The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2143: Nothing more

Thain, who successfully acquired the blood nerve, looked at his savings and sighed silently.

He really doesn't plan to sell any other auction items in the future.

Duan Po and the three-tailed fox demon in the box had already seen Thain's previous "generous" behavior, so their reactions were not as exaggerated as before.

Duan Po took another sip of spiritual wine and said to Thain, "You are so rich."

"If I were as rich as you, no, I would only have one-third of your wealth."

"What awaits me may be an endless pursuit and the spying of others." Duan Po said.

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Thain asked.

Duan Po glanced at Thain and replied calmly, "Because this is my experience."

Thain "..."

"It seems that the order of the fairyland civilization is not as good as I thought? There is still a big gap between the top civilizations." Thain sighed and said, "Some powerful wizard civilizations think that the fairyland is far stronger than us. .”

"The ignorant Mu Qiang mentality may not be correct. The scenery outside may not be as good as our own." Thain said with emotion.

The three-tailed fox demon, who only had the strength of an earth immortal, might have gotten along well with Thain and Duan Po. At this time, he also interjected, "Yes, yes, the competition mechanism of our fairy civilization is much more cruel than that of the wizard civilization." ”

"The major saints and Taoist courts often only care about their own disciples, and few people pay attention to us casual cultivators and ordinary little demons."

"We even have to often become the targets of those so-called 'reputable and upright' monks who kill demons." The three-tailed fox demon lowered his head and sighed.

The biggest feature of the fairyland civilization now is that the forces of all parties are too strong and there is no unified rule.

Under such circumstances, let alone taking care of those large groups of casual cultivators, it would be great if a civil war did not break out in the Taoist Courts of Saints first!

And the demon clan’s

The number is greater than that of the human race, which also implies that the total number of monsters in the fairyland is several orders of magnitude larger than that of casual cultivators.

The Empress Nuwa of the Wa Palace has a benevolent heart to save the demon clan in the world, but even though she is an eighth-level saint, she is powerless to face such a large number of demon tribesmen in the Immortal Realm.

As for the other demon saints, demon emperors, demon kings, etc., most of the time, they can only take care of their own one-third of an acre of land, how can they manage so many things.

The sigh of the three-tailed fox demon resonated with Duan Po, and he rarely agreed, "The growing environment of casual cultivators is indeed very poor. When I return to the fairyland this time, I want to bring my sister here."

"Compared to the endless pursuit and fights with other people, I prefer the extremely orderly environment of wizard civilization," Duan Po said.

"You have a sister?" Thain asked in surprise.

Duan Po took a sip of wine and said nothing.

Thain has achieved such great results for the three-tailed fox demon this time. This little fox monster also rarely violated the rules of the Baibao Pavilion and secretly said to Thain, "You are a strong wizard and civilized person. You may not understand us immortals." domain situation.”

"After you obtain the blood nerves, you'd better not use these techniques in front of other immortal monks, especially in front of the Blood Sea Asura clan. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be retaliated against." The three-tailed fox demon said in a low voice.

Thain had never heard of the Blood Sea Asura clan, and he didn't think that they would come to the wizarding civilization to retaliate against him. Not to mention that he didn't know how to practice this technique. It was estimated that Mei Kelly would use it more in the future.

Thane himself only needs to understand the mystery of blood contained in it.

But facing the kindness of the little fox in front of him, Thane nodded and said, "I understand."

Looking at the fox demon in front of him, Thane said curiously, "Just now, this Xuanxian-level monk expressed that he wanted to bring his sister to live in a wizarding civilization. You also expressed your opinion just now that you prefer the orderly environment here, then you will come over." Life?"

Thain's inquiry has nothing to do with any profound truth, it is completely out of random curiosity.

This is also the gap between Thain's observation and understanding of the details of the two top civilizations.

Faced with Thain's question, the three-tailed fox demon smiled awkwardly and replied, "I can't be as free and easy as this great master."

"On the other side of the fairyland civilization, there are still my tribe and my children..." the three-tailed fox demon said.

Thain glanced at the three-tailed fox demon who had just tried to seduce him and others, but he didn't expect that the other party had children.

Also, the success rate of lower organisms in conceiving offspring is much easier than that of advanced life forms like Thane.

Thain nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

After passing through many auction items that Thain was interested in, but he resisted taking action, he finally came to the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire that he had been paying close attention to from the beginning.

Thain looked at his soul crystal, which had only more than 100 million magic coins left, and couldn't help but look forward to it. It would be great if he could get this top-notch divine fire in the fairyland at the lowest price at the starting price.

But it turns out that Thain thought too much.

This Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire is much bigger than Thane expected!

Such a strong fire of rules has far exceeded the six-digit divine fire that Thain had previously listed for sale in the star port.

Probably more than one-third.

If the shot is successful, not only will Thane have enough for himself, but he can also give some of the extra fire of rules to the elders of the division such as Triris and Gargaru.

The extremely strong Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire also ignited the enthusiasm of the Baibao Pavilion auction venue.

The starting price of Jiutian Xuanhuo was 10,000 Immortal Jade, and it soon reached 30,000 yuan.

Thain looked stunned.

This kind of top-notch divine fire in the Immortal Realm is indeed something that can only be encountered but not sought.

Especially this kind of divine fire, after it is completely melted and absorbed, it is estimated to have a very strong supporting effect on level six peak creatures.

Not only magicians like Thain can use it, but also the knights who master the fire attribute fighting spirit, the alien gods of the alliance, and the fairy monks with the largest number of participants in the city are also extremely greedy for such flames.

It can even be said that the practical value of such a large ball of original rule fire is no less than that of a low-level world-class secret treasure.

No wonder it fetched a high price of hundreds of millions of magic coins.

But no matter how expensive the price here is, it is still cheaper than the top-level divine fires of the Immortal Realm that Thain saw for sale in the star port before.

Then I saw that the size of this original fire of rules was so huge... Under the mask of Wuxiang, Thain's uncertain expression suddenly turned hard, and he cursed angrily, "Damn it, it's too much!"

In order to explore the mysteries of truth, what is a little extra expense?

"Call your appraiser to come over and appraise the crystal in my hand immediately! I want to bid for this Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire." Thain said to the three-tailed fox demon.

Seeing the anger on Thain's face, the three-tailed fox demon hurriedly contacted the appraiser of Baibao Pavilion.

At this time, the crystal in Thain's hand was an orange-yellow crystal the size of a little finger.

When the appraiser from Baibao Pavilion arrived at Thain's box in a hurry, he saw the crystallized fifth-level appraiser in front of him. His thighs softened and he exclaimed, "Blood of a Saint?!"

"The next chapter is at two o'clock~"

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