The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2170 Passing by

Thain came to see his master Cuilisi and others this time, obviously not just to reminisce about old times.

After chatting with her master about her views on the upcoming civilized war situation, Thane took out the rules materials such as the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire that she planned to give to her master and others during this trip.

Thain had previously obtained so many good things at the auction house, and made a fortune outside the market. In the end, he bought it for "zero yuan"... It seems a bit unreasonable not to share it with the elders of his sect who have always taken care of him.

Cuilis, who had been talking eloquently before, was stunned when she suddenly saw the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire and many other top law materials that Thain took out.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire that Thain had obtained before was really big. 🅆

In addition to enough for Thain's own use, he can also give some to Trilis and others.

After seeing many rules materials including Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire and Nine Netherworld Fire, Cuilis's cheeks were slightly red.

Because she thought about it, as the master, she had not been willing to give the three precious fires of law in her laboratory to Thane before.

But Thane, his disciple, in turn gave her such a precious gift.

Of course, Thain had to give in to his master. He hurriedly thanked his master again for his guidance.

In fact, a large part of Thane's fire mysteries were directly inherited from Trilis, especially the Jade Fire Mysteries and the Body Refining Mysteries.

If Triris had not already decided not to accept a disciple, Thane would be more like her eighth disciple than her disciple.

In addition to these words of thanks, Thane also mentioned by the way that his Ash Staff has been successfully refined and he has also joined the "Reserve Potential Master Cultivation Program".

Seeing the world-class secret treasure magic wand that Thain took out, Triris felt a lot of emotion for a moment.

As for the "reserve potential master training plan", it didn't exceed Trilis' expectations too much.

(sBecause Triris is also in the training plan, Thain revealing this to the master does not violate the rules of the previously signed contract.)

"I have nothing more to teach you. Are you going to prepare for level six next?"

"You also mentioned just now that you have applied to the higher-ups of wizard civilization for another six hundred years of rest." Cuilis sighed.

"Yes, although I can't say that I will definitely be able to advance successfully, I have indeed reached the critical point of reaching the peak of level five." Thain replied respectfully.

"Go ahead and work hard. I look forward to the day when you reach the top of the mountain."

"No, the search for truth will never end. There should be no so-called mountain tops, including the realm of domination."

"Then I look forward to the day when you will surpass me." Cuilis chuckled.

Cuillis was also very happy to be able to teach such an outstanding disciple.

And there is an indescribable sense of achievement and satisfaction.

"I don't dare. No matter where my disciples explore the truth in the future, they will always be your disciples and a member of our Jade Fire Master Sect." Thain replied respectfully again.

Triris nodded, looking at Thain with approval and expectation in her eyes.


After the exchange between the master and his ancestors, Thane did not stay in the Demonic Fruit Plane for long, so he said goodbye and left.

He didn't even go to see Gargaru who had just returned to the frontline battlefield, and Penas and others who had always taken good care of him.

Gifts such as the Fire of Law given by Thane to these sect members were also re-gifted by the master on his behalf.

However, when leaving the Magic Fruit Plane, Cuillis allocated a batch of "native resources" and gave them back to Thane.

As a medium-sized world, the Demonic Fruit Plane has not yet been completely conquered by Trilis and others.

In addition to the stubborn resistance of the indigenous creatures in this world, the special law environment of this medium-sized plane has also caused a lot of trouble to Cuilis and others.

"Magic Fruit" is an elemental fruit unique to this world. After taking it, lower creatures will gain different levels of strength in different fields.

According to the existing observation records in the wizarding world, there are more than 20,000 kinds of abnormal energy genealogy obtained by the indigenous creatures in this plane by relying on the magic fruit.

Some extremely eccentric energy genealogies are very rare even in the records of wizard civilization.

For example, Thane has a deformation-type rubber fruit on hand, a gift from Triris herself.

According to Cuillis, this was extracted from the corpse of a level 6 indigenous creature in the magic fruit world that she and two other level 6 knights killed.

That sixth-level indigenous creature is not very strong, but its ability to withstand strikes is really exaggerated.

Even if a sixth-level peak magician like Cuilisi blasts him with a single forbidden spell, the opponent will not die for a while, and can even heal slowly.

The star realm is so vast and filled with wonders.

The Magic Fruit World is indeed an extremely rare plane world.

According to Triris, this world may have more special rules than the Apocalypse World.

It was she who finally fought for the right to attack this target plane from the wizard civilization.

However, no matter how rare and rare the world is, it is not as important as Thain's next promotion to level six.

If we really conduct research in this plane for a period of time, I am afraid that tens or hundreds of years will not be enough. Thain has decided to leave.

After leaving the magic fruit world where the law environment is extremely strange and wars still break out.

Thane ordered the United Space Fortress to fly directly in the direction of the Wizarding World.

At the same time, it was also in the process of leaving the Apocalypse Star Territory.

When passing by the blue sea plane, Thain turned his head and glanced at the medium-sized water element plane, without stopping either.

The giant mermaid White Star is currently in this medium-sized world, including Arthur and his brother Orm from the sea planet. I heard that they are also fighting in this medium-sized world battlefield.

After just glancing at this azure world, Thain and his team continued to drive deeper into the starry sky.


On the way back to the wizarding world, the driving magicians in the fortress recommended the shortest route to Thain.

However, this route will pass through some frontline battle areas.

It's just passing through some war zones, so the danger is nothing.

Thain can also take a look at the current situation on the frontier battlefield of wizard civilization.

Is it like what his master Cuilisi said before?


Sure enough, almost all of the frontier battlefields passed by the combined fortress group were under the full suppression of the wizard civilization.

The Gallente Federation's control over various planes and planetary battlefields cannot even extend to the star realm of the universe.

You must know that in the past, when the Wizarding Civilization first clashed with the Gallente Federation, this kind of battle under the stars was what the Gallente Federation was best at, and it was also the area where they had the greatest advantage.

And even the leading force in the star field battlefield has been lost. It can be imagined how corrupt the current war situation in the star fields of the Federation has reached.

It was also while passing through this frontier battlefield star field that Thain actually met an acquaintance.

Destroying the Lord of the Holy Tower, Green, the other party is leading a war on a federal mechanical planet called "Gest Planet 2".

After thinking for a moment, Thane ordered his fleet to move closer to the mechanical planet.

The endless road of truth exploration sometimes requires not only the company of family and teachers, but also sometimes a few friends.

The fifth-level casual cultivator Duan Po who just left not long ago can be regarded as Thain's friend.

And Green, whom he has known since he was an apprentice, is also one of them.

And after not seeing him for thousands of years, Green has been promoted to level five.

Wizarding civilization will never lack geniuses. Thain knew that Green had been appreciated by the Winter Guardian of the wizarding world in his early years.

In terms of strength, the Guardian of Winter in the wizarding world is said to be stronger than the Guardian of Summer.


Planet Geist 2 is a mechanical planet in the midst of a fierce battle.

When Thain's coalition fortress group approached the mechanical planet, Thain was shocked to find that the main cannon fodder army under the Green Destruction Holy Tower turned out to be a creature from the world of worms.

Also, the Insect World War was originally promoted by Thane, Green, Angele and others.

Since Thane has cannon fodder from the Yanchong World, it is obvious that Green also has cannon fodder.

It's just that the main force of Thain's cannon fodder army in recent years has gradually been composed of the mechanical army in his Rubik's Cube.

Including until now, the sea of ​​machines in Thain's Cube is still expanding.

With these mechanical legions that are larger in number, better in performance, and can be carried at any time.

Thain naturally did not attach much importance to the more primitive cannon fodder army of slave creatures at the beginning.

Although there is still a slave cannon fodder army in the battle sequence of the Ashes Legion, Thain has not taken care of that part of the legion for a long time. Most of the time, Merry, the dean of the Holy Tower, is in charge of it for him.

The role of those slave cannon fodder legions is mainly to protect one's own holy tower magicians.

But Green's worm army is different now. Thain can see that he seems to have genetically modulated these worms to a high degree.

As a result, the combat capabilities of these modified and prepared fire bugs greatly exceeded those of the original species under Thane.

In addition, there are also many slave creature cannon fodder of other lineages in the battle sequence of Green's Holy Tower Legion.

It can be seen that in addition to the Flame Insect World War, Green later developed many plane worlds to support his war effort to annihilate the Holy Tower Legion.

But what surprised Thain the most was that he discovered the law fluctuations of more than one world-class secret treasure on the planet Geist 2 below.

One of them, naturally, comes from Green himself.

Another extremely obscure world-class secret treasure fluctuation (possibly a fragment) comes from the hostile Gallente Federation.

Moreover, Thain's Rubik's Cube also revealed at this moment its eagerness to devour the Gallente Federation's secret treasure.

"This..." Thain said solemnly.

In the following war, although the Holy Tower Legion was already in a semi-advantageous state, the overall situation was still somewhat stalemate.

Upon seeing this, Thain paused for two seconds and ordered, "Activate the artillery strike system of the joint fortress group!"

"Assist our friendly legions, and the artillery fire covers the dense area of ​​the enemy's Gallente Federation legion!"

"Yes!" replied the Ashes Holy Tower magicians in the fortress command room.

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