The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2127 Boy

The Guardian of Summer has a lot to deal with every day, so of course he cannot chat with Thane on meaningless topics for too long. β–²πΊπ‘œπ‘œπ‘”π‘™π‘’ Search for π‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘π‘œπ‘šReadβ–²

Regarding Thain's previous disturbances outside the plane, the Guardian of Summer only told him to go back to the south coast and pay a fine of 20 million magic coins.

"Ah?!" Thain looked surprised.

"Why are you surprised?" the Guardian of Summer glanced at Thane and said.

"The guardians have sent out a special trip for you. Twenty million magic coins is a lot."

The current market price in the Wizarding Alliance is that the core or godhead of a fifth-level creature is around 20 million magic coins.

The Guardian of Summer only asked Thain to pay a fine of 20 million magic coins, which was really not much.

But considering that Thain has not stopped spending money since he returned to the wizarding world.

So far, hundreds of millions of magic coins have been spent, and there may be more places to spend money next.

When I had money before, I didn’t feel anything.

But now seeing his assets continue to decrease, Thain feels inexplicably panicked.

Of course, Thain still has a lot of liquidity now, and Vol'jin, the goddess of wealth, also has a large amount of Thain's investment money stored there.

Including those top-quality personal collections in Thain's laboratory, taking out a few items can also relieve his blood flow.

But the concept of taking precautions still gave Thain the idea of ​​​​finding ways to "make money" next.

"South Coast? I know."

"I will definitely deliver the fine on time." Thain nodded.

The four guardians have their own powerful assistants all over the wizarding world.

Thain's previous impact was on the migrating migratory birds in the area west of the South China Sea in the Wizarding World. Including the 20 million magic coins fine he paid, it will most likely be used to maintain the ecological development of the migratory birds in the area.

"Go ahead. You should be careful when doing experiments in the future. Don't violate the rules."

Guardian rules. "

"I know you are anxious to go back and collect the experimental data now, so go back and do your work."

"Little guy, I look forward to meeting you next time." The Guardian of Summer covered his mouth and smiled.

"Goodbye, Guardian." Thain bowed respectfully and performed the mage salute before leaving.

Watching Thain's back getting further and further away, the Guardian of Summer couldn't help but stretch and said lazily, "These little guys who have grown up from the younger generation have worked hard one after another. I should also be busy with my own work." Already working."

"The Black Territory has changed a lot over the years. I wonder if the Guardian of Spring can handle it all by himself?"

"After repairing the space-time rift on the east coast, I will go to the black area of ​​​​the Western Islands to have a look." The Guardian of Summer licked his red lips and said.


After bidding farewell to the Guardian of Summer, Thane did not immediately return to the laboratory of the Holy Tower of Ashes. Instead, he went to the Sky City and met with Master Wharton and others.

After exchanging experimental data with Master Wharton and others, Thain and the alchemist masters all agreed that the experiment was successful.

The subsequent testing and fine-tuning work of the Union Fortress are all contents that have been originally written into the magic contract.

So Thain doesn't need to worry too much next, and he doesn't need to pay extra fees.

After entrusting the rest of the work to Master Wharton and others, Thane flew towards the Holy Tower of Ashes.


After returning to the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane first called Dean Meili over.

Ask her to withdraw 20 million magic coins from the Holy Tower's treasury and give it to the Guardian Organization of the South Coast.

Since my last birth

After the party, Meili was noticeably more radiant than before.

There is also a bit more rosy color on the face, which makes the male third-level magicians who often come into contact with Meili in the Holy Tower of Ashes sometimes be startled when they see the dean.

Thain couldn't help but look at Meili a few more times this time. He noticed that Meili seemed to be wearing makeup, and there were many traces of elemental makeup on her face.

However, as a fourth-level water magician, Meili's face is full of moisture and luster even without makeup.

After putting on makeup, it can only be said that Meili has become more attractive than before.

Merry also noticed Thain's gaze observing her, and the blush on her face deepened. She pretended not to care and asked, "Why do you want to hand over 20 million magic coins to the Guardian Organization of the South Coast? Is it you? Free donation?"

This is not a free donation. Thain smiled bitterly and then told Meili what happened when he was testing the Union Fortress outside the plane.

Indeed, the Holy Tower of Ashes had not received relevant reminders before. It can only be said that Thain has grown too fast. Whoever allowed him to reach the fifth level involved large-scale experimental projects that even mid-level six magicians may not carry out.

Level five to level six is ​​a hurdle. Several low-level planes have spent hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer, unable to cross that hurdle and advance to a medium-sized world.

After laughing "haha", the elegant Meili turned around to complete the task assigned to her by Thain.

It was not until Meili turned around that Thain noticed that Meili was wearing a blue short skirt today. The skirt seemed a little lower than usual and it had slits.

Watching Merry, twisting her body and gradually leaving, Thain was stunned for a moment, then touched his chin and said, "Well, the Guardian's flame red dress is longer, but their styles are relatively similar."

"This magic skirt with slits,

Is it the latest popular style in the wizarding world? "Sain couldn't help but ponder.


After finishing the business, Thain went to the bottom of the Holy Tower, the residence of the tower owner in the underground world area.

Pregnant Lina is raising her fetus here.

Thain went out to conduct testing experiments, which took more than two years.

But two years later, Lina showed no signs of giving birth except that her belly was slightly bigger.

When Thane came to the bottom floor, Lina was even busy with her experiments in front of the experimental table.

The larger belly did slow down Lina's experimentation, but with the little fox girl, Yuri, and the half-undead girl Erluo nearby to help, Lina's truth exploration process did not seem to be greatly affected.

The Dragon Turtle Tourmaline is also here.

In recent years, she has loved coming to Lina's place the most, and from time to time she will lie on Lina's belly and listen.

Decades have passed, but some situations have been identified.

For example, there is only one child in Lina's belly now, not the twins that Thain imagined.

And the gender of the child is male.

I came here to visit Lina, and also to see my unborn son.

Thain's joy that he had just succeeded in his experiment also became much calmer when he saw Lina's round belly.

Dragon Turtle Tourmaline also came close to Thain at this time, and couldn't help but ask, "Sain, how did Lina get pregnant with the baby?"

"Oh? You want to know?" Thain asked curiously.

Bixi nodded hurriedly, then held Thain's right hand and shook it.

Thain kissed Bi Xi's forehead and said, "I will tell you when you grow up a little bit."

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