The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2165 The Staff of Ashes

There is nothing wrong with Meikaly's body.

It's just an adaptation process.

In addition, because the body "made" by Thain for Meikali is only level 4, even if Meikaly's soul has level 5 strength, her knowledge accumulation has already reached level 5.

But it will take some time to return to its peak strength.

This period of time is the time left for Mei Kaili's body cells to evolve again.

"You don't have to be too hasty about things in the Black Territory. It won't be too late to go back after your strength is fully restored."

"Besides, Narcissus can't bear to leave you. Please stay with Narcissus for a while before we talk." Thain said to Mei Kelly who finished the test in front of the experimental table and began to slowly put on his clothes again.

Because it is a comprehensive examination, it is not the ordinary examination used when Thain tested Duanpo's physique, so this examination must be more thorough.

What Thain said was actually what Mei Kelly was thinking.

Facing the gentle and considerate voice from Thain, Meikali seemed to be touched by the softest part of her heart for a moment.

The magic robe that she had just put on was then casually thrown to the experimental table by Mei Kelly.

Before Thain's eyes could show his astonishment, Meikali grabbed Thain's robe and said, "I heard that Nataya Nanizi has been taught a very embarrassing lesson by you recently because her life level and physique cannot keep up?"

Thain's eyes widened and he asked, "Who did you listen to?"

Mei Kelly had no interest in answering Thain's question. She pushed Thain to the corner of the experimental table and said, "My physique does not belong to a fourth-level body refining magician. Let's try it now?"

"It's definitely a different feeling when you're inside Lina's body." After that, Meikaly murmured in a low voice.

Lina didn't train her body. Her physique was the frail body of an ordinary fourth-level magician. Of course, there was a big difference.

Now, the only two female knights who can make Thane feel "half full" are Lenna and Red Scale, so sometimes they go together.

In fact, Dragon Vein Warlock Mel's combat ability is not bad, but the relationship between Thain and her mainly started from a misunderstanding, so Thain and Mel have the least close contact with all women.

Only occasionally in the laboratory, when the emotions come to a head, do some logical things happen.

It was also after having personal contact with Mel that Thain was sure of one thing - dragon nature is inherently obscene.

When Mel is in an emotional state, her appetite is often not proportional to her height in human form.

The fierce battle with Mei Kaili lasted for a long time.

Because Thain gave her a complete body, halfway through the process, Thain pointed to the blood dripping down the side of the experimental table and said, "It's bleeding."

Meikali didn't care about this, she was still so crazy and said, "This is perfect!"

Meikali, who had been waiting for the fierce battle between the two to end and was completely exhausted, put her white arms on Thain's strong body and said leisurely, "This body makes up for the regrets of the previous body."

After hearing this, Thain was silent for two seconds and replied, "The days ahead are still very long. You don't have to always stick to the past."

Every black magician has an unbearable past.

Every magician is not born a bad guy.

In response to Thain's words, Meikali glanced at him and asked, "What will you do?"

Do you want to go down with me? "

Thain replied seriously, "Everyone is a lone traveler on the road to truth, and I am no exception."

"However, on this long road of exploring the truth, I am willing to walk with you and Lina and the others to see if we can reach the other side of the truth."

"Even if we can't, the scenery along the way must be very beautiful, and our trip is worth it." Thain looked into Meikali's eyes and said.

When Mei Kelly heard this, a very touching smile appeared on her face, and she said, "I thought you were a blockhead who only knew about experimental research, but I didn't expect that you would say such thoughtful words."

Holding her extremely young and white hand together with Thain's strong hand, Meikali smiled and said, "Okay, I'll ask you to take more care of me from now on, Master Thain."

Thain also held Meikaly's hand and said, "Well, I will also ask Master Meikaly for advice in the future."

After dealing with the physical problems of Lina and Meikaly, the last experimental content before Thane was the only experiment of making the Ash Staff.

This is also his entire experimental plan to return to the wizarding world to rest for hundreds of years.

(S’s promotion to level six was something that happened later, because in fact, not long had passed since Thane reached the peak of level five.

Before returning to the wizarding world, Thain also considered accumulating for a while. )

The head of the Staff of Ashes is made of the fire-related godhead of the god Marduk.

The staff is a fairyland sycamore wood that Thain obtained at an auction in the city, and there is still a trace of the blood of the Black Phoenix waiting to be inspired.

In addition, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire that Thain obtained at the auction and other top materials he has collected over the years can also be used in the production of the Ash Staff.

Even when he inspected the Jiuji Demon Lord's space bracelet before, in addition to finding a large amount of fairyland resources inside, Thane also discovered a ball of "Nine Netherworld Fire".

The attributes of the Nine Netherworld Fire are slightly lower than those of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, but among the many divine fires in the Immortal Realm, it is also one of the top flames with a very high ranking.

In addition, Thain also extracted a lot of purple flames of law from the demonic flesh and blood of the Jiuji Demon Lord. These flames also play a great role in promoting Thain to refine the Ash Staff and advance to the sixth level in the future.

Jiuji Demon Lord is really a good person.

He made an indelible contribution to Thain's exploration of the truth and the path to strength advancement!

Thain couldn't help but sigh a few times when he thought that the Jiuji Demon King was still serving his sentence in the Atlanta Interstellar Prison, and that he might be bullied from time to time by the prison bullies and demons.

In the refining experiment of the Ash Staff, Thane did not carry out the preliminary preparations for too long.

Because he has been preparing for long enough, and this long-term plan came into being as early as after the end of the God World War.

And all the while, this alchemical experiment has been perfected in private experiments.

Before starting the refining experiment of the Ash Staff, he didn't even mention it much to his family and other people in the Holy Tower of Ashes.

just after a family dinner

, Thane said to everyone, "I'm going to do an experiment."

Just like his usual expressions, the girls were no different.

Only Lu Lianman stopped him. After preparing his words for a moment, he said, "I plan to hit the fifth level next."

Lu Lianman's words were shocking.

Not only Thain expressed great surprise, but also others. 🅆

Hundreds of years ago, when Thane returned to the star field on the main battlefield of the Wizarding Civilization, he noticed that his mentor had reached the peak level of the fourth level.

Although I had thought that the mentor would be promoted to the fifth level in the future, it would not be far away, but I did not expect that it would come so quickly.

"This is a good thing." Thain smiled upon seeing this.

Lu Lianman has applied to the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization for a longer rest period. Just some time ago, Thain was busy with the soul separation experiment of Lina and Mei Kelly.

At that time, Lu Lianman didn't want to distract Thain, so she didn't mention it.

Now that Lina and Meikali have woken up, and Narcisiu has grown up a lot, Lu Lianman can finally do her own thing.

Lu Lianman smiled at this and said, "This is all thanks to the Zerg life mucus you brought back, as well as the top-notch plant-based materials you brought back to me from the Xianyufang City and major auctions on the front line."

“Without these experimental materials, I don’t know when I would be able to further explore the mysteries of plant life.”

"Including daily communication with Mel and Lina, I have also benefited a lot. My 'World Laboratory Project' will become more mature in the future." Lu Lianman said with a smile.

Lu Lianman's "World Laboratory Project" is as important to her as Thain's "Combined Fortress Project" in recent years. What's even more commendable is that this is Lu Lianman's early stage of level four, or even more important. A grand experimental plan had been set long ago.

Not being able to follow his mentor and embark on the path of truth exploration in plant magic has always been a regret in Thain's heart.

Thain also asked his mentor whether he should find a junior brother or sister for him. Every time Lu Lianman smiled and replied, "Teaching you alone is tiring enough. Do you want to exhaust your mentor to death?" "

Seeing that Lu Lianman was about to take another step forward in the field of truth, Thain was sincerely happy and said, "This is what I should do. Teacher, you are going to return to the Holy Tower of Jizhiyuan next to make a breakthrough." ?"

Lu Lianman nodded. The side of the Green Source Holy Tower was her home field, and Lu Lianman could also rely on this to help herself reach a higher realm with the help of some plane nodes in the Green Source Land.

The process of advancing from level 4 to level 5 is not simple.

When he thought that he might not be able to see his mentor for decades or even longer in the future, Thain couldn't help but feel a touch of reluctance.

Because they had been together for the past two hundred years, the feeling that Thain had at this time was a little stronger.

Unable to help but take a step forward, Thain seemed to have something to say.

Lu Lianman also narrowed her eyes slightly and lowered her head.

After a few seconds of silence, Thain finally said, "Mentor, I look forward to the day when you will be promoted to level five."

"We are waiting for your return at the Holy Tower of Ashes!" Thain said looking at Lu Lianman.

Lu Lianman heard this, raised her head, smiled and said, "Okay."

After Lu Lianman left, Thain immediately started refining his Ashes Staff.

There are no earth-shattering rules and regulations, everything is like a daily alchemy experiment.

Thain's alchemy ability has been perfected through countless practical laboratory operations.

Being able to refine world-class secret treasures is also a sign that Thain, as an alchemist, has truly entered the ranks of "masters" in this field.

There are many sixth-level magicians in the wizarding world, but there are only a few who can refine world-class secret treasures.

Including Cuilis's world-class secret treasure magic short staff, she did not refine it herself, but spent a huge amount of money to ask friends to help make it.

For this reason, Trilis paid a lot of remuneration back then, including all the materials for refining the magic wand.

Why is Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmanship in the Titan world, so famous both inside and outside the Wizards' Union?

Isn’t it just because he has the ability to refine world-class secret treasures and artifacts!

Even Thomas, the god of forging, the son of Hephaestus, also showed his ability to refine world-class secret treasures.

This father and son pair have simply become one of the most important treasures in the Titan world.

Once Thane successfully refined the Ash Staff and publicized his talent.

In the future, he will not participate in civilized wars. Just relying on his "craft" will be enough to mix well in the wizarding civilization!

Including that if I go to the Sky City in the future, I can have a place.

Maybe we can open an alchemy shop in the Sky City.

He held the auxiliary godhead of the god Marduk in his hand, and after examining it for a long time, he put it into the groove in the center of the alchemy experimental table.

The huge alchemical hammer was held in one hand by Thain.

Being an alchemist is also a strenuous job. If you don't have any physical strength, you really can't swing such a hammer.

It seems that Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsman in the Titan world, is also a muscular man?

I don’t know what the top alchemy masters in the wizarding world do when making world-class secret treasures.

As for Thain...

He glanced at the robot WALL-E who was standing next to the experimental table, assisting him in this experiment, and violently swung the alchemy hammer.

The tremors of "Dang Dang~" and the special law flames surged inside and outside Thain's alchemy laboratory.

This time Thane also relied on the power of the laws of the plane nodes below the Holy Tower of Ashes, filling it with the surging flame energy from the center of the wizarding world.

Even because Thain has gained good knowledge and insights into blood science in recent times.

During this experiment, he also tried to draw out the strand of black phoenix blood essence contained inside the magic wand.

Thirty-two years later.

A loud phoenix cry came from the Holy Tower of Ashes.

"The current monthly ticket is 831. Readers who have free monthly tickets, please vote for Xiaodou. Thank you very much~

There is also a double monthly ticket event that will start after 12 noon on the 15th of this month. Xiaodou has started working hard to save manuscripts, and I look forward to giving everyone a blast~"

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