The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2119 The First Descendant

After watching Kathleen leave, Lina turned back and walked towards the center of the hall.

At this time, Thain had already hugged Red Scale's legs.

Jessica's fighting ability is hard to describe, and Thain defeated her in almost two strokes.

The same goes for Mel. As a first-time experiencer, her Dragon Vein Warlock physique did not give her much blessing in the process.

On the contrary, he suffered a lot because of his small body in human form.

For Thain, who is gradually entering the state, only these female knights with equally outstanding physiques can satisfy his current demands.

The red-scaled legs don't look as perfect as Jessica's, and they're not as white, but what she has more than Jessica is a sense of strength.

Red Scales was even wearing his own knight boots at this time.

I don’t know whether it was due to the special interest in Thain’s confused consciousness, or whether he was just doing business and ignored such details.

In fact, it was Mei Kelly who was mainly controlling Lina's body at this time. Faced with this "big scene" in front of her, Mei Kelly was much more excited than Lina. This was also the result of her many attempts to obtain it from Lina.

Noticing that the face of the little fox girl from the beast tribe next to her was also flushed, Lina hooked her fingers at the beast tribe woman and said, "Come with me."

After saying that, Lina took the lead and walked towards Thain.

It was truly an unforgettable birthday party.

In this party, the only one who participated in it but was not affected at all was Tourmaline.

When Tourmaline is sleeping, a special layer of water wave cover appears around Tourmaline's body.

So much so that she was not affected by Jessica's law of desire at all.

Even while sleeping, she slept soundly.

The elemental bubble on the tip of his nose never burst.

"The impact is extremely bad!" After the party, Thain regained consciousness. Looking at the jade bodies lying in front of him, he couldn't help but look at one of the culprits with some annoyance.

of Jessica.

Jessica was still lying there "lying dead" at this time, probably not awake yet.

The other culprit is probably the tourmaline who took out some weird spirit wine.

But Thain couldn't blame Bixi. When he looked at Bixi, he found Bixi curled up and sleeping soundly on the recliner.

Fortunately, Thain didn't mess with Bixi at that time.

In the understanding of the Tourmaline family, Tourmaline is still a young turtle. Although Thain has been accepted by Tourmaline's family, it is still too early.

We have to wait until the tourmaline is bigger.

For example, when it grows to the size of a white star.

Apart from Thain who was the first to wake up, the other person in the audience who still maintained a basically awake will was Lina, who had two souls in her body and a fifth-level life level.

On Thain's side, the anger in his heart had not dissipated, but immediately after, Lina threw herself into Thain's arms and told him the good news.

"Sain, I have it!" Lina said with great joy, burying her head in Thain's chest.

"Huh?" Thain said in shock.

It is much more difficult for creatures above level four to give birth to life than ordinary mortals, but at certain times, it is also "easier".

For example, right now, Thain has just finished a heart-wrenching battle with Lina and other girls.

Lina was already sure that she was pregnant.

This is because the combination of creatures above level four is more like the intersection of law and bloodline power.

While Thain was happy, he couldn't help but hurriedly check Lina's body.

Sure enough, in Lina's lower abdomen, Thane felt a hazy light of life.

This light of life is still very weak at this time, and I don’t know when it will be fully conceived.

The more powerful the creature, the longer the process of giving birth to offspring.

Take the giant dragons in the wizarding world as an example. It usually takes hundreds of years for a dragon egg to hatch into a young dragon stage.

This is not to mention the time the dragon egg gestates in the belly of the female dragon.

It is still unknown when Sean and Lina's child will come out of the womb.

But what is certain is that Thain will have to get a lot of nutritional supplements for Lina next.

This is also Thain's first child.

At this time, Lina's face was also filled with the brilliance of motherhood.

Hugging Lina, Thane couldn't help but think to himself, "It seems that Mel's bloodline knowledge is really useful."

"I just got it, and it was immediately verified in practice."

Thinking of this, apart from Lina, Thane was curious about whether other women had successfully combined with each other.

Because even though Thain was in a state where his mind was affected by the Law of Desire just now, he did not completely lose his mind.

The profound life science methods he learned from Mel on the spot were also very appropriate and were used throughout the process.

However, when Thain cast his probing eyes on the other women in the hall, without exception, there was no sign of offspring.

Sure enough, it is not that easy for creatures above level four to give birth to offspring.

Lina was able to successfully combine with Thain. Looking back, Thain thought about it, and it should be the reason why Lina also has a fifth-level life level.

Before Thain could break through to level six, both of them had level five physiques, and both had the physiques of human magicians in the wizarding world, so they were able to give birth to an offspring with great difficulty.

And compared to the secret of life that Thain received from Mel, or the fact that the two of them are both at level five.

The most critical factor that can truly make Lina's pregnancy successful should be "luck"!

Thain, who suddenly discovered that he was a father, was a little at a loss.

Even though he is more than 10,000 years old, he still doesn't know how to face this gestating life form.

"I don't know if it's a boy or a girl?" Lina said leaning on Thane's shoulder.

Thain took another look at Lina's still flat belly, shook his head and said, "The light of life has just been conceived now, and the characteristics cannot be seen yet."

"Then do you prefer a son or a daughter?" Lina raised her head and asked.

I didn’t expect that Lina would ask this kind of question one day.

Thain looked at Lina's face and said, "Whether it's a son or a daughter, I like them both."

"And I will definitely train him to become an excellent magician in the future." Thane said firmly to Lina.

Lena snuggled into a more comfortable position in Sean's arms and added, "Me too."

This long-lived birthday party, which was enough for Thain to remember for the rest of his life, finally came to an end with the happy news of Lina's pregnancy.

The tower main hall, which was originally extremely chaotic, gradually returned to its previous tidiness under the busyness of a group of female angel robots called by Fumila.

This kind of cleaning work was originally done by the little fox girl.

But the little fox girl's current physical condition is worrying. Thain has been playing with her fox tail and ears a lot before. The little fox girl may have to rest for a long time.

As for the other female knights and female magicians, after the party, they went about their own business.

Only the elemental bubble at the tip of Tourmaline's nose suddenly burst during the cleaning process of these angel robots.

Tourmaline yawned, stood up from the recliner, and stretched.

Looking at the empty hall around him, he couldn't help but wonder, "Hey, where are the people?"

"The review of the last chapter took more than an hour, which kept everyone waiting~"

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