The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2144 Developing

The appraisal master of Baibao Pavilion is quite discerning.

He quickly determined that the crystal in Thain's hand was the crystallization of the saint's blood.

When the appraiser said this, the way Duan Po looked at Thain changed a little.

As for the three-tailed fox demon, his eyes were full of astonishment, admiration, disbelief, etc.

In fact, the blood of the Lord is indeed a treasure that even sixth-level peak creatures cannot find in ordinary years.

There are even some sixth-level creatures who may never see their master in their entire lives!

Because the star realm is so vast, it is common for some medium-sized plane civilizations to develop for hundreds of thousands of years without ever coming into contact with higher civilizations.

Perhaps even the wizarding civilization has never seen a tyrannical civilization beyond their imagination.

The so-called "initial, middle, late, and peak" stages of the development of top civilizations are all inferred by wizard civilization based on its own knowledge, especially the excavation of ancient civilization ruins and its gradual contact with other top civilizations in the star world. The state of one’s own civilization.

Maybe this understanding of wizard civilization is wrong?

The wizarding civilization thinks that it is in the middle stage of the development of top civilizations. Maybe in the eyes of other more powerful civilizations, they are still in the early stages?

People are growing in constant development, and so is civilization!

Including the understanding of the ninth-level realm, the wizard civilization gradually discovered a trace of its original secret after the birth of its first ninth-level powerhouse.

It is a pity that ninth-level creatures cannot be tolerated in the star realm. Because the law of balance in the astral realm is broken, after the major top civilizations gave birth to their own ninth-level creatures, those ninth-level beings were expelled from the star realm early.

This makes all civilizations, including the wizarding world, actually have inaccurate understanding of level nine creatures.

Including knowing nothing about the world after level nine!

In the past, the wizarding world was still a medium-sized and large-scale civilization.

The magicians in the wizarding world only have a "theoretical" understanding of the existence of the ninth level.

At that time, I really didn’t understand anything.

It relies purely on theory and the major laws of the star world as basic academic support.

However, it is precisely because of this that it shows one of the major characteristics of wizard civilization compared with other developing world civilizations.

There must be a reason why the wizarding civilization can stand out among many worlds and become a top civilization.

It can be concluded from the top civilizations that the wizard civilization has come into contact with in the past, as well as the information obtained from the ruins of ancient civilizations.

Since the Wizarding Civilization was promoted to the top civilization, its development speed in the field of top civilization has also been extremely rapid.

Among all known top civilizations, the development speed of the wizarding world is definitely ranked first.

The fairyland civilization is more powerful than the wizarding world, except because the other party has the same exaggerated development potential.

It is estimated that it is partly because the fairyland civilization has entered the

The duration of top-level civilization itself is longer than that of wizard civilization, and its accumulation is much deeper.

In today's civilized battlefield, master-level creatures are becoming more and more common, and there have even been many incidents of the death of masters, and there are countless injuries.

Under such a premise, it is completely normal for some of the blood of the master, or even the flesh and blood of the master, to be shed on the civilized battlefield!

Two thousand years ago, around the time when Thane and Tourmaline first wandered into the alien space and time, the well-known Morgan chaebol in the Wizards League, the Phillips Auction House controlled behind them, launched a piece of the Dominator Fingerbone, which was sold in the Wizards League auction in.

It directly ignited the entire Wizards Alliance, causing countless alliance gods to participate in the madness.

The battle of top civilizations is an opportunity for the wizard civilization, and why not for those member planes in the alliance?

Perhaps after this civilized war, some medium-sized planes will be promoted to large planes, and more low-level planes will enter the medium-sized plane level.

And this situation is bound to happen.

Even some situations of plane crossing have already appeared in the current Wizards Alliance.

Baibao Pavilion Auction House, as the most famous auction place in the black market established by some fairyland forces in the wizarding civilization, has seen some big scenes.

Even Blood of the Lord, they did film it, just five hundred years ago!

However, the blood of the Lord that appeared at the Baobao Pavilion auction at that time was black in color. It had a different origin from the crystal that Thain took out, and it should not be the same Lord.

Seeing the exaggerated performances of the people in front of him, Thain smiled and said, "You won't kill people to seize treasures just for the sake of wealth, right?"

"How is it possible!" the appraiser categorically rejected, and he hurriedly said, "How could we, Baibao Pavilion, break the rules in the Wizarding Civilization Star Domain, and face a powerful wizarding civilization like you?"

"Even our Baobao Pavilion will not steal your treasure at the internal price. Instead, we will present it to the auction table openly. We will only charge you a certain commission for whatever is ultimately auctioned."

"If we, the backstage forces of Baibao Pavilion, also want your saint's blood, they will also participate in the form of auction bidding."

"Don't worry about this. We at Baibao Pavilion will never do anything to harm the interests of our customers." The appraiser assured.

Even Duan Po, who had always been cold and talkative, nodded and agreed, "Baibao Pavilion's reputation among casual cultivators is indeed good, otherwise I wouldn't come to his house."

"This monk has great advice," the appraiser said hurriedly.

In the end, the Lord's Blood that Thain took out was valued by an appraiser at fifty thousand immortal jade.

This is the starting price, which means that Thain can freely spend 50,000 immortal jade to buy any product he wants.

But the final transaction price, this appraiser

The master predicts that it may rise to around 70,000 to 80,000 immortal jade.

"It's a pity that your saint's blood does not contain the most important saint's essence."

"Also, almost all the saint's blood flowing on the market has never been heard of containing the saint's essence."

"It's a pity that time is still too urgent. If you come to our Baobao Pavilion in advance, we will help you promote it for hundreds of years, and the final transaction price should be increased by about 30%." The appraiser stared straightly. Said Sean.

He obviously guessed that Thain had other blood of the Lord in his hands.

"Really? What a pity, I am in urgent need of money this time, and I only have this Blood Crystal of the Lord on hand." Thain replied.

"That's such a pity, but if you have other treasures in your hands, please give priority to our Baobao Pavilion Auction House."

"Similar to the soul crystals you took out, our Baibao Pavilion will give you discounts that other stores do not have." The appraiser expressed his position.

Thain nodded and replied, "Well, if there is a chance to cooperate in the future, I will contact you."

After a few more compliments and courtesies to Thain, the appraiser carefully left the box while holding the Lord's Blood Crystal that Thain took out.

In fact, a top auction house like this, especially when it comes to auction assets, can easily handle hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions of magic coins. It is definitely not something that ordinary sects can cover.

Thain very much doubts that there must be the shadow of a master-level power behind these top auction houses in wizard civilization and fairyland civilization.

Casual cultivator? Doesn’t the top auction house among the casual cultivators have no master?

The Great Immortal Zhen Yuanzi of Wuzhuang Temple is known as the "Ancestor of Earth Immortals" and is also the main partner representing the casual cultivators and wizard civilization in the Immortal Domain. He is not only a well-known Saint in the Immortal Domain.

After sending the appraiser away, Thain did not hesitate to bid on the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire in front of him.

While shouting the price to 40,000 immortal jade, Thain curiously asked Duan Po next to him, "Since the survival pressure of your casual cultivator group is so huge, and you see that I am so rich, don't you have the idea of ​​​​killing people to seize treasures?"

Faced with Thain's "joking remarks", Duan Po rolled his eyes and replied, "I only kill people who deserve to die."

"Let's wait until you provoke me someday." After saying that, Duan Po turned his body sideways and ignored Thain who had many questions.

"You are a disciplined swordsman." Sai Enba smacked his lips and said.

"Who said I was a swordsman?" Duan Po frowned and touched the hatchet on his waist.

More often than not, Duan Po considers himself a swordsman.

A man never leaves his sword, and a sword never leaves his body.

A long time ago, Duan Po reached the state of "the unity of man and sword".

This is the same as the "human and dragon unity" state of the dragon knights in the wizarding world, which is an extremely difficult achievement to achieve.

But once achieved,

It means that they have the ability to leapfrog challenges to a certain extent.

Duan Po no longer remembers how many existences stronger than him were originally killed by his own sword.

"Oh? So you're not a swordsman?"

"I still don't know enough about your immortal realm's cultivation system."

"I thought that beings with extremely sharp and sharp power of law like you were famous sword cultivators. Just like those Shushan Sword Sect monks who are currently active in the battlefield of our wizard civilization." Thain said.

Duan Po frowned and said nothing more.

He remembered a senior he had met when he was young, and he once mentioned that what he used was not sword technique, but sword technique...

It's just that Duan Po, who was born as a casual cultivator, has never been exposed to the systematic Immortal Realm Sword Cultivating inheritance. He mostly relies on instinct to fight.

This also shows a major commonality between the cultivation systems of the fairyland civilization and the wizarding world. In fact, there is no way to reach the peak of cultivation. You all walk your own path.

If there really was such a technique that could be steadily practiced to level 4 or above, would Thain still have to worry about the weak souls of Selena, Erin and other women?

The so-called exercises are just a summary of the experience of the predecessors.

After reaching the fourth level, to be precise, after reaching the demigod realm, there are no so-called restrictions on skills.

Duan Po was still bowing his head in thought, and Thain was about to obtain the final goal of his trip.

After calling for the 51,000 Immortal Realm, there were finally very few people bidding against Thane.

It was around this time that the host of the auction informed the auction and the three strongest people behind the market, Old Man Xuantian, about the appearance of the saint's blood. , Evil Buddha, Wind-Drawing Demon King.

As the three quasi-saint-level powerhouses, they do have the right to know that the blood of such saints appears at the auction.

Even they themselves are extremely interested in the blood of such masters!

"King Zuofeng, the blood of a saint has appeared."

"However, it is the blood of an ordinary saint without the saint's essence." A communication talisman appeared in front of a yellow-haired demon king who was lying on the seat and enjoying the leg of the snake spirit beside him.

This yellow-haired demon king has a very funny appearance, and what’s even more distinctive is that it has a bald head.

The circle of yellow hair on the top of its head is like a barbed wire fence surrounding the "skating rink" in the center of its head.

However, no one dares to laugh at this look of the Wind-Diamond Demon King.

In addition to the fact that it is a quasi-saint-level demon, there is another reason because it comes from the Shituoling Mountains in the prehistoric world.

"The current monthly ticket is 342, and there will be another update around 7pm~

The double monthly ticket event is in the middle of the month. The free monthly ticket is not counted in the double rule, so brothers who have a free month can vote first. We will add a chapter with 100 monthly votes~"

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