The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2171 Deal

The arrival of Thane and the Federation Fortress surprised Green on the battlefield of Planet 2.

Because he had not received any news of other powerful wizards coming to support him before this.

Moreover, even if there were, Green would not be happy for other powerful wizards and civilizations to come and take a share of the pie.

Because Planet Geist 2 has three combat legions headed by him to destroy the Holy Tower, it is enough.

——In addition to Green, there are two other fourth-level knights involved in the war on this mechanical planet.

Those knight legions are the auxiliary side of Green's annihilation of the Holy Tower magician legion.

Of course, Thain did not intervene in the war on Geist Planet 2 to share the benefits of the plane war with him.

When the overwhelming elemental energy strikes, like a meteor shower, suddenly descends on this mechanical planet.

The end of the Federation Legion has seemingly arrived.

The wizarding and civilized creatures were also extremely surprised by the coalition fortress group that appeared outside the plane.

The seven space fortresses, if you pick them out individually, all wizards and civilized creatures will be familiar with them.

But when they are combined together, even a fifth-level magician like Green will be stunned when he sees them.

But I was stunned.

When a fire support attack far exceeding that of the enemy suddenly appeared on the battlefield of this planet.

The fifth-level magician Green and the other two fourth-level knights seized this opportunity and ordered their legions to launch a fierce attack on the federal front.

When the Gallente Federation garrison discovered that seven coalition fortresses had appeared here, they thought that seven more organized wizard civilization combat legions had once again descended on this planetary battlefield, and their momentum suddenly collapsed.

There is no need for any powerful legions to emerge from the combined fortress of Thane.

Just when this behemoth began to approach the atmosphere of this mechanical planet, the Federation Legion collapsed.

Thane found a total of two federal level four or above combat forces on this mechanical planet.

One is a giant mecha with level four combat power.

The other is a Federation star fortress that appears to have crashed.

Although the fortress has fallen to the center of the mechanical planet, it has not completely lost its combat capabilities. The Gallente Federation Legion can still activate its many weapon systems, and rely on this giant interstellar fortress to cooperate with the wizards led by Green. Civilized legions fight.

Judging from the power level erupted in this interstellar fortress, it seems to have the ability to threaten level five creatures!

The obscure world-class secret treasure law fluctuations detected by Thane's Maskless Mask and the Rubik's Cube at the same time came from the deepest part of this federal star fortress that fell to the ground.

"Green, it's me." When the staged victory of the wizard civilization legion on the planet Geist 2 appeared, Thain flew out of the joint fortress group and said.

Thain's coalition fortress group did not join the pursuit of the defeated federal army below.

As he had decided before, he was just stopping by to "help" his friend.

They have the intention of grabbing the benefits of the Green War.

Green showed obvious surprise when he saw Thane flying out of the coalition fortress group.

He had seen Thane's Ash Fortress before.

So much so that when Thain showed up in a different "car", Green didn't even think it was Thain.

After flying out of the fortress group, a huge elemental black phoenix appeared at the feet of Thane, and carried Thain and flew towards Green.

In the sky, the Federation fortress group under the atmosphere of Planet Geist 2 put great pressure on the warring creatures in this world.

It is like a dark metallic continent, full of power, depression and oppression.

At this time, the other three wizard civilization space fortresses on this plane battlefield are compared with Thain's "big guy".

It's like three little brothers standing next to a big man.

Green was also observing the coalition fortresses behind Thain, and he was constantly receiving compliments from Green's mouth under the mask.

Green also possesses a mask, and even the world-class secret treasure law fluctuations on his body are derived from this mask.

In terms of quality, Green's mask is definitely not as good as Thane's Formless Mask.

At best, it can only be compared to the Ash Staff in Thane's hand.

No, it should be lower than the Ash Staff.

His world-class secret treasure mask is a low-grade world-class secret treasure.

However, the scarlet crystal stone inlaid in the center of this mask and the six lifelike ice crystal spots around the mask can leave a deep impression on people at a glance.

Rich fire and ice law energy continuously seeps out from this mask.

Let Thane, a magician who already has the "Alchemy Master" certification, be amazed.

"Long time no see, Green." Thain said to the person in front of him.

"Yes, Thain, long time no see." Green nodded.

The two friends, who had not seen each other for thousands of years, both bowed to each other with a mage salute after meeting.

Because there was a phaseless mask covering his aura, Green didn't recognize Thain until he flew out of the fortress group and revealed his identity.

Two friends who had not seen each other for thousands of years were both sizing up each other.

Thane focused on the mask on Green's face.

Green first looked at the space fortress group behind Thane, then moved his eyes to the elemental phoenix at Thain's feet, and finally looked at the Ash Staff in Thain's hand.

To reminisce about old times on the battlefield, only the belligerents in an absolutely dominant position are qualified to do so.

Obviously, the commanders of the Gallente Federation will never be like the two wizards in the sky of the plane battlefield.

Master, so relaxed and comfortable.

After telling each other about their situations in recent years, Thane learned that Green's mask was called "The Face of Truth."

He successfully refined it five hundred years ago, and it has accompanied him in many plane wars.

Including Green's promotion to Level 5, it didn't take long, and it only took more than a thousand years to reach the full level. He is still in the early stage of Level 5, and is about to break through to the mid-level of Level 5.

However, with the face of truth in his hands and the avenue of annihilation of elements, it is itself a very explosive law secret.

In actual combat, Green can definitely display strength comparable to late-level five creatures.

Many years ago, Green was a genius recognized by Thain, and it seems that he is still the same now.

"Since you made this mask yourself, presumably you have also obtained the title of 'Alchemy Master' certified by Sky City?" Thain asked.

The word "ye" in Thain's words is very interesting.

Faced with Thain's question, Green nodded thoughtfully.

"The refining of the 'face of truth' is a truth research topic that I have been determined to carry out since my apprenticeship."

"Starting from the 23rd phase of the 'Face of Truth' project, this mask already has a world-class foundation of secret treasure laws."

"The 24th phase of the project just ended 200 years ago, and I added the 'Secret Mystery of Warm Color Magic' to it."

"The 25th phase of the project is tentatively scheduled to start after the end of the Geist 2 planet war." Green said eloquently.

When talking about the truths and mysteries he is involved in, Green will become extremely excited and seems to have endless things to say.

In particular, Thain happened to have a very high level of achievement in the field of alchemy, and he was both an explorer of the mysteries of the fire element, so he and Green had common topics in many fields.

After communicating about the secrets of truth that he was good at, Green told Thain that there were two main reasons why his side of truth could reach the level of world-class secret treasure laws.

First, during the 18th phase of the project, he integrated into a medium-sized world heart from the fire attribute plane that he luckily obtained.

Second, during the 21st phase of the project, I was once again rewarded by the Great Guardian of Winter and received six ice crystals.

After two phases of upgrades, it finally reached the level of world-class secret treasures.

The two fluctuation nodes of the original law on the surface of the truth that Thain noticed originated from this.

The power of these two law elements, whose attributes are close to opposite, can be perfectly integrated. Only Green, who has embarked on the path of annihilation of ice and fire, has this ability.

"Did you get the heart of the world in the medium-sized plane? And the approval of the Guardian of Winter?"

"Green, you really make me feel envious." Thain smiled.

When Green heard this, he shook his head and said, "Since my face of truth cannot detect all of your aura, I know that I am still far away from you."

"It's not just the effect of the phaseless mask on your body, but your strength, which is far beyond mine, also makes it difficult for me to capture the little power of law that you spill out."

"As for that group of fortresses...that should be your new secret achievement, right? I remember that you also made great achievements in the field of mechanics." Green sighed.

There was no need for Thain to pretend in front of Green, he nodded in thought.

Green then let out a longer sigh and said, "Sure enough, as Angele said, you have surpassed us too much without knowing it."

"You have been my target since the beginning of my apprenticeship, and you will still be my target in the future," Green said.

"But we are still friends, aren't we?" Thain smiled and said, "And Angelet too. Have you contacted him recently?"

Green nodded, he naturally recognized Thain as his friend.

Green said, "I met him once, thirteen hundred years ago. At that time, he was already at the peak of level four and was about to hit the qualitative transformation period of level five."

"Now that so many years have passed, he should have been promoted to level five, right?"

"However, the main combat area of ​​the Komoyin Serpent Warlock family in the civilized war is not in the same place as me, so the number of times I have seen him is extremely limited."

"It is estimated that only after the civilized war is over will we have the opportunity to sit together and continue to talk about the truth." Green said with emotion.

"Yes." Thain couldn't help but sigh.

During the Civilization War, Thane's missions were more eccentric and his experiences were more tortuous, so he had fewer contacts with these old friends.

In addition to reminiscing about old times, Green then asked if Thain had anything else to ask him about.

There is nothing to hide from your friends, so rather than being secretive, it is better to say it openly.

Besides, Thane is not a free hand.

Thain first took out a ball of ice-blue flame that looked like sea water from his space equipment, and successfully attracted Green's attention.

Thain then said, "This flame of law is called the Sea Heart Flame. It is a special flame that combines the properties of fire and ice laws. I know that it is of great use in your way of annihilation."

Thain pursed his lips and continued, "Actually, the first thing I thought about after getting this flame was that it happened to be very consistent with your path to truth."

"Originally, I planned to give this flame to you directly...Based on the principle of equivalent transactions, you can just give me something in return."

"However, after arriving in this plane..." Thane looked up at the back of the battlefield in front of him, in the direction where the Gallente Federation Legion was stationed.

Green also followed Thain's gaze and looked back.

Green came back to his senses almost instantly and said clearly, "Do you want the source of law fluctuations in the federal base?"

"Yes." Thain replied.

But before he could promise other benefits, Green nodded and said, "Deal!"

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