The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2134 Frontline Auction House

Tower of Ashes. โ–ฒ๐บ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐‘”๐‘™๐‘’ Search for ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘๐‘œ๐‘šReadโ–ฒ

It has been another twenty years since we established a stable commercial and trade channel with the Zerg.

In the past twenty years, the wealth of Thain Ashes Holy Tower has begun to increase rapidly.

Thane, who has spent a huge amount of magic coins in the past hundreds of years, can finally "get his health back".

However, the matters mentioned by the goddess of wealth Wo Jin, such as secret cooperation with casual cultivators, evil cultivators and monster creatures in the fairyland, have not yet had time to start because the time is too short.

Woking has sent people to do these things.

According to Wojin's suggestion, it is not good to ask experienced people to do this kind of thing. It is best to let those who are familiar with it do it.

Thain has recruited vassals such as the God of Black Mist and the God of Dusk Saliva in the battlefield of the Goddess World. Thain has helped them submit applications to join the Wizards Alliance. At the same time, the Wizarding Civilization has also given these outstanding foreign gods great rewards. Exceptional treatment.

Therefore, these "grey trades" proposed by Wojin are best left to those foreign gods.

The God of Dusk Saliva should be able to fulfill Thain's assignment better. Thain found that this guy's business talent is very good.

The God of Dusk Saliva was responsible for the initial economic and trade exchanges with the Zerg, and Thain also rewarded him with many benefits.

The economic situation is gradually improving, and the preliminary preparations for Thane's Ash Staff experiment have been basically completed.

The only slight flaw is that Thane has never found the most perfect carrier for the staff of the Ash Staff.

Magicians may have a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Thain took a spinal column of a sixth-level creature from his collection, and after refining it, it could be used as the body of his Ashes Staff.

But after several preliminary tests, the results were never satisfactory to Thain.

Including using the crystal ball to check the advanced materials currently available in the Wizards Union market, there were not many that caught his eye.

"It's during the war. How can really good things just appear in the Wizards Union market?"

"Even in peaceful times, any good things would be taken away almost instantly."

"If you want to find suitable experimental materials, it's best to directly participate in the auction on the frontline battlefield."

"There are the most good things there, and naturally the price is the most expensive." Lu Lianman gave some advice to her disciples


Because he had spent a long time in frontline battlefields such as the Walter Wynn Star Territory, Lu Lianman knew the situation in certain areas better than Thain.

After all, Lu Lianman, as a pharmacist, often needs cutting-edge pharmaceutical materials when refining magic potions.

"Are you going to the frontline auction..." Thain pondered.

Twenty years later, Lina still has not given birth, but Thain feels that the opportunity for the birth of his child is getting closer and closer.

At this juncture, Thain didn't want to go out to the wizarding world anymore.

"It's not like we go to the frontline battlefield. There are also many large-scale auctions in the hinterland of wizard civilization."

"There are even some private black market properties, where the variety of goods is sometimes more diverse than those at regular auction houses."

"If you drive the space fortress back and forth, it should not take more than two years."

"During this period of time, I will help you keep an eye on the Holy Tower of Ashes." Lu Lianman said, and she also knew what Thain was worried about.

After only two years, Thain was indeed a little moved.

As the first world-class secret treasure I made, the Ashes Staff must be perfect in all aspects.

And Thain doesn't really want to make just a low-grade world-class secret treasure. If possible, a higher grade is also a proof of his ability, and the materials play a very key role in it.

"Teacher, you know so much about auction houses and the black market. Have you ever been there before?" Thain asked.

Things like the black market are obviously products that do not conform to the rules of wizard civilization.

Thain did not expect that Lu Lianman, who had always been a decent person, would also go to a place like the black market where dragons and snakes are mixed.

"Then I want to make a life potion, why don't I gather some top-quality materials?" Lu Lianman took her magic wand and tapped Thain's head.

"Some materials are hard to find in the Wizards Alliance market, so we have to find ways to find them elsewhere." Lu Lianman sighed.

"I found that the spiritual herbs produced in the fairyland civilization are generally better than

The magic materials of our wizard civilization are more vital. "

"If you go to the Frontline Auction House, you'd better check out the black market founded by the monks in the Immortal Realm."

"Those Immortal Realm monks call this kind of place 'Fang City' or 'Ghost City'." Lu Lianman pondered.

In addition to the experimental materials for the Ash Staff, Thane also had to make some other preparations to ensure that he would be promoted to level six.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with taking the time to go to those large auctions and Fairyland Markets on the frontline battlefields.

Thain, who quickly confirmed his departure, packed up a large amount of magic coins and soul crystals and prepared to go shopping at the frontline auction house.

The reason why I brought a large amount of soul crystals is because there are still certain problems with the currency exchange between the fairyland civilization and the wizarding world. Those fairyland monks may not necessarily buy magic coins.

Bring some soul crystals as hard currency to prepare for emergencies.

The only surprise was that when they heard that Thain was going to the Frontline Auction House and Fairyland City for shopping, Meili, Jessica, Red Scale and other women all made a long list for Thain, hoping that Thain could Help them purchase.

Even Lina, who has a big belly, is no exception.

She and Mei Kelly's many magic experiments currently lack corresponding cutting-edge materials.

When he saw his mentor Lu Lianman holding a crystal ball in his hand, which recorded the pharmacy materials that Thain needed to help purchase, Thain's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but ask, "Teacher, isn't this your main purpose?" ?โ€

"Of course not, how could you miss me so much."

"I also made suggestions for your Ember Staff experiment."

"When you successfully create a world-class secret treasure magic wand of the fire system, next time you can consider making a plant-based magic wand to honor your mentor. I have trained you for so many years." Lu Lianman He said earnestly.

"Oh, it turns out that this is your true thoughts, mentor." Thain said with a look of surprise.

Because Thain has too many things to purchase on behalf of others, especially places like auction houses, which are famous for selling gold.

Thain, who has only regained some health in the past twenty years, is worried that he does not have enough assets.

So after thinking for a while, I brought a little blood of Lord Tianyang's master in case of emergencies.

This time I went to the Frontline Auction House for business, and the round trip time was also very short.

Even Tourmaline was rare and didn't bother to go together.

It is also possible that Tourmaline is not interested in anything that involves "spending money".

This is a little rich woman who knows how to keep money.

At least Thain often sees Bixi saving money, but he rarely sees her spending money.

In order to ensure a smooth and efficient round trip, Thane did not take his old Ashes Fortress this time, but went directly to the outside of the plane to control the seven combined fortresses as his next ride.

As for Thane's original Ashes Fortress, he has promised to sell the old Ashes Fortress to Red Scales for a second-hand fortress price of five million magic coins.

I really donโ€™t know why Red Scale didnโ€™t buy a brand new space fortress, but instead fell in love with Thaneโ€™s old car.

Even Red Scale has thought of a new nameโ€”Fierce Lotus Fortress.

This also corresponds to the name of the Red Scale Knights Hall, the Fierce Lotus Knights Hall.

Outside the plane, the test of the seven combined space fortresses has also come to an end.

When Thain proposed to drive a seven-seater fortress, the magicians stationed in the fortress naturally followed him.

Even some alchemists responsible for the testing work of the seven fortresses "hitchhiked" and went to the frontline auction house together.

Some of these alchemists have wider information channels than Thain.

In addition to the several large auction houses and Fairyland Market that Lu Lianman told Thain, two fourth-level alchemists from Capechi also recommended several other more secretive black markets to Thain.

Thain, who had not walked around the wizarding civilization for some years, really didn't know that there were so many doorways in it.

It turns out that Thane was not the only one who did "gray production" during the Civilized War.

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