The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2164 Reshaping the Body

"How do you feel about starting from a strand of hair and condensing into a physical body?"

In the laboratory, Thain asked Mei Kelly beside him with a smile.

At this time, Mei Kelly was dominating Lina's body, and she also participated in the experiment.

Faced with Thain's question, Meikaly rolled her eyes.

A large pool of dark red blood appeared in the laboratory in front of Thane.

This laboratory is located at the lowest level of the Holy Tower of Ashes.

The scorching flame law energy at the plane node below the Holy Tower will help Meikaly's body gain extremely strong innate attributes during the reshaping process.

Including the blood pool, a lot of the best blood crystals that Thain mixed into it were also incorporated at this time.

Even though she is half the mother of her son, Thain is still very willing to give up on Meikaly. 🅆

Although the re-condensed body is definitely not as consistent as the original body and his soul.

But after all, it is still his own body, and with all aspects of Thain's enhancement, Meikaly's new body, at least in terms of physical strength, is much more powerful than the previous weak magician's body.

In the laboratory, in addition to Thane and Lina, Mel, who is also good at the mysteries of blood science, is also here.

But Mel has picked up her old job as Thain's assistant.

Thain knew that dragon creatures were very rich and "money obsessed".

When Thane asked Mel if she had any treasures on hand that could be added to the blood pool as an addition.

Mel, who had recently put on a pair of ponytails, gave him a slap on the back of his head.

After the joke, it was a long and rigorous experiment.

This experiment took quite a long time, and Thain also invested a lot of energy in it.


Eleven years later, a jade body with a beautiful face and slender legs gradually appeared in the center of Thain's laboratory.

Thain had never seen the true form of Mekelly, the master of the Canggu Black Tower, before.

When he went to the Black Realm in his early years, Meikali appeared in the form of a black mist.

Later, when they had close contact, it was time for her soul to enter Lina's body.

Thain really didn't expect that Meikali looked quite beautiful.

Because the body gradually appearing in the blood pool is a one-to-one restoration of Meikaly's original appearance.

"Is this your original appearance?" Thane, who was wearing a white magic robe, marveled at Mekelly's body in the blood pool.

Meikali remained silent at this time, and it was Lina who answered Thain's question.

"Haha, this should be what the mentor looked like 40,000 years ago."

"That's what she looked like when she was just promoted to level four."

"If it were what he looked like in the past ten thousand years, the mentor would have looked much more rigid and serious, and his skin would have changed.

It's better to have that time. "Lina chuckled.

She shared all of Mei Kaili's memories, but she knew many of the other party's secrets, including Mei Kaili's current thoughts, and was in sync with Lina.

And this extremely special state will continue for a long time in the future, including after Meikaly's soul leaves Lina's body.

Because the two of them have been in the same body for such a long time, while Lina has subtly influenced Mei Kaili, Mei Kaili has also influenced Lina in many ways.

For example, in the future, the master and apprentice pair will have a better understanding of each other during the battle.

Maybe they are like twins.

Including from Lina's perspective, she might be able to easily guess what Meili thinks about a certain matter.

At this time, Lina already knew why Mei Kaili chose her appearance from 40,000 years ago.

Meikali is now almost 50,000 years old.

Forty thousand years ago, it was when she had just been promoted to level four, her life functions were at their peak, and she was in her prime.

The feeling of reshaping the physical body seemed to allow Meikali to go through life again.

Including that she also wanted to show her peak appearance to Thane, instead of returning to her original appearance as a fifth-level black magician.

Thain didn't think much about it at this time. After taking another look at the test data, she turned to Lina and Meikaly and said, "The body remodeling has been basically completed. What's left is the soul separation and return experiments."

"These two steps will also take a certain amount of time. Why don't you two go see Narcissus for a while first?"

"I know you are a little reluctant to let him go, and even the little guy is worried about whether your experiment is going well or not," Thain said.

During the eleven years of body remodeling, except for Thain, who stayed in the laboratory for a long time.

Lina would always leave for a while during this period, because she missed her son.

After years of development, Thain's son's mind and worldview have become more mature, and he knows what the situation is now.

Maybe it's just because I'm older and more sensible.

Under the teachings of Lina and Meikali, he actually began to memorize some spell models and elemental knowledge that he had previously resisted.

Having an obedient and sensible son is the most gratifying thing for every parent.

However, Thain realized belatedly, could it be possible that his child would take the path of dual cultivation of magic and martial arts?

In addition, Naxixiu also followed Duan Po and learned a lot of Qi training methods and combat skills in the Immortal Realm.

So much so that Thain couldn't tell exactly which path his son had taken.

Walk first

Look, there is always a path suitable for Naxi Xiu in the future.

Maybe there is no need for Thane to arrange anything for Narcissus in advance.

There is no guarantee that this kid will be able to find his own way in the future.

Regarding Thain's mention of visiting his son again, especially that Narcissus also cared about them, Lina and Meikali were silent for a while.


The soul separation experiment was a success.

Under the influence of the soul magic array runes densely covered at the bottom of the Holy Tower, Meikali's soul was gradually separated from Lina's body.

Then she quickly entered the body that Sean had reshaped for her in advance.

This physical body is enough to meet the standards of a fourth-level creature, and even because Thain has incorporated a lot of top-notch materials into it, the physical strength is comparable to that of a body-refining magician.

Therefore, this body is probably better than May Kelly's original body.

At least younger, more energetic, and more beautiful.

The only small change that occurred during this period was that Mei Kelly's soul left Lina's body and entered a new body.

Both Lina and Mei Kelly fell into a deep sleep for a certain period of time.

This change is controllable.

Before conducting these two experiments, Thain and others had discussed and studied that Lina and Meikali's souls have been in communion for a long time, and they have adapted to each other.

Once separated, the two will inevitably enter a running-in period again.

Lina's sleep time was a little better, it probably wouldn't be too long.

Because Meikali needs to get used to her new body, she may stay asleep for a little longer.

Regarding this situation, Thain couldn't help but sigh to Natalya after the experiment, "More than ten years ago, it was you who acted as the 'Sleeping Beauty'. Now, it's Lena and May Kelly's turn again."

"They should be fine, right?" Nataya asked with concern.

Among the women in Thane, Natalya has the lowest level, so she has started to practice hard recently.

Thain was originally a little worried that Natalya's soul had just healed, so he suggested that she wait for a while before talking.

But it looked like Natalya was just fine, and she was so energetic that it was beyond imagination.

After testing her for a period of time, I found that there was no problem, so I left her alone.

In response to Natalya's concern and inquiry, Thain patted her powerful thigh and said, "It's nothing."


Sure enough, after sleeping for about half a year, Lina woke up first.

Apart from feeling a little empty for a moment, there was nothing else out of the ordinary.

Although Meikali's soul left Lina's body, her memory remained in Lina's mind forever.

This was the key to Lina being able to quickly enter the fifth level.

As for the road ahead, Lina needs to go there herself, because Meikali has given all her knowledge and wealth to Lina.

This can be regarded as the fee that Mei Kaili needs to pay for living in Lina's body for such a long time.

It was the little guy Narcissus who came to tell Thane that Lina woke up.

Now, this little guy is one of the few who can break straight into Thane's lab.

The little guy has been paying attention to his mother's condition.

The time for Meikali to wake up will be much longer.

It was not until three and a half years later that Mei Kelly gradually woke up from her slumber.

The one who came to tell Thane excitedly was also Narcisiu.

When Meikali woke up from her slumber, the first person she saw was Narcissus, who was still in the growth stage of a toddler.

(The descendant of a fifth-level creature, S, develops slowly. More than 20 years later, he is still a child.)

Out of the instinctive habit of being in Lina's body before, Meikali held Narcissus in her arms.

And when the little guy called her "Mom", Meikali realized that she had returned to her body.

"Do you still remember that I am your mother?" Meikali asked, holding Narcisiu's face.

"Of course, I can feel my mother's breath." Narcisiu said, rubbing his head in Meikaly's arms.

Looking at her son in front of her, Meikali remembered the difficulty of giving birth to him.

At that time, because of the body sharing, Mei Kelly could also truly feel every bit of Lina's pain.

It was as if Narcissus was a piece of meat that fell from Meikali's body.

She gently kissed the cheek of the handsome young lady in her arms. At this time, Mei Kelly's whole body was exuding the soft light of motherhood, and there was not even half of the dark aura of her former fifth-level black magician in the black domain.

When Narcisiu jumped up and called Thain together, looking at Mekelly who had changed his "look" in front of him, Thain also felt that great changes had taken place in him.

Including Thane at this time, it is difficult to connect Mekelly with the black magician.

"You're awake." Thain said.

"Yeah." Meikali lowered her head and replied.

She also didn't know how to face Thain. Anyway, she no longer had the freedom she had when she was in Lena's body.

At this time, she was still sitting on the bed, with her legs slightly together, showing her beautiful figure.

Thain scratched his head and said, "I see that you still have some problems adapting to your body. Can I help you test it next?"

Meikali did not refuse, she turned her head and replied, "Okay."

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