The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2135 Huge Money

Thain first went to several well-known large-scale auction houses near the wizarding civilization and the frontline star field.

Sure enough, just as Lu Lianman said, treasures that are hard to see in the Wizards Alliance trading market can be found in these auction houses.

This also shows the fact that after the members of the Wizarding Alliance gradually understand the economic operation rules of wizarding civilization, they will also take the initiative to develop in a direction that is more beneficial to themselves.

Since the final profit from handing it over to the auction house is far more than directly selling it on the Wizards Union trading market, why would they choose the less profitable one?

Thain's time is limited, and of course he will not participate in some auction events that last for several months or even longer. 🅆

Although I know that at these large-scale fairs held on-site, there will definitely be some rare and rare treasures.

But in the end, Thain first used the method of "sweeping the list" to find any materials that were useful to him.

Needless to say, under the current extremely complete market economic system of the Wizards Alliance, the more expensive it is, the better it is...

The results obtained by just scanning the rankings almost dazzled Thain.

What Thain looked at at first were resource treasures that cost more than 100 million magic coins.

One hundred million magic coins, the market price of the core or godhead of a level six creature.

Before the outbreak of the Civilized War, the price of a golden apple in the Wizards' Alliance was only about 100 million magic coins.

Thain thought there wouldn't be too many treasures at this price.

In fact, he thought too much.

There will never be a shortage of rich people in this world, and at the same time, there will never be a shortage of top geniuses in this star realm.

There are so many treasures at the auction that cost more than 100 million magic coins!

There were already more than Thane knew.

The very famous "Christie's auction" in the wizarding civilization

Okay." Thane saw a magic weapon priced at 1.35 billion magic coins.

This is a world-class secret treasure, and its quality is almost reaching the level of a mid-grade world-class secret treasure.

In another star port, at another top auction called "Sotheby's Auction House", Thain saw a special rule fire listed for one billion magic coins.

This is a fire of special laws in the fairyland called "Sixth Divine Fire".

Just from the data introduced by the auction house, Thain concluded that this fairyland divine fire was not inferior to the three types of flames such as the Nanming Lihuo in Cuilisi's laboratory.

What's even more precious is that the flame of rules displayed by the auction house is extremely strong.

At least the amount of legal flames is much greater than the flame specimens in Trilis' laboratory.

As Trilis' favorite disciple, Thane failed to obtain several divine fires from his master in the end to advance his own Ember Flame.

It was only studied in the laboratory for a period of time, probably because the number of specimens Trilis had on hand was too small.

If Thane takes it away, Triris will be gone!

It was because he had studied the three kinds of divine fire that Trilis had on hand that Thain was very excited about the extremely powerful six-digit divine fire that Sotheby's auction house put up for sale.

But it was just a heartbeat. Thain looked down at his assets and couldn't help but sigh.

There are a lot of things that Thain needs to buy during this trip, not to mention that he has not yet encountered the most urgently needed items, so naturally he cannot spend money randomly.

Moreover, Thain believes that this kind of treasure, which can easily cost more than one billion magic coins, is not for ordinary creatures below level six.

A sixth-level creature

The core is only worth 100 million. These treasures are probably not for the top six-level peak beings, or the powerful ones above the dominance level.

In addition to those cutting-edge goods priced at more than one billion magic coins, there are also many treasures priced at more than 100 million.

For example, Thain saw a low- to mid-grade world-class secret treasure listed for 760 million magic coins and sold at a place called "Nagao Auction."

There were also three more yellow plums, which were sent for auction at another place called "Birmingham Auction House" for a total price of 210 million magic coins.

In addition, some semi-finished world-class secret treasures, or fragments of world-class secret treasures with considerable law power fluctuations, often appear at prices of 100 to 200 million.

When he saw the three yellow plums, Thain couldn't help but feel a soreness in his back teeth.

Sure enough, the invisible rich man around Thain has been Tourmaline from beginning to end.

Sain also ate one of the yellow plums, and it was fed by Tourmaline.

Although the energy and life force contained in this fairyland spiritual fruit with a very sour taste is lower than that of golden apples and ginseng fruits, it is also an extremely rare top spiritual material.

Thinking that he had eaten 70 million in one bite, Thain was filled with emotion.

And Thain noticed that his mentor Lu Lianman had been close to Bi Xi in recent years and refined some "delicious" magic potions for her.

I don’t know if it’s because I discovered that there are too many good things in Tourmaline.

It is such a waste to eat those top fairyland spiritual materials directly. It is better to let Lu Lianman make more and more useful magic potions.

By observing the current trading market conditions of the Wizards Alliance, we can also see that with the progress of the Civilization War and the intervention of the Fairyland Civilization, the prices of many things have increased.

In the past, those so-called world-class secret treasure fragments could be sold for tens of millions of magic coins, but now they dare to ask for 100 million!

Although, this is also related to the fact that the fragments that Thain saw were generally very large, and the fluctuations in the original laws they contained were not low-level world-class secret treasures.

And the prices of some things have not risen yet, such as those fairyland spiritual materials.

If according to the current price of golden apples in the Wizards League, which has already reached 300 million magic coins, the price of a few yellow plums must reach 100 million.

Some of these selling prices are scientific and some are unscientific.

In short, when Thain saw the price, he had no desire to buy it.

Existences like Thane represent the masses on this civilized battlefield.

You just need to take a look at things at that price point and gain some insights. It’s really not something you can own.

However, it was also when Thain bought a lot of things and prepared to leave this star port.

A fourth-level magician traveling with him told Thain that the three yellow plums they had seen listed for consignment had been sold in such a short time.

"Who bought it?" Thain couldn't help asking.

"I heard it was an elf. Gee, there is still money in the elf world. I think they are richer than the group of elemental creatures in the Purple Crystal World." The fourth-level magician sighed.

"The elves are very good at cultivating and grafting plants. I think they spend huge sums of money to buy those fairyland spiritual materials, not only for the superficial use value of those spiritual materials."

"Not long ago, I also heard that the elves purchased a lot of white lotus and green bamboo, which are special products of the Buddhist world, from people in the Buddhist sect in the fairyland." Another fourth-level magician from Capechi answered.

"The next chapter is at eight o'clock~"

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