The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2161 Begging for mercy

When the news about Xia Ya came, Thain was communicating remotely with people on the top floor of the Holy Tower, including Dean Meili.

The person communicating with Thane was Master Pola.

Some time ago, Thain handed Master Pola and others a large sum of magic coins.

The money was a thank you to Master Pola and others for lending him a helping hand without hesitation during the battle.

At the same time, part of the money was also used to provide pensions to those low-level alchemists who had died in the battle.

The Wizarding Civilization will provide compensation in this regard, and the Fairyland will definitely provide certain compensation.

What Thain took out was completely prepared by himself.

Including all the low-level magicians who participated in the battle and came back alive, Thain also paid them large rewards. 🅆

Thain is a Holy Tower owner who knows how to share, and they deserve these rewards.

In the previous conversation with Master Pola, Thain also told the other party that the group of evil cultivators from the fairyland who attacked them had received their due revenge.

Master Pola only thought that what Thain meant was that the wizarding civilization had judged them.

But in fact, what Thain said was that he had sent people to teach those immortal cultivators a lesson at the Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

For this reason, the sixth-level demon king also said hello in advance.

Thain also paid the balance of the payment to Saitem.

Thain is not a magician who likes to owe others favors. Things that can be solved with money are best.

Those demons are befriending Thane just for profit.

However, Thain did not expect that the demons in the Atlanta Interstellar Prison would actually have a solution. He originally just had the mentality of giving it a try.

The only regret is that the Evil Buddha, who possesses quasi-saint-level strength, was snatched away early, according to Saitem.

Originally, Saitem was also in contact with a devil who was also at the peak of the sixth level through connections (mainly through the young master Anli Gustavo's connections).

He planned to help Thane teach him a lesson in the interstellar prison.

The existence behind being imprisoned on the 18th floor of the Atlanta Interstellar Prison is not easy to find.

In the end, Saitmu felt quite apologetic for not being able to help Thain vent his anger.

Including the fees he charged Thain, he also saved a lot because he omitted the most critical evil Buddha.

Thain also had some regrets about this.

But since the other party is a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, might the Immortal Realm pay more attention to him?

So he was fished out early?

Saitem said that the missing portion of the Evil Buddha has been given to Jiuji Demon Lord and others several times.

Those evil cultivators are still locked up inside.

In addition to these revenge matters, Thain called Meili this time mainly to order her to specially select a part of the magicians from the Holy Tower of Ashes for the subsequent driving of the Union Fortress.

Master Pola and others have cooperated with the alchemists of Sky City and Steel City to basically repair the combined fortress of Thain.

Various improvement works have also been completed.


On Thane's Holy Tower of Ashes, stationed magicians can be sent out to familiarize themselves with the operating procedures of the seven space fortresses.

Including some simple fortress maintenance matters, under the introduction of Master Pola, these Ashes Holy Tower magicians can also study with the alchemists of Capecchi for a period of time.

There are more magicians stationed in it, and after running in, the strength unleashed by Thane driving the combined fortress group may be increased by one to two percent.

As soon as Thain finished talking to Meili about business, news came from Xia Ya that Natalya had woken up.

Thain stood up from his seat in an instant and said with a smile, "It's so good that we all come together. Let's go and have a look."

Mellie also smiled and nodded, and flew towards Natalya's residence with Thane.

Thain just talked about taking revenge on the evil cultivators in Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

There happened to be a powerful person from the Immortal Realm who came specifically for this matter.

The person who came was Zhong Kui, the representative of the witch clan in the Immortal Realm. He came to visit Taoist Banshan.

Zhong Kui is not the first powerful person to come to the Immortal Realm.

Banshan Taoist possesses half of the witch blood, and when he was a casual cultivator in the fairyland, this guy didn't make any big mistakes.

It’s just that mouth that can’t control the wind.

There are also those who like to bully the talented disciples of all famous sects.

As a Daluo Jinxian-level monk, the various sects in the Immortal Realm cannot do anything to a strong person like Taoist Banshan.

This incident within the wizarding civilization is already the biggest case that Taoist Banshan has ever committed.

This guy was also not very clear-headed and did not recognize the difference in rules between the wizarding civilization and the fairyland.

They are also targeting fifth-level creatures, and committing crimes on the side of the wizard civilization cannot be compared with those in the fairyland.

The quasi-saint-level powerhouse Zhong Kui arrived on the battlefield of wizard civilization not long ago.

And he has already led the Witch Clan legion in several battles on the civilized battlefield, and has also shown great achievements.

Compared with hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Immortal Witch Clan Legion brought the biggest surprise to the powerful wizard civilization. In addition to the powerful Witch Clan members themselves, in their battle sequences, there were also many dead souls, Ghost cultivators, evil spirits, zombies, etc.

It is also commonly known as "undead creature".

The most appropriate unit to deal with the Gallente Federation is the Undead Legion.

In this civilized war, the Immortal Witch Clan also demonstrated their impressive achievements in the field of soul utilization.

I heard that the Witch Clan also demonstrated a formation for condensing soul crystals. Magicians from the Wizarding Civilization came here to observe it, and the Witch Clan had no secrets about it.

The strong man of the Wu clan himself is in the field of formations and has good insights.

The "Twelve Capital Gods and Evil Formation" is the famous top killing formation of the Wu Clan. At the same time, it is also the three major killing formations that have been inherited by the fairyland civilization for a long time.


The Wu Clan's formation for condensing soul crystals is somewhat similar to the method used by demons to extract blood crystals, but what they extract is soul energy, and their methods are not as cruel as demons.

All you need to do is place countless soul-calling flags on the battlefield, and use a formation to condense the soul energy scattered on the battlefield after the war, and then you can collect the corresponding soul crystals.

It is also with this set of formations contributed by the Witch Clan that the quality of the soul crystals harvested by the Wizard Civilization has improved a lot.

This is not only because of the friendly relationship that the Wizarding World has maintained with the Fairyland Witch Clan, but also because of the secrets of this formation that the Witch Clan has contributed almost free of charge.

When Zhong Kui came to see him, it was impossible for the higher-ups in the wizarding world to turn him away.

Even because Zhong Kui currently represents the Immortal Wizard Clan on the battlefield of wizard civilization.

Therefore, the powerful person in the wizarding world who contacted Zhong Kui was also very useful.

——It was Klopp, the master knight who had just finished handling the logistics work on the front lines of the civilized battlefield and several war zones.

Mr. Klopp was very busy, so when Zhong Kui met him, he directly stated his purpose of coming and did not waste the other person's time.

Regarding the cost of getting Taoist Banshan out, the Wu clan represented by Zhong Kui also showed great sincerity.

After all, he is a Daluo Jinxian-level monk. If he is dealt with by the wizard civilization like this, the wizards in the prehistoric world will feel very sad.

Members of the Witch Clan are the fairyland creatures who value blood and family ties the most.

The face of the Wu clan must be given.

In addition, the mountain-moving Taoist was also the first level six creature to realize the current situation and surrender.

Knight Klopp, who had already read the battle report, readily agreed to Zhong Kui's request without much hesitation.

And the wizard civilization is also more concerned about Zhong Kui, a quasi-saint-level powerhouse.

A strong player like Klopp Knight has already seen that Zhong Kui has great potential to become a dominant player.

Maybe he will be in charge of the next generation of the witch clan in the prehistoric world.

The goodwill released by the wizard civilization can be regarded as establishing a personal relationship in advance.

From certain channels, the wizarding civilization has long known that the most valuable civilization in the Immortal Realm is currently in the hands of the prehistoric wizarding clan.

"Although there is no problem in releasing that level six creature, if he wants to continue to stay on the civilized battlefield, he must atone for his previous actions."

"If not, we can only deport them."

"Including if he commits the crime again next time, he will be punished for several crimes. Our wizard civilization has the right to kill this kind of source of trouble on the spot." Knight Klopp said calmly to Zhong Kui in front of him.

Unlike Klopp, the knight is a peaceful middle-aged man.

Zhong Kui's beard and hair are thicker, black, and he wears a dark purple judge's uniform.

It looks like he is older than Klopp Knight.

Zhong Kui hurriedly replied, "There will definitely be no next time!"

"I will personally supervise Master Banshan to make meritorious service after this."

"Even if he had another

What a small move, no need for wizard civilization to take action, I will personally send him to the underworld of reincarnation. "Zhong Kui expressed his stance.

Knight Klopp nodded, and the smile on his face became much gentler.

He then used his power of dominance to sign a transfer order on the spot and handed it to Zhong Kui in front of him, indicating that he could go directly to Atlanta Interstellar Prison to fish for people.

Zhong Kui once again expressed his gratitude to Knight Klopp before saying goodbye and leaving.

Watching Zhong Kui leave, Klopp couldn't help but sigh, there are so many young talents in the fairyland.

After developing explosively for tens of thousands of years, there is still a steady stream of excellent seeds emerging one after another.

I don’t know how many other potential stocks with dominant potential like Zhong Kui there are.

Of course, wizard civilization is not bad either.

Klopp's Cavaliers now have a "reserve potential master training list" in their hands.

For these little guys with unlimited potential, the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization are willing to devote any resources!

As long as they can be promoted to master!

After sighing, Knight Klopp glanced at the right corner of his desk, where a brocade box was being visited, which was also covered with a layer of red cloth.

There is a vague power of law emanating from it.

This brocade box was sent by the powerful person in the Immortal Realm before Zhong Kui.

The other party comes from the Heavenly Demon Realm of Immortal Civilization, and is also a quasi-sage.

Inside the brocade box, there is a string of Buddhist beads and bones, which has reached the quality of a low-level world-class secret treasure!

This trip to the Demon Realm is obviously to ensure their interests in the wizarding civilization battlefield, and hopes that the wizarding civilization will not pursue the previous unpleasantness.

Even in order to calm down the anger of the wizard civilization, the most core and main component of the world-class secret treasure bone string is composed of the heads of ghosts and Buddhas!

To present such a great gift in such a short period of time is enough to show the sincerity of the Demonic World!

It also shows that they want to continue to protect their interests on the battlefield of wizard civilization.

However, compared to this gift that has reached the level of a world-class secret treasure, Klopp is more interested in the battle that took place in the wizarding civilization not long ago, and Thain as a participant in the battlefield.

"Have you touched the sixth level yet?"

"And he has mastered the secrets of the Union Fortress and can face mid-level six creatures."

"And with the help of others, he smashed half of the body of a late-level six fairyland demon cultivator?"

"Not bad! Not bad!" Klopp praised the battle report in front of him.

As expected of someone he had long favored, he was also the successor to the Maskless Persona.

Thinking of this, Klopp couldn't help but sigh at Master Jos's talent selection skills.

"I didn't expect to grow up so fast. In this case..."

"Add him to that list," Knight Klopp said thoughtfully.

He then took out the "reserve potential master training list" and drew a red line under Thain's name.

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