The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2128 The pattern of the black domain

In addition to chatting with Lina and Bi Xi for a while about the queen, Thane also chatted with Mei Kelly in Lina's body.

There is no way, who made this guy and Lina be in a state of one body and two souls now.

And to a certain extent, Thain's son also has to call Meikali "Mom".

Because Thain remembered that when he was messing around at the birthday party, May Kelly led Lena's body to participate in it half the time.

This situation is really confusing and confusing.

Thain has promised to find a way to find a suitable body for a female creature above Level 4 for Meikaly.

But this kind of living specimen is not easy to find for a while, and Thane had better find a body that conforms to the secret of Mekelly's truth.

Specializing in the mysteries of death and fire... Thane also has to worry about being a half-mother to his future child.

More importantly, with the situation where Lina and Meikaly's souls have been fused for a long time, it is best not to separate rashly now.

Everything will have to wait until the two give birth to a child and Thain finds a suitable body before making any plans.

Regarding Natalya's situation, Thain has to find a way to continue to solve it.

There have been no suitable undead wizards and black magicians in the wizarding world to help with soul experiments, so now Thain wants to try the monks from the fairy civilization.

As a top-level civilization, the Immortal Civilization's achievements in some fields may be higher than those of the Wizarding Civilization.

In particular, Thain had previously talked to his mentor about a fairyland force called "The Underworld of Samsara". As "undead experts" in the fairyland, perhaps the monks in the Hell of Samsara would have a solution to this situation. .

Among people in the fairyland, isn't there a type of monk called "ghost cultivator"?

Thain had encountered many in the wizarding civilization battlefield before. In Thain's eyes, they were essentially a group of "ghosts."

"You don't have to worry about me."

"After this child is born... I will choose to decompose my soul and give this part of my soul back to Lina, as a way of thanking her for allowing me to live in my body for so long." After a moment of silence, Mei Kelly suddenly said.

Meikaly's words made Thain very surprised.

Another surprised

It was Lina who was talking. Because it was a soul-level conversation, only the three of them could hear it now.

Meikali touched Lina's already bulging belly and said, "I have experienced a lot of things that I have never experienced before, and I have also made up for a lot of regrets."

"My life is already relatively perfect in theory, and I can ask for more."

"Besides, if this child had two mothers, he would probably be very troubled, right?" Mei Kelly said, looking at the little guy in her belly who had not yet been born with intelligence.

Meikaly's statement was unexpected by Thain, and Thain could tell that Meikaly was sincere.

Lina and Mei Kaili are in a state of two souls, so they can naturally understand Mei Kaili's thoughts better.

Just when Lina was already comforting Meikali at the soul level and wanted to be more open-minded, Thain replied, "Maybe, this kid will be happy because he has two mothers."

"I have been busy with experiments all year round, and I may not have time to take care of him in the future, although I would like to train him to be an outstanding magician."

"You two are also magicians, and our time is limited."

"But if there are more people, there will be more time to take care of him." Thain replied.

He did not directly persuade Mei Kaili to be more open-minded, nor did he encourage Mei Kaili to dedicate herself to Lina's achievements. Instead, he directly talked about the child.

Sure enough, after listening to Thain's words, Mei Kelly's eyes became a little brighter.

She couldn't help but ask, "Can I really do this?"

"Can I also be a qualified mother? I am also a... black magician." Meili hesitated.

"What's wrong with the black magician? I'm also a black magician." Lina said at the soul level at this time.

"As a black magician, do you think this kid will dare to disown me in the future?!" Lina raised her eyebrows and touched her belly.

Since becoming pregnant, Thain has discovered that Lena's personality and mood sometimes change a little.

For example, before this, Lina had always been gentle and gentle towards Sean, but during the pregnancy stage, she sometimes showed a bit of domineering and strength.

This is Lina's true performance in the environment of the Black Domain, and it is also Lina's original character in the underground world in Thane's memory.

The reason why he showed tenderness in front of Thain was simply because the target was Thain.

The singing and harmonious singing of Thain and Lina helped Mekelly's mood stabilize a lot.

Thain then asked casually, they haven't returned to the Black Territory for so long. Is there anything going on in the Black Tower over there?

Moreover, Lina has been staying in Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes for some time. Until now, there are no so-called law enforcement officers of the wizarding civilization to force Lina to be expelled back to the Black Realm.

Is it possible that Triris also cleared Lena's identity last time after she helped Thain get Lena out of the Atlanta interstellar prison?

Regarding Thain's question, Mekelly replied, "In the early and middle stages of the Civilization War, almost all black magicians above level four in the Black Territory were involved in the sabotage mission of infiltrating the Gallente Federation's central and rear areas."

"Even a fifth-level black magician like me has his body destroyed and his soul escaping. You can imagine what kind of devastating blow other black magicians in the Black Domain have suffered."

"The contributions made by the black magician group are not invisible to those at the top of the wizarding civilization."

"Although the proposal you mentioned at the last Wizards Alliance meeting seemed a bit fanciful at the time, at present, even if it is still impossible to realize it, the status and treatment of our group of black magicians in the wizarding world will definitely improve. Change with it.”

"As for the Black Territory, there are so many black magicians of level four or above who have died on the front lines of the civilized battlefield. The Black Territory is definitely in a relatively chaotic state at the moment."

"Because those low-level black magicians grow and emerge very quickly, but black magicians above level four are not so easy to break through."

"We, the masters of the black tower in the black domain, also play a role in assisting the guardians to manage and restrain the black domain on a certain level."

"If the black realm is too chaotic, it won't do anything to our black tower masters.

What a benefit. "

"I just don't know if in the past few thousand years, new black magicians of level four or above have been born in the black domain and re-established the order."

"My black tower, don't worry. Until now, I can still vaguely contact my black tower in the wizarding world."

"It doesn't look like it was knocked down by anyone else," Mekelly said.

In addition to Meikali, Lina also built a black tower, which was built by Rose for her in the center of the black domain.

It's a pity that after Lina broke through and was promoted to level four, she immediately rushed to the front line of the civilized battlefield and didn't have time to develop her own black tower.

It is probably unclear whether there are a hundred registered magicians in her black tower.

And Lina later said that the blessing effect of her black tower on her was indeed almost zero.

It's just that the black tower is in a good location, with a huge plane node below it.

If Lina can develop well in the future, her potential will definitely be greater than that of Meikaly's Cangke Black Tower.

The two women's statements made Thain nod.

The reason why I asked about the Black Domain was because Thane thought of another money-making idea.

In terms of demand for soul crystals, the largest one in the wizarding civilization is the Black Domain, followed by the group of necromancers from the Mamet Alliance, and finally the large alliance plane, the Undead World.

It's just that the undead are generally poor.

"Money can make the undead grind" is a proverb that has been passed down by wizard civilization since ancient times.

Thain is very short of money now.

"I still have to ask Spider Queen Rose for help. Even if I spend money, I have to ask Rose to find me some magicians who have profound achievements in the laws of the soul."

"I didn't agree to do this favor for me before. It's probably not that she couldn't find it, but that I could give her too little in return."

"And she was on the front line of the civilized battlefield at the time, so she probably couldn't care less about the situation on my side."

"She should not be busy now." Thain muttered.

"The next chapter is around one o'clock~"

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