zoro from the Black Realm.

Zorro was promoted to level four two hundred and seventy years ago, and in recent years he has also begun to prepare his own black tower.

He was promoted to level four, which was relatively late.

However, with his excellent alchemy ability, Zorro also brought out a group of black magician disciples who are extremely good at alchemy.

So much so that the popularity of his black tower far surpassed that of Mayfair who built the black tower earlier.

In addition to the luxurious equipment, Naxi Xiu also has a lot of potions on his body.

In the past few hundred years, Lu Lianman had often mailed him various potions as payment.

That night, Narcissus set up a tent outside the Forest of Sages.

Just about to talk to myself

A few confidants, let’s exchange skills and prepare for tomorrow’s challenge to the demigod-level Warcraft Lord Amethyst Winged Horse.

While this guy has been on the road to becoming a knight for most of his life, he also has the same situation that many knights have - he has strong desires and is never short of women around him.

Including the female giant in his team, because she is still a young giant, the height difference with Narcissus is not that obvious.

In these years, I have been coaxed to death by Narcisiu.

Not only that, during these years of traveling around the wizarding world, this kid also had a lot of trouble with women.

Maybe it's because he's still a young man who hasn't fully grown yet? Or maybe the bloodline that Narcissus inherited from Thane and Lina is relatively strong, and he himself has reached the third level of life, so he has never given birth to any offspring.

This can be regarded as a blessing. Thain does not need to worry about being confused and about to become a grandfather.

However, this situation should not last much longer.

With Narcissus in this state, sooner or later he will be able to create a generation of descendants for Thane.

He doesn't need to be bored in the laboratory all year round doing research. In addition to the necessary training and travel, this kid is very interested in all kinds of enjoyment things!

The Grant family should be the happiest about this situation.

Because more high-quality bloodline means that the family's inheritance, expansion and development will never be cut off.

The members of Narcisiu's team, including the female knights and female magicians, were all rescued by him in the Black Territory Continent.

This kid often performs the trick of "hero saving beauty".

Anyway, in terms of femininity and emotional intelligence, he is much higher than Thane!

It is precisely for this reason that these women, who are generally at the second and third levels of strength, follow Narcissus around the wizarding world.

The Forest of Sages is still enough for Naxi Xiu to test for a long time.

After staying here for a few more decades, Narcissus would like to visit the Northland Witch Organization and the City in the Sky.

In other words, he has also embarked on a small part of the path of magic, inheriting a little bit of each other's truth from Thane, Lina, Meikaly and others.

Going to the birthplace of magic and the sacred place of knowledge in the wizarding world would also be of great benefit to him.

But today, Naxixiu, who has just opened up the mind of the charming female elf archer, is about to enter the port.

Suddenly he felt a throbbing coming from the depths of his bloodline, which made the boy's body tilt, causing exclamations in the tent.

Naxi Xiu, who quickly stabilized his blood energy and got up again, couldn't help but look in the direction of the Eastern Ashes Holy Tower.

"Is this... my father successfully promoted?" Under the night, Narcisiu flew to the highest tree trunk nearby and looked into the distance.

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