The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2133 Two Bad Guys

"Jie Jie Jie, of course I came to call you because I have something good going on."

"You see the soul in this star field is so rich and rich, why don't you come over and have a taste?" Hexiu Jiejie said with a smile.

One of the great features of the Gallente Federation is its large population!

More people means more souls.

And as one of the top civilizations, the humans of the Gallente Federation have also evolved to a very high level. The quality of their souls is obviously much higher than that of ordinary middle and low-level planes.

Lord Gui Yan happens to be a glutton who is extremely keen on devouring souls. After He Xiu smiled and extended the invitation, this guy actually reached over and took a sniff of the soul fire.

It’s exactly what Hexiu said! The soul of this star field is now so rich that even Lord Gui Yan is surprised by it.

This guy was very curious as to where He Xiu found this treasure land.

However, Guiyan Master is not a fool. After sniffing the situation here, it actually took back its own ray of soul fire, but refused to come immediately.

"Hehehe, with your character, how can you give me any benefits?"

"Five thousand years ago, you hurriedly separated from me and left the world of ink sea that we explored together."

"In the end, I was chased so hard by that lobster master."

"At that time, you said that something happened on the mother plane. Could it be the current war?" Lord Gui Yan said with a smile.

A world that can start a war with a top-level civilization, and also allows a true spirit-level magician like He Xiu to return in a hurry, then the opponent must also be a top-level civilization!

Because if it were just a large-scale world civilization, with the size of a top-level civilization, there would be no need for Hexiu to come back.

You must know that the Mohai world that Lord Gui Yan and He Xiu jointly discovered was a "treasure land".

This large world is rich in a rare soul mineral resource called "Black Jade", which is suitable for people like Lord Gui Yan and He Xiu to devour and experiment with.

It's a pity that the world of Mohai is not easy to mess with. The Lobster Master with late level seven strength alone chased the Gui Yan Master and He Xiu to a great extent.

Needless to say, in addition to this lobster master, there seems to be a more powerful Lord of the Ink Sea in the Mohai world.

He and Xiu were just stirring up trouble on the periphery of the Mohai world, but in the end they did not force the Lord of the Mohai to show up.

Of course, it is also possible that the main body of Mo Hai is bloated, or there are other factors that prevent it from catching these two flexible and cunning guys.

Gui Yan’s master’s laughter also made He Xiu burst into laughter.

These two bad guys had done a lot of bad things when they traveled alone in the star realm. Later, they went together and worked together to solve countless major cases!

For example, if you meet someone

In this world, the result is often that the Lord Gui Yan devours all the souls of the creatures in this world, while Hexiu collects all corpse specimens that interest him.

Even the heart of the plane, these two guys collected and excavated a lot during their travels in the star realm.

He Xiu's experiment and Gui Yan's growth and transformation method did not use the heart of the plane.

The reason why such materials are collected is simply because the value of the plane heart is very high.

In the future, they can easily take action when they return to their respective home civilizations.

Perhaps thinking of the ten thousand years of wantonness when he traveled with Lord Gui Yan to the star world, Hexiu burst out laughing.

At the same time, Lord Gui Yan also gradually developed a good impression of He Xiu during that time, otherwise he would not have responded to He Xiu's call so quickly.

Friends are friends, but Guiyan Master still has to evaluate the price that should be negotiated and the risks involved.

Facing this cunning guy who was obviously waiting to raise the price, Hexiu said, "It's still the old rules. All the souls of this star field belong to you. I only want the plane hearts of these artificial life planets."

"These plane hearts will be very helpful for my next experiment." Hexiu replied. He obviously did not intend to pay additional compensation to Lord Gui Yan.

He Xiu's statement made Gui Yan look a little hesitant.

Gui Yan's biggest shortcoming now is that he doesn't know the situation here.

The battle between the wizard civilization and the top civilization of the Gallente Federation has indeed spread among the civilizations in the surrounding star fields. Many world civilizations hidden in the distant starry sky may have people silently paying attention to the war here.

But the Gintama world is not among them.

Based on the specimen information collected by Hexiu from the soul fire affiliated to Gui Yan, and through astrological inference, the wizard civilization came to the conclusion that the silver soul world is actually not that far away from the wizard civilization.

Even closer than the fairyland civilization.

It is just further away than the civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

And it is in the other direction of the wizard star sky coordinates.

It's just that in that direction, the wizarding civilization has never conducted in-depth exploration before.

And the coordinates of the Gintama world obtained through astrology are only fuzzy coordinates.

The slightest difference is the difference of a thousand miles. If you really need to send people to find the exact location of the Gintama World, that is the result that can only be obtained in the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Horse.

Perhaps the civilization leaders of this generation of wizard civilization may not have any dealings with the Gintama world.

Bev believes that she can only lead the wizarding civilization to annex the Gallente Federation.

By establishing the country and solving the threat from the Hades Empire, we can step down from the position of leader of civilization and hand it over to the younger generations to shoulder the responsibility.

He Xiu's statement did not seem to be false, and Lord Gui Yan, who was not aware of the situation on the other side, also hesitated.

But that extremely abundant soul resource is real!

The last time Lord Gui Yan made a fortune was when he traveled across the planetary world with He Xiu.

Ever since He Xiu left for business, Gui Yan has not opened much in the past few thousand years.

The reason in his heart was still gradually covered by greed.

Compared with ordinary large-scale plane masters, the Guiyan Master's confidence is that it comes from a top civilization and is not afraid of the Gallente Federation's revenge.

Come to this battlefield, make a fortune and leave, no one can do anything about it!

Is it possible that the other party dares to pursue him to the Gintama world?

The strongest man in the Gintama world, the Silver Knight, will use the Eternal Spear to pin any intruder to the abyss of despair and absorb all the opponent's soul energy.

That guy, Silver Cavalry, doesn't like to expand. He stays in his eternal kingdom all year round and doesn't know what to do.

In fact, in the entire Gintama world, most of the undead masters are very "nerdy", and they are the kind of beings who can sleep for tens of thousands of years in their own soul palaces.

Even if a tide of undead breaks out occasionally, it is a "feature" of the Gintama world every ten thousand years or so.

Only Gui Yan, the master, is the freak in the Gintama world.

Unlike other undead masters who prefer silence to movement, Gui Yan master is simply a guy who can't sit still.

This may be related to the fact that the power of its original law contains the original law of fire, and it is not completely a cold undead master.

They are both "freaks", and Lord Gui Yan and He Xiu are a perfect match.

Because freaks can be friends with freaks.

At least Hexiu's mentor, Nigel, seemed much more normal than Hexiu, and he had never thought of leaving the wizarding civilization.

He Xiu really thought about leaving the wizarding world back then, and he actually did it!

But in the end he came back disgraced.

After seeing the cruelty of the outside world, I realized how warm the harbor of my mother plane was.

Unable to withstand the temptation, Lord Gui Yan finally crossed the border and arrived at the Gallente Federation star field battlefield.

This guy deserves to be unlucky.

As soon as Guiyan Overlord emerged from the cross-star domain summoning circle, two Gallente Federation Overlord-class fleets arrived at the place where Hexiu came.

These two Gallente Federation fleets had obviously just come from

It was transferred from the battlefield.

Unlike He Xiu and Gui Yan, who were in intact condition, the two Federation Dominator-class fleet groups had varying degrees of damage.

But their actions are surprisingly consistent.

They all used the most powerful doomsday weapons under their command to launch a covering strike at the location of He Xiu and Gui Yan.

"You tricked me..." The soul voice of Lord Gui Yan was covered up in the wave of strikes from the federal doomsday weapons.

Hexiu, who was wearing a black robe, let out a jeering laugh, and his laughter became more and more loud and wanton.

"Come on, let's keep destroying everything in sight."

"It's still the same as I said before, all the souls belong to you, and the rest belongs to me." The death and corrosion nebula incarnated by Hexiu flew directly towards the flanks of the two Federation Dominator-class fleets.

On the other side, Lord Gui Yan snorted and said nothing, but in perfect cooperation with He Xiu, he flew from the other side to the depths of the star field in front of him.

These two guys used to run rampant together in the star realm, and they were the source of despair that brought suffering to countless planes and creatures.

Now, they are just copying what they did back then to the Gallente Federation.

At the same time, in the process of cooperating with He Xiu, Lord Gui Yan gradually became excited due to the devouring of a large amount of soul energy.

It's this feeling that Lord Gui Yan hasn't experienced for a long time.

The only fly in the ointment is that the Federation’s doomsday weapons hurt people a bit.

However, the fighting methods of Hexiu and Gui Yanzhi have never been frontal and hard steel.

As Hexiu passed by the flank of the Federation's master-class war fleet, he continued to release the death plague magic he inherited from his mentor.

A large amount of death and plague viruses were spread by Hexiu to a large number of federal planets in this star field battlefield.

Not to mention the Ghost Flame Master, as an undead master, summoning and infecting undead creatures is its unique skill.

As Lord Gui Yan crossed the star realm, a large number of death clouds and some unnamed undead air groups were seen pouring out from under Lord Gui Yan's body of rules.

Those air masses are actually the undead soul bodies that are very distinctive in the Gintama world. Affected by these soul bodies, a large number of undead creatures and undead monsters appeared in this star field battlefield in just a very short period of time.

Some undead monsters affected by the soul body even penetrated the energy protection barrier of the Gallente Federation ship and were born directly inside the ship.

Therefore, it caused a lot of trouble for the federal fleet.

Two dominant villains were just showing off their talents on the federal battlefield.

"The next chapter will be around 1:30~"

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