The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2169 Apocalypse Crisis

After leaving Klopp's Cavaliers, Thain was still a little emotional. He didn't expect it to be so easy, so he applied for another 600-year rest period.

Including the "reserve potential master training program" mentioned by Klopp Knight, Thain also sighed a lot.

"The realm of dominance... I haven't even reached the peak of the sixth level, or even the sixth level."

"We must return to the wizarding world as soon as possible to complete the breakthrough." Thain said to himself.

However, Thane had something else to do before returning to the wizarding world.

Magic fruit world.

This is the battlefield of the Apocalypse Star Territory, one of the last two remaining medium-sized worlds that has not yet been conquered.

Thain's master Cuilis was leading the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect to conquer this medium-sized world.

Another medium-sized world that has not yet been conquered is called the Blue Sea World.

The ones responsible for the main war in that plane are the Sea Clan of the Wizarding World and part of the Dragon Clan Legion of the Immortal Realm, and White Star is over there.

The world of Apocalypse is coming to an end.

It had only been five hundred years since Thane last came to this large star field.

But the front lines in the Apocalypse Great World Star Territory have advanced from the middle of the Star Territory to beyond their home plane.

At present, the total number of planes controlled by the Apocalypse World is said to be only thirteen.

Moreover, fierce wars broke out in these planes at this time!

Including the mother plane of those Apocalypse creatures - Apocalypse World, the wizard civilization army began to launch a powerful impact on them starting one hundred and thirty years ago.

The current precarious world of Apocalypse and the outcome they are about to face may also confirm the future direction of the Gallente Federation.

Starting more than 400 years ago, that is, when the Zerg and the Tianming Empire Legion launched an attack on the Gallente Federation's home star domain from the other direction.

The Gallente Federation has completely shrunk its defensive front and no longer supports any troops to its vassal civilizations.

It’s not that they don’t want to care about their life or death, it’s really that the Gallente Federation doesn’t even care about itself!

The Gallente Federation has mentioned that other vassal civilizations, including Apocalypse World, can mobilize their elite troops and transfer them to the Federation's home star field to continue fighting.

The Federation will specially allocate a group of living planets to them for residence and racial reproduction, and maintain the supply of resources to these friendly legions.

But the Apocalypse Lord declined the Gallente Federation's proposal.

He only sent his son and some of the Tianqi Great World clan members there.

As for the Apocalypse Master himself, he will lead the last elites of the Apocalypse World to fight to the death with the legions of the wizard civilization!

The decision of Lord Apocalypse is not his alone, but a decision made by the vast majority of federal vassal plane leaders.

How easy is it to leave your hometown and escape from your mother plane?

As the spiritual pillar of Apocalypse World, he is also the only master of Apocalypse World.

It was he who pushed Apocalypse World into a large-scale

The plane level has witnessed the prosperity of the great world of Apocalypse.

Since today, this splendid plane civilization is about to come to an end, the Lord of Apocalypse should also stand at the last post.

This is also the choice that the Lord of Apocalypse must make after many sixth-level and even sixth-level peak creatures died on the battlefield in the great world of Apocalypse.

Lord, have the majesty of Lord!

Living an ignoble existence is at least not the character of the Lord of Apocalypse.

Moreover, only here in the mother plane can the Lord of Apocalypse exert his strongest power and bring more traumatic losses to the invading legions of the wizard civilization.

With the blessing of the power of the mother plane, the Lord of Apocalypse is indeed a tough nut to crack in front of the army of wizard civilization.

At least, to some extent, he is more difficult to deal with than the more powerful god Marduk!

Moreover, the extremely complete plane rules of the Apocalypse World are also an obstacle in front of the army of wizard civilization.

Unlike the world of gods, it has been completely ruined by Marduk in hundreds of thousands of years.

Moreover, the dominant lineup of wizard civilization attacking the Apocalypse World at this time is not as luxurious as the previous battlefield in the Goddess World.

There is only one hostile master here. I heard that there are only three masters assigned to this place by the wizard civilization.

With three against one, such a combat power ratio also reflects the great advantage of the wizard civilization in the field of high-level combat power in the battle against the Gallente Federation.

As for the Lord of Apocalypse's unwillingness to follow the Federation fleet and withdraw to the Federation's home star domain, the Federation's top brass left him alone after persuading him to no avail.

But before leaving, the Federation Legion helped the native creatures of Apocalypse World, built unimaginable fortifications and steel fortresses, and left behind a massive amount of military supplies.

This is the last thing they can do for the creatures in the great world of Apocalypse.

The entire Apocalypse World has turned into a solid metal front, including the Gallente Federation, which has left many blank ships, which are controlled by the creatures of the Apocalypse World.

The Federation is not worried that the Apocalypse Lord will lead the last elites and these war materials to surrender to the wizard civilization.

Because it is impossible for the wizard civilization to accept the surrender of the Lord of Apocalypse, I guess the Lord of Apocalypse also knows it well.

The civilized war has been going on so far. The Lord of Apocalypse has killed countless wizard civilizations, wizard alliances and even powerful dragons in the fairyland (mainly fifth and sixth level creatures) with his own hands. In addition, he has always been resolute in resisting.

If the wizard civilization accepts the surrender of the other party, how will it explain to those strong men who died in the battle?

Moreover, the great world of Apocalypse, which has extremely complete plane rules, is itself a large plane that may be richer than the world of gods. There are countless resources and wealth in it, as well as the massive war armaments left by the Gallente Federation.

Almost every wizard and civilization creature participating in the Apocalypse Star Territory War knows that as long as the Apocalypse World is conquered, there will be countless resources and wealth waiting for them to plunder and develop.

The wizard civilization is still relatively fair in the field of loot distribution.

Especially in the early and middle stages of the Civilization War, in order to make up for frontline consumption, the Wizarding Civilization really "squeezed" many alliance planes a bit harshly.

Many local gods from the alliance plane were killed in the battle, but the wizarding world still continuously mobilized the power of creatures from that plane, almost "squeezing" these alliance planes alive!

It is not an exaggeration to say that these planes were completely destroyed.

It's not enough to ask for nothing. Sometimes you have to relax appropriately, or even give the other party a little sweetness.

Many Wizarding League planes that have been able to survive to this stage have already begun to make money.

Other alliance areas that have not yet begun to make profits will soon.

The wizarding civilization, from top to bottom, has realized that the Gallente Federation is on its last legs.

A large amount of war wealth is continuously transported from the frontline battlefield of civilization to the wizard civilization and alliance plane behind.

This made the Wizarding World and all the Alliance boys heave a long sigh of relief.

When Thain met Trilis, he indicated that he would be preparing to hit the sixth level next.

The master also teased Thain, "In another six hundred years, the great world of Apocalypse will definitely have been defeated."

"The war that will be fought in the future should be based on the conquest of the Gallente Federation's home star domain, which is also where the Federation's final strength lies."

"If you don't act quickly by then, you may not have any suitable war missions." Cuilis smiled.

The civilized war has been going on for almost 10,000 years.

Thain is also a little tired, because he has been frequently active in civilized battlefields since he was promoted to level four.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Thane rose up against the backdrop of this vast civilized war.

"Profits from the war or whatever, it doesn't matter."

"It would also be good if the war could be ended earlier."

"This way I will have enough time and energy to explore the truth that I am curious about." Thain smiled at his master.

The biggest difference between him and other fourth- and fifth-level magicians is that he has completed the primitive accumulation of capital, and his foundation is now sufficient!

At least on the way to level six, there is no need for any external objects.

Triris chuckled and said, "I know you are rich, but the road after Level 6 is not that easy."

"In a civilized war, seizing enough resources and wealth will make your future path to truth much easier."

"The resource wealth contained in the Gallente Federation's home star field is far more than we imagined!"

"You can tell by looking at how fat the black magicians who were withdrawn from the wizarding world were in the middle of the civilized war."

"That's where all the resources and essence of the other top civilization lie. If you miss it this time, you don't know when you'll have to wait until next time."

"Your master and I have only participated in this battle of top civilizations."


It is indeed an era full of death and crisis, but it is also the best era. "Triris sighed.

Thane also nodded in approval, and then asked, "Master, how many years do you think this war with the Gallente Federation will last?"

Triris glanced at Thane and muttered, "It should end around five thousand years ago, and changes should occur in the last three or four thousand years."

"Lord True Spirit Mage Thaneses mentioned this during the last internal remote magic meeting of the Flame Conclave."

"At the same time, this is also the overall consensus of our higher-ups in the wizarding world, and it has also been recognized by the Eastern Astrology Highlands."

Thain nodded suddenly, and sure enough, there was not much time left for him.

Whether we can get the richest piece of the war cake in this top-notch civilized war depends on what happens in the next three to four thousand years.

Thane must be promoted to level six as soon as possible.

In addition, Thane also asked Trilis about the war trends between Huanyu and the Hades Empire.

According to Triris's prediction, after the war on the Gallente Federation ends, the threat from the Hades Empire will be the next priority for the wizarding civilization to deal with.

It's just that the all-out war between the wizard civilization and the Hades Empire is not going to break out at this stage.

Despite the lively fighting in Huanyu World, in fact, none of the participating parties has yet invested all their strength.

Of course, the more embarrassing one is undoubtedly the Minghe Empire.

They could have ended the war there after taking the profits from the war in Huanyu World.

Thereby digesting a wave of one's previous benefits.

However, the appearance of the Immortal Army killed the Third Pharaoh and a large number of legions from the Hades Empire.

This makes the Minghe Empire need to continuously mobilize more legions from the rear to deal with the Buddhist, Chan Sect and other fairyland forces that have arrived on the battlefield of Huanyu World.

Regarding this situation, the wizard civilization is the most happy to see!

Because the Immortal Realm is on the battlefield here, the more power of the Mingha Empire is consumed, the less pressure the wizard civilization will face in the future.

Immortal Territory also suffered heavy losses in the Ming He Empire, but they also gained a lot of battlefield resources, and this consumption was also a process of smoothing out the internal conflicts in Immortal Territory and eliminating the bad and retaining the best of Immortal Territory's overall strength.

There is no more suitable target for "troop training" for the three forces of Buddhism, Taoism and Demonology in the Immortal Realm than the Minghe Empire.

Of course, the war with the Minghe Empire also caused the reserves of Dark Element, Death Element and other attribute materials of the Fairyland Civilization to skyrocket in recent years.

This situation, for the future development of the fairyland civilization, is quite a sign of "the prosperity of ghosts".

Anyway, the fairyland ghost cultivator group has indeed ushered in an unprecedented golden age of development due to the stimulation of the Federation's massive souls and the accumulation of various types of resources in the Minghe Empire.

No wonder the witch clan in the prehistoric world insists on joining this war.

And the wizard civilization's early friendship with the wizard clan can be regarded as a foreshadowing in advance.

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