The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2126 Humility

After the test of the "World-Destroying Shock Light" weapon system was completed, the surface of Thane's Union Fortress robot underwent some subtle changes. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠π₯𝐞 Search for π¬π­π¨πŸ“πŸπŸŽπœπ¨π¦Readβ—†

Especially on the chest of the giant robot, the huge turbine launcher that originally appeared has shrunk back.

And there is a circle of obvious burnt and cracked marks around it.

A faint silver-white metallic fire burned slowly near the area.

After passing through the area where the metal fire burned, the part of the armor that was originally burnt, dry, and cracked became obviously smoother and more perfect.

Including Thain's Union Fortress and the transformed giant metal robot, the changes in the two forms are also guided by the power of the magic law, constantly changing in the direction that is most perfect and most suitable for Thain's attributes. .

That piece of silver-white metal fire is the law energy medium that the Rubik's Cube affects to form a cluster of seven space fortresses.

The entire fortress robot and the combined fortress group also became more and more perfect during this process of testing and running-in.


"Master Thain, I suggest that your combined fortress group should not cancel the combined state for the time being." πŸ…†

"We need to carry out testing work on 521 projects in the next step. The relevant test results will eventually be sent to your Ashes Holy Tower." Outside the world of Yi Jing, a fourth-level alchemist from Sky City, Said respectfully to Thane.

Generally speaking, the top alchemists from the Sky City are very arrogant, and sometimes talking to someone who is one or two levels above his life is nothing at all.

But at this time, the alchemist master from the Sky City showed great respect for Thain from the bottom of his heart.

Not only because of his performance during the experimental test just now, but also because the experimental project of the Union Fortress and the super-giant metal robot's transformation combat concept were all Thain's original ideas.

In fact, Thain is the leader of this "super experiment".

The tens of thousands of low-level magicians who participated in it, as well as dozens of alchemy masters and fortress construction masters above level 4, were all assistants hired by Thain at a huge cost of magic coins.

It was also after this experiment that Thain’s mechanical knowledge system,

Finally close to completion.

If he is a full-time mechanic, he can already consider advancing to the sixth level with the help of these cutting-edge secrets of the joint fortress.

And the joint technology developed by Thain has a great impact on the academic research community of space fortresses in the entire wizarding world.

In the words of Master Wharton and others, if Thain hands over all the secrets of this cutting-edge technology to the Light of Arcana, then his Arcanist title will be enough to jump to the sixth level Arcanist level!

A sixth-level arcanist... Thain is not in a hurry for now.

When he really advances to level six and needs to explore the knowledge system for the path to level seven, it will not be too late to go to the Sky City and use this level of Mathematical Olympiad title to check the information.

Moreover, this Mechanic Mystery is a cutting-edge academic discipline second only to Thane’s current Ash Fire Mystery.

Thain was reluctant to fully reveal it.

People are selfish. If there is a successor who can inherit Thain's secret knowledge as a mechanic, Thain would be more inclined to pass on this knowledge to his disciples.

Or perhaps, when he acquires more in-depth and advanced mechanics secrets in the future, he will no longer value this so-called cutting-edge scholarship, and may contribute it to the wizarding civilization.

At that time, Thain may not have needed the so-called Mathematical Olympiad points or other rewards, but was dedicating his academic achievements for free.

Thinking of the more sophisticated mechanics, Thane couldn't help but think of the Ark, the main artifact of the divine world of Marduk.

That world-class secret treasure that combines divine power and technological power must contain mysterious elements that bring both Thain and the Rubik's Cube one step closer.

It's a pity that the Queen of Blades is not willing to part ways immediately.

And reached an agreement with Thain that in the future, as long as he can advance to the sixth level peak, he will give him the remaining ark fragments.

The sixth level peak... is really a distant goal, but now it doesn't seem that far away.

At least at this stage,

With the blessing of the Union Fortress, Thain indeed has some confidence to look directly at this level of existence.

Slowly flew out from the Union Fortress.

Since Thain left, the metal fire on the surface of the fortress cluster has not been completely extinguished, but it seems that the intensity of the burning has dropped by several levels.

Including the giant fortress metal robot that originally gave people a "alive" feeling, it now seems to have entered a "standby" state.

The Rubik's Cube is unique.

Therefore, in the current wizarding world, only Thane can control this giant robot and the Union Fortress.

Although there are still thousands of magicians in the fortress at this moment, even if the number of these assisting magicians is increased ten times, they will never be able to use it as freely as Thain did just now!

Taking one last look at the head of the giant fortress metal robot that was in standby mode behind him, the light gradually dimmed.

Thain said to the fourth-level alchemist in front of him, "Then, I will trouble you to continue the testing work."

"In view of the success of this experiment, I will select part of the gains from previous plane wars and give them to all the magicians who participated in the experiment."

"This experiment is a joint effort by all of us. It also includes those low-level first- and second-level magicians." Thain said.

"Master Thain, you are overly flattering. It is our honor to participate in this large-scale experiment." The fourth-level magician bowed his head again and said respectfully.


After leaving the giant fortress metal robot, Thain, who had gained a lot of insights, flew towards the wizarding world.

He then needs to return to his laboratory to sort out and digest all his insights.

As he gradually approached the wizarding world, Thane first took the initiative to fly in the direction of the Guardian of Summer.

"Young man, you performed well."

"Did you do that big thing just now?"

"It seems that you have found the secret to walking towards the truth.

The deeper path. "

"That's right, that's right. It's true that I had a keen eye and noticed that you were unusual during the apprenticeship stage." The Guardian of Summer chuckled at Thain who was approaching.

The current Guardian of Summer is definitely putting money on his face.

She gave Thain a ray of light from the plane at the beginning, and she did it completely casually. She never thought that in just about ten thousand years, Thain would be able to reach the level of a genius who is about to enter the sixth level of life.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Guardian of Summer at that time, Thain could finally successfully advance to level four, even if the light of the plane she gave him was not in vain.

Assisting the will of the plane and cultivating individual creatures with great development potential in the plane is itself a major responsibility of the guardian.

This was just a hint of help that the Guardian of Summer had given Thane.

If Thane can get more attention from the will of the plane itself in the future, then his growth, status and influence in the wizarding world will not be as great as usual.

Although the Guardian of Summer was not modest at all about his humble behavior back then.

But Thane still has to thank this noble being in the wizarding world for helping him back then.

Everything has a cause and effect. If there hadn't been a ray of light from the plane given to Thane by the Guardian of Summer, he might not have been favored by Tourmaline who was sleeping in the endless South China Sea, let alone become friends with her later.

"Thank you, Guardian of Summer, for your support to this junior."

"In the process of constantly exploring the truth, gaining stronger power, making as much contribution as possible to the war of wizard civilization and the development of the mother plane, is what spellcasters like us should do most."

"And I will also use practical actions to implement this concept. I will repay the Guardian of Summer and the wizarding world for their cultivation and nurturing." Thain said firmly.

When the Guardian of Summer heard this, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Little guy, you are very good at talking."

"Brothers, this month will end in one or two days. Readers who still have free monthly tickets, please vote for Xiaodou. Thank you very much!"

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