The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2118 Chaos

Mel's body in human form is a bit larger than Tourmaline's.

And another big difference from Tourmaline is that Mel's chest can be described as turbulent.

Affected by the atmosphere of the party, Thain also drank a lot of wine.

Seeing how hot Mel's body was at this moment, Thain couldn't help but tug at his magic robe. He also felt the heat from the inside out.

"It's nothing." Mel couldn't even stick her tongue out, but her eyes were staring straight at Thain.

Thain, who felt even more impulsive after being stared at by Mel, then got up to find Jessica.

The power of desire, in fact, from a certain perspective, can be regarded as covering some of the secrets of the laws of the life system.

After all, the ultimate source of strong burning desire is the reproduction of offspring.

Jessica's state was the worst in the game at this time.

Jessica was already lying in the middle of the banquet hall. Not only was her magic robe soaked, but there was also some special liquid between her legs.

Thain was naturally not surprised by Jessica's situation.

This guy can only maintain his identity as a dignified fourth-level magician and the noble master of the Holy Tower in front of outsiders.

And in front of Thane...the two of them played a trick of slave and master last time.

It was Jessica who requested it.

This is also an experiment, because Thain discovered that during this process, Jessica's strength of the Law of Desire increased by more than 30% compared to usual, and there was still room for further improvement.

Although she has a weird temperament, I have to say that Jessica has very good skin, especially her jade legs, which are very slender and perfect.

Among the women that Thane came into contact with, the only one with more perfect legs than Jessica seemed to be Rose, the Spider Queen.

It's a pity that Thain has never touched or seen it.

Not dissing the strange smell on Jessica's body and the soaked magic robe, Thain stepped forward and picked up the fourth-level female magician who was a little confused.

Under the green magic robe, a pair of perfect white jade legs gently moved in the direction of Thain.

Thain, who was already a bit aloof, almost couldn't control himself when he saw the scene under Jessica's skirt.

Normally speaking, rational magicians should not be that strong in their pursuit of basic pleasure at the physical level.

Especially a magician like Thain, who has lived for more than 10,000 years, has never seen any battles.

They are no longer young people in their 10s or 20s who have just embarked on the field of magic exploration.

What should be pursued is the truth.

But Thain's condition can only be explained as being caused by body training.

The knights in the wizarding world are the group with strong demand in this area.

At this time, Isain's physique is even higher than that of ordinary people.

Judging from the condition of the fifth-level knight, his body has always been in a positive and energetic state, which is as it should be.

Although he almost failed to control it, Thain finally managed to control it.

Holding Jessica who was all wet, Thane came to Mel again.

It was also on the way to the corner where Mel was that Thain finally called up the drunk and unconscious Jessica.

Although she was wet, Jessica didn't mind. With her somewhat biased personality, she might prefer this state.

And being held in the arms of Sean, who was full of masculine aura, Jessica couldn't help but rub her legs while her face turned red.

In fact, Jessica is already emotional now. If there weren't too many "irrelevant" people around and were only in the laboratory, Jessica would have started to release her lust and passion.

Speaking of which, Thain has been very busy in the past few hundred years since returning to the wizarding world. In his spare time, he also relaxes with Lenna, Lina and other women.

Jessica, who was far away in the Green Flame Holy Tower, had not been close to Thain for a long time, except for the previous Holy Tower Academy War, when she took the time to come to Thain's laboratory and was fed well.

Not to mention, as she masters the Law of Desire, her actual demands are many times more powerful than those of a female knight like Lenna.

But in terms of combat power alone, even ten of her tied together would not be as fierce as Lenna in bed.

"Cooking and fun-loving" may refer to female magicians like Jessica.

Thain knew that Jessica's excessive needs were definitely abnormal, and Thain didn't have time to often play her tricks with Jessica.

So most of the time, Thain assists Jessica in developing a potion specifically designed to suppress her state, called the Ice God Potion.

Seeing that she was becoming more and more uncontrollable in lust, when Jessica was considering whether to drink an "Ice God Potion" first, Sean, who noticed that Jessica was already awake, immediately asked her about the conversation she had just had with Meili. A certain life science secret.

Jessica is also a professional fourth-level magician. She is not a degenerate who is completely addicted to that stuff, and she is not a demon of desire.

So when Thain mentioned the key truth, Jessica, who was quickly attracted, gradually forgot about the desire in her heart, and instead devoted herself to the discussion with Thain and Mel.

The birthday party of a fifth-level peak magician definitely involves more than just "vulgar" activities like drinking.

It is also very comfortable for three people like Sean, Mel and Jessica to gather in a corner of the hall and talk about magic.

Want to relax.

And maybe because of drinking some wine, Jessica, who had always hidden her true personality in front of outsiders, gradually let go in front of Mel.

Regarding the ambiguous life science secret that Mel mentioned, Jessica knew that the other party was abiding by the family's rule of not spreading core knowledge to outsiders, so she simply said, "Since you can't explain it clearly, why don't you try it with Sean?"

Jessica really let go.

When she was troubled by the power of desire, she got along with Thain, and she really just gave it a try.

But Mel can't be like Jessica.

Although the nature of dragons is inherently lustful, Mel is indeed a young girl. Thain remembered that when he was conducting experiments in the world of gods, he asked Mel about the truth and mystery of life science and reproduction, and he suppressed Mel into a big boy. Red face.

Including returning to the wizarding world this time, I really don't know from which channels she obtained the knowledge that Thain was most interested in from her family in a roundabout way.

"What are you talking about?" Jessica had already let go, but Thain still maintained his rationality and said with a frown.

"The Dragon Vein Warlock Family should also be able to take advantage of this knowledge related to life science, as long as I can provide equivalent rewards."

"This kind of thing is really not suitable for Mel to come forward. When I have time, I will personally go to the Dragon Vein Warlock family on the west coast to talk about it."

"I believe that I am definitely not the first powerful man from the wizarding civilization to ask the Dragon Vein Warlock family for advice on the secrets of the laws of life." Thain pondered.

"Okay then, it's up to you." Jessica said.

Regardless of the wet magic robe, the female magician, who was gradually clearing her mind, sat in front of Thain, crossing her legs, showing off her perfect figure.

Mel, who was sitting on the other side of Sean, looked at Jessica's legs with envy.

It would be great if she could have such long legs.

It's a pity that because he has unlocked the deep bloodline of the Dragon Vein Warlock family, Mel's growth rate is indeed slower than that of ordinary Dragon Vein Warlocks.

At this time, Jessica, who was wet, subconsciously picked up a bottle of red fairyland wine on the table next to her.

This fairyland spirit wine happened to be what Mel had just drank, and Jessica didn't mind it.

But it is worth noting that this red spirit wine is also one of the few "tiger and wolf medicines" brought back by Tour Xi. It comes from Jiaolong Moyan's gang of fox friends in the fairyland.

Mel, a fourth-level dragon vein warlock, can rely on his physical strength to resist the special power of this spiritual wine.

How can you let a weak fourth-level female magician resist?

Jessica just drank a few glasses of ordinary spirit wine, and was knocked down by Red Scale.

But at this moment, she took a sip of the special medicinal wine that even Mel couldn't bear.

Jessica was so thirsty.

At this time, Thain was still thinking about the mysteries of life that Mel and Jessica had just talked about, but then he noticed that Mel's eyes changed next to him.

Just when Thain was wondering what happened to Mel, a violent and turbulent wave of emotional law, in the form of a domain, suddenly erupted from Jessica next to him.

A large swath of the power of the Law of Desire burned throughout the entire top hall of the Holy Tower.

At this time, everyone, including Thain, was drunk and undefended.

So much so that when the power of these desires burns into oneself, it is difficult to get rid of it for a while.

But originally, the power of this law was not considered a strange force that was harmful to the health of the body.

While Thain was still in a certain state of consciousness, he was thinking about how to lift the shroud of this abnormal law field.

Jessica, who was the source of the law field in front of him, was the first to pounce on him.

Immediately afterwards, Mel from behind also came closer.

Thain, who was already a little cocky, gave up resistance for the moment when Jessica's tongue penetrated his mouth.

He has been in a state of high-stress experimental research for a long time in the past few hundred years, and it is really time for him to relax.

And as Jessica said, since she can't explain clearly about the secrets of life laws that Mel masters, she should try to communicate with Thain.

Thain, whose brain is also somewhat affected by the Law of Desire, doesn't want to worry about it so much at the moment.

The chaotic law of desire detonated from a corner of the hall, starting with Jessica and Mel, gradually extended to other women in the hall.

This birthday party was completely chaotic.

In the life of a magician who has always followed the rules, there are indeed times when it is time to change to a different scenery.

Otherwise, it will always be boring to conduct experiments, and life will seem to take away a lot of fun.

But in the ensuing chaos, some people are not suitable to participate.

Lina, who had been poured down for a long time, stood up at some point.

With two souls in her body, her endurance is actually twice that of ordinary magicians. Not to mention, she is the only one present who has reached the fifth level like Thain.

"Little guy, go back to your own residence first. It's best to forget everything that happened today." Lina walked up to Thain's apprentice Kathleen, touched her red cheek and said.

Catherine, who came back to her senses, nodded hurriedly.

Under Lina's "escort", she escaped from this land covered by the law of desire.

"The next chapter will be around two o'clock~"

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