The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2117 Spiritual Wine

As for whether he can save the souls of the two women with the help of the Rubik's Cube, Thain himself cannot guarantee it. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

In recent years, he has only tried his best to conduct research in this field, and the data and research results he obtained have only brought some "theoretical" possibilities.

But theory and practice are completely different things.

Perhaps the true spirit magicians in the wizarding world will be deeply involved in the cutting-edge subject of preserving the soul.

But considering that even undead creatures will die due to the dissipation of their souls, there may not be so-called immortal species in this star realm.

Creatures above level four just live longer.

"As far as I know, some of the top wealthy people in the Gallente Federation will upload their memories and streams of consciousness to the computer when their lifespan is about to end, to achieve an alternative form of 'immortality.'"

"But I think uploading memories is not enough. The soul is the foundation of an intelligent creature."

"I'm not sure whether the Rubik's Cube can really save your souls, but when necessary, I want to give it a try." Thain said, looking into the eyes of the two women.

The "necessary moment" mentioned by Thain must be the final day of the two women.

Selena and the two girls have nothing to say now, they all listen to Thain.

In the long live birthday party, there was a touch of sadness, but of course there were also unexpected surprises.

In addition to the owl Xiaoqi who is expected to be promoted to the fourth level, Hong Lin, who arrived at the banquet hall on the top floor of the Sain Holy Tower with Xia Ya, also showed him the aura of the peak demigod he had reached.

Red Scales may have stayed with Thain for a long time, and his vision and knowledge have improved a lot.

Although her external personality is that of a fiery female knight, she is not in a hurry at all when it comes to being promoted to level four and is very stable.

On Ulysses' side, he failed to attack level four twice before, almost depleting his soul fire.

As for Hong Lin, who had reached the peak level of demigod in front of her, when Thane asked about her, the woman actually replied that she had never been hit once.

"You don't help me

Check it out, how dare I hit the fourth level at will? "While others weren't paying attention, Hong Lin said with a wink at Thain.

Hong Lin and Xia Ya are from the same family. In terms of generation, she is two generations younger than Thane's wife Natalya.

At present, the potential of the Xia Ya family is indeed great.

Under the premise that Xia Ya has been promoted to level four, the red scales in front of her are showing signs of breakthrough.

Xia Ya called Honglin here this time just because she wanted Thane to help with Honglin's next breakthrough.

Thain nodded and said, "After the banquet, you go to the body refining laboratory and wait for me."

Red Scales blinked, indicating that he understood.

This birthday party was very happy and fulfilling.

At a young age, Bixi got a large number of delicious fruit wines from the Fairyland from nowhere.

Thain doesn't like drinking, but he can't resist the fact that there are a few knights here. The knights in the wizarding world are all gluttons.

Xia Ya, Lenna, and Hong Lin took turns to fight, especially Hong Lin, the female knight who claimed to be a junior, stepped forward to toast one by one.

Facts have proved that the level of life has no obvious resistance to this fairyland spirit wine.

It was only Hong Lin who finally drank down Meili, Jessica, and Lina.

Take out the tourmalines of these spiritual wines, and those who get drunk are the quickest.

She seemed to have just tasted one of the pots, then curled up on a circular lounge chair in the corner of the banquet hall and took a nap.

Thain has never seen anyone who sleeps better than Bixi. If no one disturbs her sleep, it will be nothing for a hundred or two hundred years.

A round bubble of water element appeared on the tip of Tourmaline's nose while she was sleeping.

This kind of spiritual wine, out of professional habit, Thain also tested it.

It was found that it contained so many nutrients that it was more like a top-quality medicine than wine.

After taking these spiritual wines, they are of great benefit to fourth- and fifth-level creatures like Thain, so much so that Thain can't help but sigh that Tourmaline is really a little rich woman.

During the banquet, Hong Lin, who was the most familiar and drank the most spiritual wine, would probably benefit the most in the end.

She wanted to find Thain to check before she was promoted to level four. She was really the right one.

Why does Thain need to customize potions for her? Just these fairyland spirit wines are enough to keep her full and benefit for a long time.

There were several active female knights adding to the atmosphere, and Thain drank a lot in the end.

With years of physical training, Thain would not be drunk down so early like Meili and others.

As the banquet progressed, Thain still maintained a relatively clear mind.

He came to Dragon Vein Warlock Mel and asked her about the mysteries of blood science, focusing on how to reproduce offspring.

There is already an apprentice to inherit part of the mantle, and Thane is now considering getting another descendant.

Life is about inheritance. Seeing that Selena and Irene's lives are coming to an end, Thain's ideas have also undergone some changes.

At this time, Dragon Vein Warlock Mel's little face was flushed.

Her wine was no better than Tourmaline, and in Thane's impression, Mel seemed to have only drank two bottles.

Although her body was a little uncoordinated at the moment, Mel's mind was still relatively clear.

She introduced to Thain intermittently the secret of blood inheritance that she had obtained from the Dragon Vein Warlock family.

Some of these secrets of bloodline are family secrets, so Mel cannot go into too much detail.

However, the extremely general description made Thain unable to understand the tool in many places.

What does body mean.

So much so that she had to drag Mel and ask for more details.

At the good birthday party, I began to explore the secret of truth again, and indeed only Thain could do it.

However, seeing that the vast majority of everyone has "gone down" and the birthday party is coming to an end, Thain's approach is not inappropriate.

Wine is a good thing, especially the spiritual wine from the Immortal Realm.

Most of the wine Bixi got from her relatives in the Immortal Realm, but a small part of the wine was stolen from her brother Mo Yan.

Can you say you "stole" the wine you got from your brother?

All we can say is "take it"!

Mo Yan has a very out-of-the-box personality, and his sister Bai Xing was always looking after him.

But since he came into contact with his large group of relatives in the fairyland civilization, he quickly learned to be "bad" after dealing with several male dragons of the same age.

The part of the spiritual wine that was accidentally "taken" by Tourmaline in his hand can be called the medicine of tiger and wolf.

What is the Dragon Clan's most famous civilization in the Fairyland?

It's not the massive wealth they have accumulated in the Dragon Palace, but their not-so-good reputation - "Dragon nature is inherently licentious".

The fact that the fairyland civilization has so many dragon creatures is the most intuitive proof.

Although Thain had done simple tests on the spiritual wines brought out by Tour Xi before, there was no way he could test every wine.

Just as Thain was about to call Jessica, who was good at the power of desire, to discuss the relevant mysteries in the field of life science.

He suddenly noticed inadvertently that Mel's eyes seemed to have changed when he looked at him.

"What's wrong with you?" Thain touched Mel, whose forehead and face were extremely hot.

"The next chapter will be a little later, around 12:15."

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