The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2166 Alchemist Master Certification

The loud and clear phoenix's call carries the sound far and wide.

At the moment when the world-class secret treasure magic wand succeeded, the entire elemental barrier of the Ashes Holy Tower was greatly shaken due to the strong rule shock and fire element impact.

Almost all magicians and magic apprentices inside and outside the Holy Tower heard this phoenix cry.

Even this phoenix cry was transmitted to the entire Ashes Land, including places outside the Ashes Land, and the rules here were faintly oscillating.

Thain originally didn't want to be so high-profile.

But the joy of the successful experiment made Thain ignore this detail.

Even he is a little impatient now and wants to experiment with his new magic wand.

The head of Thane's Staff of Ashes is dark green and emits an extremely bright and dazzling light.

Originally, the godhead attached to Marduk did not have this color, but a lot of top magic materials were added to Thane, and an extremely complex alchemical formation was created.

It was then calcined with special law flames such as Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, Nine Nether Ghost Fire, Jade Burning Fire, Ashes Fire, etc., and the power of its original laws was integrated into it, and it became like this.

The body of the Ash Staff is completely black.

It is also densely covered with a large number of alchemical magic circle runes, and there is even an extremely obscure shadow of the law of a black elemental phoenix depicted in it.

The color of Fairyland Sycamore is light golden.

In the end, the staff was black, not only because Thain wanted to keep a low profile, but also because he successfully stimulated the phoenix essence and blood contained inside it.

Sure enough, there are certain benefits to arranging the Ash Staff refining experiment to the end.

If Thane had not deepened his mastery of the mysteries in the field of bloodline science in several previous experiments, he might not have been able to successfully activate the Phoenix bloodline in it.

The strength of this quasi-holy phoenix in the fairyland is really good. With the ray of essence and blood left in the sycamore tree by the opponent, Thain used elemental energy to outline the legal energy incorporeal body of a black phoenix.

This is a very cost-effective functional spell, which is engraved inside the Ashes Staff. Each time it is activated, it does not require much of Thain's magic and mental power.

Although it is not as high-end as the "Mechanical Fusion Mystery", "The Ashes Fire Mystery" and "The Body Refining Mystery", it is still a good spell model for Thain, including it can be used until he reaches level six in the future. superior.

At this time, only violent turbulence and elemental impact were seen.

At the same time that an extremely gorgeous flaming cloud phenomenon appeared above Thain's Ashes Holy Tower, an extremely large black phoenix appeared on the top of the holy tower, carrying Thain's body.

The huge elemental black phoenix stunned all the magic apprentices in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Including those registered magicians of the Ashes Holy Tower with life levels above one level, all of them were amazed at the majestic power of their tower master at this moment.

In the wizarding world, testing the power of the Ash Staff is not a wise move.

There is no need to leave the wizarding world and go through so much trouble.

The ash staff in his hand waved forward

, a huge subspace crack appeared in front of Thane.

The elemental phoenix at its feet, which did not have intelligence, let out a phoenix cry, and quickly took Thain into the cracks in the subspace and disappeared.

If it weren't for the regular phenomenon of flaming clouds in the sky, they would still continue to appear.

The shocking scene just presented seems to be an illusion to many spellcasters in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

At this time, below the Holy Tower of Ashes, Duan Po also looked at Thain stepping on the black phoenix and leaving the place, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Not far from Duan Po, the little boy Naxi Xiu was waving a dark red sword given to him by Xia Ya and was practicing some of the fighting skills taught to him by his adoptive father Duan Po.

Unlike Duan Po who holds a hatchet, Naxixiu prefers to use a sword.

Because he feels more comfortable.

In recent decades, Naxi Xiu has learned a lot from Duan Po.

Now Kathleen can no longer defeat this little guy.

I don't know whether Duan Po is a better teacher than Thain, or whether Thain has been obsessed with various experiments in recent years and has somewhat neglected the teachings of his disciple.

Of course, on the whole, Kathleen is growing very fast.

When Thane's Ember Staff takes shape.

In addition to the people in the Ashes Holy Tower, there are still many other powerful people in the surrounding areas who feel it.

The law turmoil of the birth of a world-class secret treasure is similar to the news of a sixth-level expert's breakthrough and advancement.

The King of Warcraft in the surrounding area, the fourth-level knights of the Belen Empire, and many holy tower owners on the south coast all looked at the Land of Ashes thoughtfully.

The ones who had the biggest reaction and went straight to the Holy Tower of Ashes where Thain was located were the two fourth-level magicians from the South Coast Guardian Organization.

At this time, Thane was in subspace and didn't know what was going on outside.

The Staff of Ashes in his hand has given Thain a lot of blessings, and his method of tearing apart subspace cracks is much smoother than in the past.

The elemental black phoenix at your feet can also be used in many ways.

Of course, the greater role of this Ash Staff is to directly enhance Thane's overall elemental power.

Including that in future battles, he will have a very obvious amplifying effect on shortening the time of spell casting, increasing the power of magic released, and inducing more powerful power of rules.

And compared to Triris's short staff, Thain's world-class secret treasure magic staff is longer, thicker, and more powerful!

Because the overall materials are of the highest quality, coupled with some of Thain's past fighting styles... when necessary, this magic wand can also be wielded as a melee weapon.

This time, Thane no longer has to worry about his magic wand. During the melee battle, he will

There is too much wear and tear due to excessive force.

After adding many top-quality materials such as star essence and nine-fold mithril, the hardness of the magic wand also exceeded everyone's imagination.

In addition to possessing extremely strong elemental amplification power, there are also requirements for the hardness, weight, and impact resistance of the magic wand... That is why the body-refining magicians of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect have such quirks. .

Thain had also heard from Lu Lianman that his masters, Berga Garu and Penas, were also two fierce men who often "broken" their magic wands on the battlefield.

In the end, Thane's test experiment on the Ash Staff in the subspace was very successful.

However, while confirming that this magic wand had reached the level of a low- to mid-level world-class secret treasure, Thain still felt a little regretful.

My family knows their own affairs.

In fact, this magic wand can successfully reach the level of a world-class secret treasure, and it seems to be of good quality.

Only four of them were attributed to Thane's own alchemy.

Another 60% of the factor comes from the materials he took out this time, all of which are top quality!

"A truly outstanding alchemist master should be able to refine high-quality magic weapons without using too sophisticated materials."

"I am still far away from that stage, and I still need to continue to work hard in the future." Thain sighed.

Thain's testing of the magic device in the subspace lasted for three months.

When he walked out of the subspace, he didn't expect three guests to come to the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Two of them are members of the Guardians of the Wizarding World.

Because I have observed that there have been large law fluctuations in Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes recently, I came here to ask.

The other person is from the City in the Sky.

Because Thain has independently produced a world-class secret treasure, Sky City has additionally marked Thain's information and given him the title of Master Alchemist.

Alchemists like Thain who can produce world-class secret treasures are treasures that the wizarding world must pay attention to.

And with the title of "Alchemy Master" certified by Sky City, it will be much easier for Thain to do many things in the future.

Thain was naturally very happy with the recognition from Sky City.

Although he had considered before whether he should keep a low profile and not want to be disturbed by some worldly fame and fortune.

But everything must be viewed from two perspectives.

With the title of Master Alchemist, it will be much easier for Thane to do whatever he does in the future.

At least some of the alchemy books in Sky City that he might not have reached the Mathematical Olympiad level were now available to him in advance.

And with the title certified by Sky City, Thain can purchase some cutting-edge alchemy resources in the Wizards Union market in advance through internal channels in the future.

Maybe you won’t need him in the future

Go all the way to the trading market and auction, etc.

These are all real benefits.

The downside... the more famous you are, the more people may come to you.

There are still at least two-thirds of the sixth-level knights and magicians in the wizarding world, and they don't have any world-class secret treasures.

Don’t be misled by the fact that Thain and Tourmaline have world-class secret treasures in advance.

Both of them are extremely rare exceptions in the wizarding world.

There are some favors that Thain can easily avoid since he doesn't know the other person.

But some favors are hard to say.

For example, someone wants to ask Thain to refine a certain magic weapon thanks to Trilis's relationship. What will happen when the time comes? Should he give his master this honor?

Those who came to the Holy Tower of Ashes from Sky City were mainly on official business. They left Thain with an Alchemist Master Medal specially made by Sky City and explained some matters before leaving.

The two people from the Guardian Organization also discovered that the abnormal rule turmoil that occurred before turned out to be a vision when the world-class secret treasure was born.

After expressing congratulations to Thane and stating that their Guardian organization would later help Thain and smooth out the recent environmental changes in the Land of Ashes, Thain retained the two.

"Next, I will prepare to attack the sixth level."

"At that time, there may be changes to the rules, so I'll bother you two," Thain said.

One of the male fourth-level magicians from the Guardian organization said in surprise, "Ah? Master Thain, are you planning to reach the sixth-level realm so soon?"

"According to the records of our Guardian organization, it seems that it has been less than ten thousand years since you established the Holy Tower of Ashes." The fourth-level magician said in shock.

Thain just celebrated his 10,000th birthday some time ago. It has been less than 10,000 years since he established the Holy Tower of Ashes.

Thain did not have any fluctuations in the emotional realm. He calmly said again, "Yes, it has been less than 10,000 years since I established the Holy Tower of Ashes."

"However, I have figured out the way to advance to level six, and some preparations have been basically completed."

"The impact on Level 6 should begin within the next hundred years or so." Thain said.

The fourth-level male magician wanted to say something else, but the fourth-level female magician beside him stopped him.

It is not uncommon in the history of the wizarding world for a top powerhouse like Thain to reach the sixth level in 10,000 years, it is just very rare.

And every one of them is truly the pride of heaven and the darling of the plane.

The fourth-level female magician said, "Our guardian organization will do our best to assist you, Master Thain, in advancing to level six, and maintain the environment and rules of the entire Land of Ashes."

"After all, once an outstanding sixth-level magician like you succeeds in breaking through, it will be of great benefit to our wizarding world, including the entire Land of Ashes." The fourth-level female magician said with a smile.

Thain nodded and thanked the two of them again, "Thank you both."

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