The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2167 Parting

The Guardian Organization of the Wizarding World is a public welfare organization established based on the Guardians of the Four Seasons. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

It aims to assist the four guardians to jointly maintain the development of all aspects of the Mother Plane.

Every year, the Guardian Organization is approved to receive a large amount of magic coin funding from the Wizards Alliance.

Therefore, this organization is actually quite large.

And there are quite a few powers throughout the wizarding world.

In some areas where the activities of black magicians and black knights are rampant, people from the Guardian Organization often come forward to coordinate with the local holy tower or knight's hall to launch an operation to hunt down black magicians. 🅆

The Land of Ashes in Thane was formerly the "Three No Matters" zone - the Davill area, so the guardian organization here is relatively weak.

For example, if he successfully created a world-class secret treasure this time and was later promoted to level six, he still needed the guardian organization on the south coast to come forward to coordinate the plane rules.

However, it is precisely because of the lack of supervision that the industrial chain between him, the Beren Empire, and the Black Territory has been able to develop prosperously for so many years.

After sending away two extremely young fourth-level magicians from the Guardian Organization, Thane was free this time to investigate recent news from the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Ever since he succeeded in refining the Ash Staff three months ago and caused a wave of obvious rules abnormalities.

According to Dean Meili, almost all the Holy Towers around the Holy Tower of Ashes, the Knights Hall, the King of Warcraft, and the King of the Sea Tribe sent congratulations to him.

These powerful people above level 4 in the wizarding world are all human beings.

No matter whether it was familiar or unfamiliar before.

But now they are all like foxes that have smelled meat, sending "New Year greetings" to Thain one after another.

But for the time being, I don’t have the kind of person who is super thick-skinned and always thinks about what I want to do as soon as I get started.

But the meaning behind these warm congratulations from these powerful wizards and civilizations has already explained a lot.

This was still during the civilized war, and many powerful people in the wizarding world were on the front lines.

Otherwise, there is no guarantee that Thain’s Holy Tower of Ashes would be more lively now.

Among these letters from the Holy Tower of Friendship to the Knights Hall, Thain also discovered a letter from the Holy Tower of Origin, which was sent by the current dean of the Holy Tower, a demigod-level magician named Judy.

Thane did not see the magical letter from his mentor.

After communicating with Meili, Thane learned that his mentor was still in seclusion and had never left the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

Thain looked up towards the direction of the Blue Origin Holy Tower for a long time, and then began to deal with other things that had accumulated after his experiment.

Lina and Meikali are returning to the Black Realm.

Originally, Thain was still thinking about whether they should stay in the Holy Tower of Ashes for a while longer.

Yes and plug

Lina, who had the closest relationship with her, took the initiative to reject his proposal.

"My mentor and I still have many things to deal with in the Black Realm, including our two black towers, which also need to be re-invested in construction."

"Besides, if you continue to stay here, it will distract you from your next attempt to reach Level 6."

"Don't worry, I won't be left behind too much by you."

"Compared with the development environment here in the normal Holy Tower, the Black Domain may be more suitable for me."

"Including the Black Tower can also be of great help to the mentor in re-condensing the fifth-level elemental body." Lina said to Thane.

When the strength reaches a certain level, the boundaries between the so-called "black" and "white" are not so obvious.

Thain is not as weak as he was when he was a first-level magician.

In addition to his own strength, he also has friendship with the Guardian Organization and the Great Guardian of Summer.

In the future, he will enter and leave the Black Realm, and even win over level four and above black magicians in the Black Realm to cooperate in normal plane wars and civilized wars.

As long as you don't violate the laws of wizard civilization, nothing will happen.

Especially now that we are in the midst of a civilized war, the wizarding world is extremely tolerant towards the black magicians.

The blood of so many black magicians on the battlefield behind enemy lines was not in vain.

The wizarding world will remember them.

Even if the original intention of these black magicians is not so noble as to dedicate themselves to the wizarding world, but just to gain huge war profits.

Now that the two women have made their decision, Thain no longer tries to persuade them.

It may take him more time to reach the sixth level than it will take Lu Lianman to advance to the fifth level.

It makes no sense to keep the two girls in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Let the two girls go back and develop another wave in the black area.

After Thain successfully advances to level six, he can lead the two people who have coordinated his own black tower and black magician army in the black domain and continue to devote themselves to the frontline civilized war.

And as long as the two women don't cause any trouble and come to the Holy Tower of Ashes to reunite with him and his son in a low-key identity, the Guardian Organization won't say anything.

The real targets of the Guardian organization are those low-level black knights and black magicians who often cause chaos and bring turmoil to the bottom society of the wizarding world.

If you observe carefully, it seems that the Guardian Organization has not dealt with any special beings in recent years, including black knights and black magicians of level 4 and above.

Everyone does not interfere with the well's water.

After giving the resources given to Mayfair and Zorro to the two girls and taking them back to the Black Realm, Thane couldn't help but ask, "What about the son? He

Are you willing to leave the two of you? "

"And I may not have time to look after Narcissus next time." Thain said.

Lina gave Thain a roll of her eyes at this time and said, "My son is so old, do you need to take care of him all the time?"

"Nataya and Xia will also help take care of it."

"Besides, after my mentor and I return to the Black Realm, it's not like we won't come back. Once the things over there are taken care of, we will come back often through the space gate."

"Including many magical communication methods, you can contact your son in time." Lina replied, she had already thought about it with Mei Kelly.

Although I do feel a little reluctant to let go of Thain and Narcissus, the path of truth and their careers are equally important.

Thain nodded, but he didn't say anything more this time.

When Lina and Meikali left, the little guy Narcisiu did not make any fuss.

After all, he is still several decades old, although from the outside, he is still a young lady.

When Thain was at his age, he would go into the dark realm alone to look for Lina.

The naughty and childish behavior that the little guy often displays is just his "disguise".

This kid has actually grown up a long time ago and is very mature, including having his own ideas.

Several times, Thain learned from Dean Meili.

This kid actually went to hook up with the female magician who was harassing his Holy Tower of Ashes!

I don’t know whether I should say that this boy is quite like a father, or whether I should say that others are like a brat.

Because his parents were extremely powerful fifth-level creatures, it would take at least a thousand or two thousand years for Narcissus to truly mature.

During this period, Thain was really worried.

He wouldn't give himself a grandson one day and scare himself, right?

It was not only Lina and Mei Kelly who parted.

Just when Thain was about to leave for the frontline star field, he approached Klopp Knight to apply for a truce time to reach the sixth level, and asked the other party why he wanted to see him before.

Duan Po, a fifth-level casual cultivator in the Immortal Realm, also said goodbye to Thain.

"Ah, you're leaving so soon? Your injuries..." Thain said in surprise.

"My injuries have almost recovered with the help of you and Master Lu Lianman."

"I have suffered more serious injuries than this before. I know my body well and it's nothing."

"It's time for me to return to the fairyland and look for my sister."

"Don't worry, I will come back. My sister's health problem is still waiting for your help," Duan Po said.

"It turns out that your friend is your sister." Thain smiled.

"I know, her

Regarding physical problems, I will discuss it with Lina later and try my best to help you solve it. "Sain nodded and replied.

During the time spent together in the Holy Tower of Ashes, Duan Po also saw more than once that Lina could freely switch between the body shapes of Royal Sister and Loli.

Most of the time, Lina maintains her dark, straight appearance. After all, she is now a mother and needs to behave more maturely in front of Narcissus.

But sometimes, she would maintain her appearance as a red-haired girl.

This was how she was when she first got along with Thain, and it was also Lina's most comfortable state.

When friends separate, they often act much more free and easy than when lovers separate.

Thain proposed that he could give Duan Po a ride, and it happened that he also needed to report to the frontline star field.

When Duan Po nodded in agreement, he didn't expect that it was Naxi Xiu who jumped out to object this time.

This boy is very close to Duan Po, his adoptive father.

When he heard that his adoptive father was leaving, he also wanted to leave with Duan Po.

Mainly in the process of teaching Naxi Xiu, Duan Po would tell him some stories about his past.

Naxixiu really wanted to experience that kind of scene of walking across the world with a sword!

Moreover, he also wanted to see with his own eyes the story of the Immortal Realm and the various scenery of the prehistoric world that Duan Po mentioned before.

Boys are always more lively and active.

So far, Duan Po has not left the Land of Ashes.

Lu Lianman had previously said that she would take him to the Land of Green Source to see, but as Lu Lianman returned to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin and entered a state of retreat and breakthrough, the matter was no longer in progress.

Faced with the little guy's request, Thane gave him a rare scolding, telling him not to cause trouble.

If he really follows Duan Po to the Immortal Realm, if he is lost, where should Thain find him in the vast star sea.

Even Thain himself has not been to the fairyland civilization yet.

Unlike Thain's image of a strict father, Duan Po chuckled at Naxi Xiu and said, "I just went to the fairyland to pick up your aunt. I might be back soon."

"Don't you like swords very much? When you come back, I will find a way to get you a fairy sword."

"And your aunt is very good at alchemy."

"How about I ask her to refine some elixirs for you to assist in your practice?" Duan Po said, touching Naxi Xiu's head.

This time, Naxi Xiu reluctantly lowered his head and said, "Okay."

After settling Narcisiu and handing over the affairs of the Holy Tower of Ashes to Meili again, Thane and Duan Po rushed towards the frontline star field together.

It was not only to send Duan Po away, but also to hone his proficiency in controlling the combined fortress group of the holy tower magicians under his command.

This time out, Thain still drove the seven-seater fortress together.

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