The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2142 Blood Nerve

In the next auction, the one that Thain is most interested in is the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, one of the top regular flames in the Immortal Realm.

It's not that Thain isn't interested in the other auction items, it's actually his remaining assets that he can no longer support his squandering.

However, when a technique called "Blood Nerve" appeared in the middle and late stages of the auction, Thain suddenly stood up from his place in the box.

The blood nerve technique was not on the list of items that Baibao Pavilion had previously given to Thain.

This shows that this technique is either a temporary addition, or it has an erroneous origin, and even Baibao Pavilion cannot publicize it in advance.

Later, during the auctioneer's appraisal and explanation process, Thain was more inclined to believe that this technique was the second reason.

The "Blood Nerve" technique also comes from the fairyland civilization, and it also comes from the famous Asura clan of the Netherworld Blood Sea.

According to reports, this was obtained by a certain monk from a Daluo Jinxian-level Asura King, and it was an extremely complete technique, with many previous owners’ understanding and annotations of this technique added to it.

The Asura clan is not easy to mess with. This is a special race in the fairyland civilization that is extremely good at fighting and has a hot temper.

Although the Asura clan as a whole is not as exaggerated as the human race and the demon clan, it is still a well-known force in the fairyland civilization.

It's just that in this Wizarding Civilization War, the Asura clan was not seen participating in it.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the recipient of this blood nerve dared to sell this technique.

If the Asura clan were to find out, not to mention Da Luo Jinxian level monks, even Quasi-Saint level monks would definitely not let it go so easily.

After being famous in the Immortal Realm for so many years, the Blood Sea Asura clan has never been afraid of anyone.

As for saint-level experts, they generally would not do such thankless things.

Because the ancestor worshiped by the Blood Sea Asura Clan, the Saint of Styx, is a well-known master in the entire fairyland civilization.

Perhaps only existences at the level of the founder saints of the three religions are qualified to discuss the Tao with Patriarch Styx.

At present, the helmsmen of the major saints and Taoist courts in the Immortal Realm, such as the Many Treasures Heavenly Venerable, Tathagata Buddha and others, strictly speaking, are still a bit shorter than the Ancestor Minghe.

Thain didn't know that the reputation of the Asura clan and the Styx ancestors was something that no one dared to offend in the fairyland. What he really paid attention to was the content of this blood nerve - using essence and blood as the core, it can be transformed into millions of people. The clone is immortal and the body is immortal!

The appraiser at the auction gave a very detailed and thorough introduction to this blood nerve.

Even many things about the origin of the great avenues and laws were directly stated - the appraiser himself has Xuanxian level strength.

It can be seen that the main reason why Baibao Pavilion took out this thing is

The group selling them is not the Immortal Realm monks.

But a powerful wizard civilization like Thain.

Because many people in the Immortal Realm have heard of the mystery of this Blood Nerve Technique. Of course, they also know that practicing this kind of technique rashly may arouse the wrath of the Blood Sea Asura Clan.

Who knows where this technique came from?

Could it be that some daring monk killed a Daluo Jinxian-level Asura King and snatched it away?

That would be even worse!

But the powerful wizard civilization doesn't care.

No matter how powerful the Blood Sea Asura clan is, can they come to the wizard civilization to seek revenge?

And what magicians like Thane really focus on is the ability to reshape the physical body using blood essence as the carrier mentioned in the Blood Nerve!

According to this technique, those who have cultivated their blood nerves to perfection can reshape their true bodies with a drop of blood essence.

Or during the battle, tens of millions of essence and blood are used to condense tens of millions of clones to defend against the enemy.

In short, this is a "perfect skill" that integrates life-saving, fighting, defense, escape, etc.

Of course, there is no absolutely perfect path to practice in the star realm. Even the magicians of the wizarding civilization who explore the truth are just crossing the river by feeling for the stones.

Baibao Pavilion only talked about all the advantages of "Blood Nerve", and the shortcomings were covered up by them.

But Thain was still attracted by this top skill in the Immortal Realm.

Because Mei Kelly, who is in a state of one body and two souls with Lina, has always lacked a suitable body.

Although Thane also agreed to help Meikali find a suitable body.

But after he discussed the mysteries of blood science with Dragon Vein Warlock Mel, he came to the conclusion that no matter whose body Mei Kelly inherited in the end, she would inevitably develop great resistance because her soul and body were incompatible.

This kind of resistance is very likely to hinder Mei Kaili from moving to a higher level in the future, and may even directly wear out her soul, causing shortcomings such as a sudden reduction in lifespan.

No matter how good other people's bodies are, they are never as good as your own.

When Mei Kelly competed with Lina for body dominance at first, she always couldn't win over Lina, and this was also the reason.

As a wily fifth-level black magician, Mei Kaili must still have her body tissue information on hand, and it would be better if she had blood.

Finally, with the blood in Mei Kaili's hands and the "secret of essence and blood reshaping the body" contained in this blood nerve, it is really possible for Thane to get it for Mei Kaili.

A body that fit her perfectly.

In addition, the mysteries of essence and blood contained in "Blood Nerve" and the many laws and avenues mentioned in it were of great benefit to Thain's own body refining experiments.

During the World War of the Gods, Thain had a method of refining "the best blood crystal" from the demon clan.

The mystery of blood contained in this blood nerve may allow Thane to purify those top-quality blood crystals again!

This will promote Thane's body-refining experiment and progress into deeper areas.

Therefore, whether it was for Mekelly or for Thane himself, he had to take action again.

The starting price for the blood nerve was two thousand immortal jade, and it soon went up to five thousand.

It is really an exaggeration to think that just a training system can be sold for a high price of 50 million magic coins.

However, this is almost the limit of this technique. When it reaches 5,400 Immortal Jade, the auction bidding for it has obviously become much slower.

In the end, this blood nerve was successfully purchased by Thane at the price of 5,761 immortal jade.

At the same time that Thain obtained this blood nerve technique, in another box at the Baibao Pavilion auction site, a fifth-level elf god wearing a green ranger uniform with a bow and arrow tied to his arm said angrily, " Why do people keep trying to steal things from us at this auction?"

"It's okay if I didn't get the sycamore wood before. Someone even snatched this technique." The fifth-level elf said dissatisfied.

"Calm down, Sylvanas. I guess the person who filmed this technique is a magician from a certain wizarding civilization. They are most interested in this kind of thing."

"The people who have been competing for the auction items with us before may not be the same person. There are still many good fairyland spiritual materials, and we can also buy other things." Another sixth-level female elf wearing a silver skirt said.

She looks very similar to this fifth-level elf, so they should be sisters.

But the temperament is completely different.

The former is a bit impatient, but the latter is dignified and calm.

The personal wealth of the fifth- and sixth-level elves in the Great Elf World alone is not enough to support their lavish spending at auction venues like this.

These two elf ladies actually followed the orders of Elune, the ruler of the elf world, and came to the major auction houses and trading markets on the battlefield of wizard civilization to purchase various fairyland treasures.

The elves led by the two men in front of them are not the only ones who carry out this order. The active figures of the elves can be seen in various areas on the frontline battlefields of wizard civilization.

In order to make the elven world more prosperous, Elune, the elven god, even relied on his excellent popularity to offer help to some wizards and literary figures.

Master Ming borrowed a lot of money.

For example, before heading to the Tyran Star battlefield, Elune met in private with the Amethyst World Master Qingtian, who was seriously injured and resting in his home plane, and reached a series of cooperation with him.

Since then, the elves of level four and above who came out of the elven world seem to have become much more "generous".

Not only high-end materials, but also mid- and low-end materials are also the targets of elves' sweepstakes.

Therefore, the fifth-level elf Sylvanas was extremely dissatisfied with the competitors who always competed with them in the previous auctions.

From this point, the difference in structure between the God of Elves and the God of Orcs can also be shown.

Unlike the orc god Campas, whose brain is full of muscles, he is still on the civilized battlefield, earning fixed war profits and domination dividends.

In such a big environment, Elune, the Elven God, thinks more about spending money.

If you miss this time, you may not have such a good opportunity next time.

This is probably the reason why the two powerful wizards of the Wizarding Alliance, who were once very similar, are now growing further apart.

Thinking back to the time before the Realm of Domination, the personal strength of the orc god Campas even surpassed Elune, who was the main priest in the non-combat field.

At the auction house, facing the relief of the sixth-level elf, the fifth-level elf Sylvanas replied, "Sister, am I not worried that this blood nerve will eventually fall into the hands of those 'traitors'?"

"That King of the Blood Elves, Kael'thas, was someone even Lord Elune praised."

"I originally thought he could lead a branch of the elves to prosperity, but I didn't expect that he would abandon his faith and join her instead." The fifth-level elf gritted his teeth.

"No matter what Kael'thas chooses, at least he is still in the camp of our wizard civilization."

"Since the Lord God has issued an oracle, telling us not to pursue the corruption of the blood elves and dark elves too much, you should stop worrying about it," said the sixth-level elf.

Compared to the second sister in front of her, her third sister made her more worry-free.

It happened that the fifth-level elf in front of him also mentioned his sister.

"I wonder how Vereesa is doing now. She has just been promoted to level five, but she insists on staying at the forefront of the civilized battlefield."

"She is obviously a gentle person, but she acts so strong and makes us worry about her."

"I hope she's okay," Sylvanas muttered.

"I'm sorry, book friends, Xiaodou has been writing slowly lately and hasn't saved the manuscript yet. The next chapter is expected to be updated around one o'clock~"

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