The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2168 Joining the training plan

The cross-star remote teleportation array established by the Fairyland Civilization and the Fairyland is located in a blank starfield not far from the frontline starfield battlefield. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠π₯𝐞 Search for π¬π­π¨πŸ“πŸπŸŽπœπ¨π¦Readβ—†

This move is also to make it easier for the Immortal Realm's casual cultivators to dispatch to the front line.

The Union Fortress flies very fast, at least much faster than the fourth and fifth level creatures flying by themselves.

After arriving at the target star field, Thain and Duan Po said goodbye to each other and parted here.

Before parting, Thain gave Duanpo a lot of medicine.

He originally wanted to give Duan Po some hard currency such as energy crystals or magic coins, but Duan Po didn't want it.

Duan Po still hasn't spent the two hundred immortal jade that Thane paid to Duan Po last time.

He is a strong man in the fairyland with clear grievances.

He had been recuperating in Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes for so long, and his own strength had steadily improved to mid-level five since then, so how could he get more from Thain.

Thain's friendship with Duan Po can actually be regarded as an investment.

But since Duan Po didn't want it, he didn't force it. He just wished Duan Po a safe journey.

Watching Duan Po's figure gradually disappear into the vast sea of ​​people in the central operating star field.

He had a hunch that the two of them would definitely meet again in the future.

Afterwards, Thain returned to the Union Fortress Group and continued to the Hogentins demiplane where the dominant knight Klopp was located.


The Hogentins demiplane is an extremely vast demiplane that is rich in products and resources.

The Yijing demiplane Bisane spent hundreds of thousands of magic coins to purchase from the Ebalut Empire is much richer and has a much larger area.

The current main function of this demiplane is to assist several legions on the frontier battlefield in transferring some logistical supplies.

In addition, some reinforcements from the alliance plane sometimes use this demiplane as a challenge to rush to the frontline battlefield.

In this demiplane, Thane saw many large space portals located in many areas of the world.

At the same time, after arriving in this half-plane, I saw many wizard civilization logistics corps coming from the frontline battlefields in all directions, as well as many various alliance creatures.

Of course, Thain's coalition fortress group also attracted the attention of many people after arriving around this demiplane.

In fact, wherever Thain drove it, it drew other people's attention.

Knight Klopp is very busy.

When it was finally Thain's turn to meet Klopp Knight, the dominant knight still had a pile of documents and battle reports in front of him, waiting for him to process.

While flipping through a red-covered frontline battle report in front of him, Knight Klopp, who was sitting in the main seat, called for Thain to find a place to sit down as well.

When he finally read through the battle report in front of him, left his mark of dominance in it, and put it aside.

Knight Klopp then looked up at Thain.

Thain noticed that while Knight Klopp was looking at him, he looked out of his body again.

Bian pulled out a magic contract with a lot of elemental law fluctuations on it.

"I read your application for a meeting. Are you here to apply for a longer rest period?" Klopp asked with a smile.

Knight Klopp rarely smiles when interacting with others.

This is a powerful knight who has always given people the impression of being strict and upright.

The reason why he smiled at Thain was because he liked Thain from the bottom of his heart and regarded Thain as his junior.

From the rise of Thain to the present, judging from the help of Klopp Knights on his growth path... Thain is indeed a member of the Klopp Knights family.

It's not the high-level members of the Flame Conclave behind Master Thain, that is, the true spirit level magician Saneses.

"Yes, although I had just received a rest period of more than 500 years from the war before this, it was during this period of time when I was delving into the secrets of truth that I figured out the path to the sixth level in the future."

"So I implore the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization to give me a few hundred more years of rest to complete my promotion to level six." Thain raised his head and said seriously.

"Oh? How many years do you want?" Klopp changed to a more comfortable sitting position and looked at Thain and asked.

Thain pondered for a moment and replied, "Between five hundred and six hundred years, that should be enough."

If you add in the rest period before, Thain is equivalent to almost a thousand years of rest!

At a time when the war of civilization is in full swing, being able to stay away from the battlefield for a thousand years is considered a skill.

In other words, it shows that wizard civilization attaches great importance to him and affirms Thain's past achievements.

Klopp nodded, and he naturally saw that Thain was now in the transformation period before his breakthrough.

Without hesitating for too long, he replied directly, "I'll give you another six hundred years of rest!"

"Besides, you signed this." Knight Klopp pushed the magic contract in front of Thain.

In doubt, Thane took the contract in front of him.

The title noted at the top of the contract is "The Wizarding World's Potential Master Cultivation Program."

What is written below is the various policy support and support that Thain can enjoy after joining this plan.

Of course, Thain also needs to fulfill certain obligations.

I won’t go into details about the more general requirements such as those who contribute to the wizarding civilization.

Among the several hard requirements worth noting, one of them is that Thane must execute a hard order issued by the high-level wizard civilization every once in a while (s is about two thousand years).

The Wizarding Civilization gives these young people with strong potential and spending so many resources is not just as simple as listening to the noise.

In order to ensure the rational use of resources, these proud talents of the wizarding world who have joined the training plan list must also show their talents to the wizarding civilization.

The nurturing value possessed.

Thain is not short of money now, but there are some resources that money may not necessarily be able to buy.

Such as golden apples, etc., are in a priceless state. If Thain wants to obtain them, he has to go to the auction house to try his luck.

But after joining this training plan, no matter how rare the materials are, as long as Thane puts forward a need, the wizard civilization will try its best to help him get it.

Including the price paid by Thain, it will also be far lower than those high market prices.

In short, this is another qualification that is more popular than Thain's title of Master Alchemist.

The resource channels available are also wider!

Not only are resources in the alchemy field, but if Thane wants to obtain any top-level fire of rules in the future, he can also report it to the wizard civilization. πŸ…†

Once there is a suitable Fire of Origin Law, Thane will definitely be given priority.

At this time, Knight Klopp also happened to mention the alchemist master qualification certification that Thain had just obtained.

"I heard that you just refined a world-class secret treasure magic wand in the wizarding world?" Knight Klopp asked with a smile.

"Yes, I named it the Staff of Ashes." Thain took out his magic staff and showed it in front of Knight Klopp and replied respectfully.

Knight Klopp looked at the magic wand in Thain's hand and praised, "Not bad."

"Originally, this training plan was only applicable to level six and peak level six creatures in the wizarding world."

"In the previous battle outside Xianyufang City, you showed a combat power that is not inferior to that of a sixth-level creature, so I can make an exception and add you to it."

"This time, you have shown your alchemy talents in refining world-class secret treasures on your own. I would like to add your name to it. Other senior leaders in the wizarding world have no objections."

"Of course, I'm looking forward to your performance after being promoted to level six." Knight Klopp said with a smile.

It turns out that Knight Klopp has been paying attention to him. Otherwise, how could he know immediately that he was certified as an alchemist master and also knew something about Thain's battle outside Fairyland City?

Joining such a training program will be beneficial to Thain!

Anyway, as the master of the Ashes Holy Tower, he had to accept the war order from the higher-ups of the wizard civilization.

Doesn't it seem to make any difference to perform an additional special task assigned by the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization?

It's just that the difficulty of the tasks may be generally a little higher, and they are specially prepared for "proud men of heaven" like him.

And Thain will also be in these missions, and he may be able to come into contact with other top wizards in the wizarding civilization who are participating in the training plan.

For example, the two peak level six knights that Thain saw outside the battlefield in Fangshi before?

β€”β€”Alex, the Death Knight, and Robb, the Knight of the Dawn.

Thain knew that there was still a long way to go compared to them.

However, with Thain's world-class secret treasure refining ability,

I'm not sure if those two peak level six knights will beg for Thain...

Thain decisively agreed to participate in this training plan and signed his own law mark on the magic contract.

Knight Klopp took the contract in front of him with a smile and said, "Your master, Trilis, has actually joined this plan."

"She is also an excellent magician that our wizard civilization is extremely optimistic about. She has great potential to challenge the master in the future."

"If two people from one discipline join this plan, I think some true spirit masters will be envious of them."

"Their disciples and descendants may not be able to find two people who meet the requirements."

"You also read the contract just now. There is one requirement in it that I have to emphasize to you again."

"Any cutting-edge resources and support you apply to the Wizarding Civilization through this contract plan must be used only for yourself."

β€œYou can’t give it to others, let alone make a profit out of it!”

"Otherwise, the Wizarding Civilization has the right to pursue you for breach of contract. What's more, you may be punished by being imprisoned in the Atlanta Interstellar Prison." Knight Klopp said sternly.

Thain naturally saw this clause, he nodded and replied, "I understand."

It is also through this clause that we can see why Triris could not help Thane get the top-level fire of law that he needed.

There is even a supplementary clause in the contract. You cannot disclose to others at will that you are in this training plan.

This supplementary clause is to prevent Thain and other talented people from being missed by the strong men of hostile civilizations.

At the same time, it is also to avoid complaints from other level six powerhouses in the Wizarding Civilization who have not joined this plan due to unfair resource distribution.

In fact, anyone who can advance to the sixth level peak can basically join this plan.

And if you want to be remembered by the higher-ups of wizard civilization at level six, or even earlier.

Just like Thain, you have to show your unique and outstanding talents.

After encouraging Thain a few more words, Klopp knight signaled that Thain could leave.

Watching Thain leave from his office area, Knight Klopp tapped the table with his fingers and sighed, "The successor of the Maskless Mask... Not bad, not bad."

"Actually, even if this kid doesn't show such an exaggerated talent, he has been qualified to join this training program since he obtained the inheritance of the Maskless Mask."

"It's just that now we are entering in a more reasonable and fair way. People have to sigh that Master Jos is so accurate in selecting people."

"Master Jos is indeed the top magician in our Western Islands back then." Knight Klopp said with emotion again.

He was looking forward to seeing how talented Thain would be after level six.

"In about ten thousand years, we have already touched the sixth level."

"Perhaps this kid will be promoted to master earlier than I thought." Klopp said in deep thought, touching his chin.

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