The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2160 Naxi Xiu’s Talent

The reward for asking these demon kings to take action is not only the soul crystal, but also the Universe Bracelet that Thain harvested in the battle outside Fangshi.

There should be many good things in the broken Qiankun Bracelet.

Jiuji Demon Lord is a Daluo Jinxian-level monk, so even if the other party is a casual cultivator, he should have some family property.

After using the opponent's spear, poking the opponent's horse, and entrusting these matters to the demon king Setem, Thain's mood improved a lot.

Seven years later.

Xia Ya is helping Thain take care of the children today.

There is no way, Narcissus's father and mother are both magicians. 🅆

Although Thane has not conducted any in-depth experiments in recent years, he has also spent a lot of time with Narcissus.

But he always has things to deal with.

So more often, Xia Ya would help take care of the children.

At this time, Narcisiu, who was tired from playing, lay on Xia Ya's chest and fell asleep unconsciously.

Seven years later, Narcissus was still the size of a baby.

As predicted by Thain, Meyer and others, his growth and development cycle is very long.

However, Narcisiu has long since learned to walk, can even fly at low altitude, and has excellent fire control ability. After all, he is a second-level creature.

On weekdays, Narcisiu is closer to Xia Ya and Duan Po than his biological parents, Sean and Lina.

Maybe it's more because of Xia Ya's maternal temperament.

When Narcissus gets tired of playing, he always likes to look for her.

Similarly, Duan Po is naturally very close to the little guy.

Even though he was just a little kid, Narcisiu would hold a wooden stick and follow Duan Po to practice swordsmanship together.

Duan Po's sword technique does not have any sect inheritance, nor does it have any so-called special rules.

He has always fought with his own feelings.

After observing Duan Po's daily training, Thain said, "Duan Po's sword skills seem to contain some kind of rules."

"Is this the power of a special law? The law of the sword? Or the intention of the sword?" Thain couldn't help but sigh.

The equally powerful fairyland civilization has indeed developed a cultivation system and developed laws and secrets that are very different from those in the wizarding world.

In fact, the wizarding world has also developed special areas of rules, such as the realm of "human and dragon becoming one", which is also a manifestation of special rules and means.

Beings who can elevate such methods to the level of rules are usually not ordinary people.

The little guy followed Duan Po's "mischief", but Thain didn't mind at first.

But gradually, Thane discovered that compared to what he and Lina taught

After giving Na Xi Xiu introductory magic knowledge, this little guy is even more interested in Duan Po's fairyland cultivation system and the fighting spirit cultivation in the wizarding world!

Even this kid has successfully condensed fighting spirit seeds in his body under Xia Ya's demonstration.

Naxi Xiu was struggling to memorize even the basic spell model of Fireball, an introductory magic.

He can even release the fighting energy in his body and condense it into a sword.

The ability of "fighting energy into matter" is one of the signature skills of the second-level knights in the wizarding world, just like the elemental body method of magicians.

If another powerful biological bloodline is blended into this boy, he will now be a genuine second-level earth knight!

It only took Naxi Xiu seven years to grow from a baby who didn't understand anything to being able to turn his fighting spirit into a sword and following Duan Po around every day.

The reason why he couldn't memorize the fireball spell model wasn't because of his lack of talent or memory, but because he simply didn't want to memorize it.

It's really strange. With a pair of magician parents, why are you not interested in magic?

As for Naxixiu's innate ability to control fire, he has also "properly" used it in his fighting spirit training and actual combat.

Thain's apprentice Kathleen has also been promoted to the second level, and due to the physical training, she is now playing with the little guy, playing back and forth.

It's not that Kathleen is deliberately letting off steam, but the little guy really seems to have a talent for close combat.

The moves he just learned from Duan Po will soon be used in the actual battle with Kathleen.

So often in the tower master's training room, Kathleen, wearing a magic robe, was chased and slashed by little guys amidst laughter and laughter.

The little guy is also very playful, and sometimes he moves his hands, neither lightly nor severely.

Of course, this situation also indirectly stimulated Kathleen.

Thane would often see Kathleen, working late into the night in the lab.

And in recent years, the time and frequency of asking Thain for advice on the secrets of body refining and green fire magic have increased more and more.

Thain did not intend to teach Kathleen the secret of Ashes Fire so early.

No matter what, he had to wait until Kathleen reached level three before he would start teaching in the corresponding aspects.

Because Thane's own secret of Ashes Fire gradually became clear after he reached the third level.

It's still too early to teach it to Kathleen.

As for the little guy's outstanding talent in the knight's path, and his resistance to learning and studying magic.

Thain couldn't help but secretly wonder, "Is it possible that his son is more suitable to follow the path of a knight, rather than follow his parents and embark on the path of exploration of the truth?"

Faced with Thain's doubts, Lina, as a mother, has to look away a lot.

"Naxi Xiu is still young, so it's normal for him to be playful."

"Compared to sitting in the laboratory and studying magic, he likes playing happily outside."

"Just let the child do what he likes. There is no need to force him to do anything." Lina said.

What Lina said was very insightful, and Thain gradually recognized it.

But Thain then asked, "Is this your idea or Meikali's?"

"Is there any difference?" Lina rolled her eyes at Thain and asked.

The birth of Narcissus seems to have deepened the relationship between Thane and Lina, because there is another blood tie between the two.

Seeing Lina's moving appearance in front of him, Thain couldn't help but step forward and touch her tender white cheek.

"Let's go back to the laboratory." Lina said shyly.

Today, Xia Ya, who was holding Narcissus in her arms, came to the room where Natalya was sleeping as usual.

Since seven years ago, Natalya has not been in the ice coffin.

Because she had been resuscitated and was not awake now, she was in a state of conflict between her soul and her body, and the overly powerful soul power also put a lot of pressure on her body.

The current deep sleep is more like a self-protection mechanism of Natalya's body.

You should wake up soon, right? Xia Ya couldn't help but think.

Xia Ya was confused by the technical terms that Thain said, but she heard the key point, which was that Natalya would wake up in more than ten years.

It has become Xia Ya's habit to come to see Natalya every few days.

In addition, over the years, Xia Ya had to help take care of Naxi Xiu, and Xia Ya's own cultivation had slowed down a lot.

The Knights Hall has not been taken care of for a long time.

Fortunately, Thain would sometimes conduct short-term body training experiments on her and Red Scale, and overall they were growing slowly.

As for the Knights Hall, Hong Lin, who has been promoted to level four and established the Lielian Knights Hall, will also help take care of the point.

After all, knights from the same family can still be relied upon at critical moments.

However, in a daze, Xia Ya would always think of some scenes when Thain performed body refining experiments on her.

Whenever she thought of this, she would be in a daze for a while.

Today, Xia Ya was distracted again without realizing it, so much so that she didn’t notice when Naxi Xiu woke up in her arms.


Naxi Xiu, who was still in the infant state, suddenly poked Xia Ya.

Xia Ya, who finally came back to her senses, followed the direction pointed by Naxi Xiu's little finger and saw that Nataya had sat up from the bed.

Natalya, who had just woken up, was now a little confused.

Cheney had also told Thain before that Natalya might have some amnesia because she lost some of her soul fragments.

But she obviously still remembers Xia Ya.

When she saw a baby in Xia Ya's arms, Natalya was stunned and asked, "Uh... is this my son? Or my brother?"

Xia Ya originally wanted to call her "daughter" and then tell the other party her longing and love for so many years.

But her daughter's words immediately made Xia Ya's face turn red.

So much so that I forgot what sensational words I wanted to say just now.

He couldn't help but spat softly, walked to Natalya's bed and complained, "What nonsense are you talking about? Of course it's your son!"

"This is Thane and Lina's child." Xia Ya added, "He is seven years old this year."

"Oh." Natalya replied.

She still remembered Thain and Lina. It seemed that this part of her memory was not lost. Originally, Thain had said that he wanted to fall in love with her again.

So which part of memory did Natalya lose?

Looking at the extremely cute and handsome little guy in front of her, Natalya also discovered that Narcissus had at least inherited a third of Thain's handsomeness, so she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and said, "Hurry up and give me a hug!"

"Be gentle." Xia Ya instructed.

She was worried that Natalya's health was not well maintained, and she was also worried that her daughter, who had always been careless, was neither light nor heavy in her hands.

A wise daughter is like a mother. Even though Nataya has been sleeping for thousands of years, Xia Ya still remembers what kind of person her daughter is.

Fortunately, Natalya still had some sense of strength, and when she held Narcisiu in her arms, the little guy didn't resist at all, and instead liked Natalya better.

He knew this was his other mother.

Strangely enough, Narcisiu is very close to Xia Ya, and also has a close relationship with Lenna.

I often go to Lenna's place and come back with some delicious food.

But he is not that close to the director of the Holy Tower, Meili, and the fourth-level magicians such as Jessica and Mel.

Maybe it's because Meili used to joke that she would take the little guy to the classroom of Holy Tower College and let him sit there and listen to the class?

The little guy really hates studying!

While Natalya and Narcissus were playing around, Xia Ya quickly informed the others in the Holy Tower of Ashes, including Thane, about her daughter's awakening.

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