The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2162 Old Friend in the Black Territory

Atlanta Star Prison, 17th floor.

As a prestigious sixth-level creature, Taoist Banshan naturally has the right to enjoy a separate cell.

The wizarding civilization is relatively "humane" in its attitude towards these interstellar prisoners.

In addition to spending most of their time squatting in such dark, silent, and solitary torture chambers, the interstellar prison will also give these prisoners a short period of release every once in a while.

This is also their only chance to get a taste of limited freedom.

And you can also get in touch with other inmates on the same floor in the interstellar prison, so we can chat?

But if given the choice, Taoist Banshan would rather not have this so-called rest period. 🅆

Because this so-called release period is the "beating period" for Banshan Taoist and others.

The Atlanta interstellar prison built by the Wizarding Civilization at a huge cost is said to have used some of the technologies from the relics of super-ancient top civilizations. It is natural to suppress beings like Taoist Banshan.

The Evil Buddha, who was stronger than him, could not mobilize any spiritual power before entering it, let alone him.

Taoist Banshan didn't know that the Evil Buddha had already moved his head.

It was even made into a world-class secret treasure by the Demon Realm to apologize to the wizarding civilization.

Hearing the creak of the cell door behind him, Taoist Banshan who was lying on the ground did not look back, but could not help but cursed, "Again?"

"We agreed first, no slaps in the face this time!" Master Banshan demanded.

This is not the release time prescribed by the interstellar prison, so when the cell door is opened, it will only mean one thing - those demons and demons who bribe the jailers through unknown means are here again!

In the interstellar prison, Taoist Banshan couldn't muster any strength, and all his spiritual weapons and immortal weapons were all taken away before entering the prison.

The only thing he can rely on is the good physique that comes with his witch bloodline.

It is this ability that makes Taoist Banshan's life much better than other demon cultivators such as Sky Ghost Locust and Jiuji Demon Lord.

But no matter how good you are, you can't stand being beaten all the time.

Not to mention it’s hard to fight back!

In addition to the larger number of opponents, those demons and devils, by some unknown means, can still use a certain amount of power in the interstellar prison.

Isn’t this a joke?

Now even level five demons can bully Taoist Banshan, so that Taoist Banshan can't help but feel a sense of sadness.

Why was I so obsessed with money in the first place that I did what I did? Taoist Banshan sighed secretly.

After the cell door opened, a group of demons did not rush in behind him to teach him a lesson as usual.

The slightly surprised Taoist Banshan slowly looked back.

When he saw Zhong Kui, who was wearing a purple judge uniform and had extremely thick hair.

Taoist Banshan's nose felt sore, and a prestigious Daluo Jinxian-level monk almost burst into tears on the spot.

Mainly moved.

And Taoist Banshan once again felt that he

The blood of the inner witch clan is very strong.

"Come out quickly, we can leave." Zhong Kui said to the Taoist Banshan Taoist.

Zhong Kui did not come alone, beside him stood the deputy warden of the Atlanta Interstellar Prison.

It is precisely because of the handwriting of the master knight Klopp that the interstellar prison can release the people with great pleasure.

Not only that, all the confiscated spiritual weapons, immortal weapons, elixirs, etc. that originally belonged to Taoist Banshan will be returned to him.

The wizarding civilization is very trustworthy in this regard and will not embezzle any of his property.

Of course, with Taoist Banshan's mind, he would not tell Zhong Kui how he had been bullied by a group of demons and devils at this time.

It’s useless to say it.

With the fastest speed in his life, Taoist Banshan rushed to Zhong Kui's side. He now wished he could leave this place instantly.

Zhong Kui, on the other hand, bowed to Deputy Warden Balami and then left with Taoist Banshan Taoist.

"Getting you out this time has cost a lot of our Wu clan's resources, especially our favors," Zhong Kui said.

"Oh." Taoist Banshan lowered his head and said.

"From now on, you can't continue to do random things outside as a casual cultivator. You must contribute to the development of the Wu clan." Zhong Kui continued.

Taoist Banshan licked his lips and finally replied, "Okay."

The creatures of the Witch Clan are basically like spitting and nailing.

Since Taoist Banshan said so, Zhong Kui didn't even need to make another contract with him.

Zhong Kui then said, "You have caused a lot of trouble to the wizarding civilization this time. The wizarding civilization requires you to perform meritorious service, or to expel you back to the fairyland. Which one do you choose?"

If you stay with the wizarding civilization, you can commit crimes and perform meritorious service, and you can continue to earn war profits.

Returning to the Immortal Realm... It cannot be said that the situation there is a matter of course, but more than 99% of the core interests of the Immortal Realm have been taken up by those saints and Taoist courts!

Although the prehistoric witch clan also has its own basic base and many resource points that can generate profits, Taoist Banshan only possesses half of the witch clan blood in his body. He is not a pure witch clan member who was born near the underworld of reincarnation.

Returning to the Immortal Realm and sharing the few resources with his own people, Taoist Banshan couldn't do such a thing.

"I'd better stay here." Taoist Banshan replied without thinking.

This was also the answer Zhong Kui expected. He nodded and said, "Okay."

When he was about to leave the interstellar prison, Taoist Banshan couldn't help but think of something and asked, "How about Jiuji Demon Lord and Tiangui Locust? Are there any demon cultivators and monsters trying to catch them?"

Taoist Banshan and these two sixth-level creatures are considered "friends", or "bad friends".

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have acted with these two people.

Zhong Kui replied, "No, at least not for the time being."

"If no one takes care of them, according to the laws of wizard civilization, the two of them will be locked up here for at least ten thousand years, or even longer..." Zhong Kui glanced meaningfully at the mountain-moving Taoist.

Taoist Banshan twitched his lips when he heard this.

He further said, "This time it's all the fault of that evil Buddha!"

"Damn it, the three of us originally went to find that Xuanxian-level casual cultivator this time, but the disciple of Jiuji Demon Lord was killed by that kid."

"If you just kill a casual cultivator, the wizarding civilization won't be so grand, right?"

"It was the Evil Buddha who said that the wizard and civilized magician might have the blood of a saint. When the interception is successful, the score will be 50-50 or something... Damn, I was tricked by him this time!" Banshan Taoist cursed.

After joining the Wu Clan, Taoist Banshan no longer had any respect for a quasi-sage like the Evil Buddha.

In the words, there is also the intention of greeting the other party's mother.

As one of the four great judges, Zhong Kui has always been a strict person.

Therefore, I frowned slightly at Taoist Taoist Banshan who was so careless and careless in his practice, and who always spoke without restraint.

Before Taoist Banshan could continue to spit and curse, Zhong Kui said directly, "Evil Buddha is dead!"

Taoist Banshan shook his body and replied, "Huh?"

"The Heavenly Demon Realm took it upon itself to clean up the portal. I heard that the head of the Evil Buddha was made into an acquired treasure and was given to the wizarding civilization by the Heavenly Demon Realm." Zhong Kui said lightly.

Taoist Banshan immediately stopped making noise.

He even gradually fell silent and replied, "Oh."

Zhong Kui took a deep breath and said, "Sandwiched between two top civilizations, we are all very small existences."

"Not only are there strict rules in the wizarding civilization, but also in the Immortal Realm, you also know which people cannot be messed with, and which rules of the Saint Taoist Court must not be broken."

"From now on, I hope you will think carefully before doing anything."

"Our Witch Legion will follow the orders of the Wizard Civilization and go to multiple star fields to build soul gathering formations."

"You may not be good at this formation, but as a Daluo Jinxian-level physical cultivator, go and protect our Wu Clan's formation masters and the middle and lower-level legions." Zhong Kui said.

Taoist Banshan did not hesitate this time, he directly replied, "Okay."

After leaving the Atlanta Interstellar Prison, the mountain movers were like most of the prisoners who had left before.

One last look at this place that impressed him deeply before leaving.


Tower of Ashes.

After Natalya regained consciousness, Thain and others held a grand welcome ceremony for her.

This ceremony can also be regarded as a celebration of Thane's body shaping experiment on Lina's split soul and Mei Kelly. The preliminary preparations have been basically completed.

After waking up, Natalya did lose part of her memory.

When Thain and others conducted a thorough investigation into her situation, they discovered that

What Natalya lost was the memory of his father.

Even Nataya has forgotten her father's name.

There is no need to mention the past, people are looking forward.

Not to mention, Natalya's father was already dead.

The sudden birth of a son had a great impact on Natalya.

Although she is not her biological child, Nataya also likes Narcisiu very much.

This time, Xia Ya did not persuade her daughter to give birth to a child quickly, because Natalya's current life level was too low and she still maintained her realm of a heavenly knight.

However, Natalya's advantage is that her soul energy is extremely strong now!

After absorbing the power contained in so many soul crystals, Natalya is no different from ordinary fourth-level creatures in terms of soul strength alone.

Thain said that with Natalya's current soul state, she will have a great advantage in reaching level four in the future.

Perhaps it won't be long before a knight's palace will once again stand in the Land of Ashes.

This can be regarded as Nataya having been in a coma for so many years, losing everything and gaining something.

(s But this also shows that the cruel Zerg in the star world slaughtered hundreds of millions of lower federal creatures, and the soul crystals collected helped Thane to rescue Natalya, and then promoted her to have extremely powerful power. The origin of the soul.

Just like higher creatures don't care about the chickens, ducks, geese and other lower creatures that are eaten by them, the star world itself is a regular environment where big fish eat small fish. )

"What are you going to do next?"

"Are we going to refine the Ash Staff? Or should we help Lina and the others solve their physical problems first?" Meili asked during the banquet.

As the dean of the Holy Tower, she was quite familiar with Thain's next experimental project.

"Let's solve the physical problems of Lina and the others first. Some time ago, Mei Kelly told me that something happened in the Black Territory, including her Black Skeleton Tower, which has also been greatly affected recently."

"Lina has also built her own black tower in the Black Domain. She may also fly back to take a look at it."

"In addition, my two senior brothers and sisters from the underground world of Mensobra City have also contacted me recently." Thain replied.

"Are they Zorro and Mayfair? How are they doing now?" Meili asked in surprise.

Meili is also a black magic apprentice who came out of the underground world, and she is also the other two who remember Sai En's sect.

Regardless of Zorro and Mayfair's current status, at least they are both senior brothers and sisters of Thane, and they also took care of Thain a lot back then. This is a fact!

"Senior brother, he is currently at the peak of his demigod status. He seems to be in some difficulties when facing the fourth level impact. I have to find a way to help him."

"As for Mayfair... I heard that she seems to have been promoted to level four." Thain said.

"Ah?" Meili said in surprise.

"The current monthly ticket is 817~

Brothers, there are still free monthly tickets, please vote for Xiaodou, Xiaodou has enough qaq for saving manuscripts."

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