The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2098 Seven Space Fortresses

The names chosen by the two fourth-level knights for their own knight halls are indeed in line with their respective strengths and characteristics. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

This is also a sign for them to recruit new knights in the future.

Just like Thain's Holy Tower of Ashes, most of the people who came to join were fire elemental masters.

In addition to their names, the two fourth-level knights have also roughly chosen the names of the main halls of their knights' halls.

Including the construction directions of many branch temples, I also had a thorough understanding with Thain in previous exchanges.

Because they are "newcomers" who have just joined the Land of Ashes, the location of the main hall of the two fourth-level knights is relatively far away from the Holy Tower of Ashes in Thain. The location can only be said to be in the upper middle.

Including the area covered by their branch temple, it is currently only limited to the peripheral areas of the Ashes Land.

There is no way, Nova and Verne are naturally not as good as Lenna, Xia Ya and other old people who have been with Thain for many years.

Including the knight halls that are currently being built in the Land of Ashes, there are not two, but actually three.

The "Hall of Wild Lion Knights" founded by Ulysses, the great-grandfather of Thain, has already submitted an application to the Wizarding Civilization.

After the guardians and wizard civilization send people to review it, Ulysses's knight hall can be put into construction.

As the first knight's palace of the Grant family, Thain naturally has to provide conveniences to Ulysses in all aspects.

The main hall of Ulysses's Knights Hall is not only located in the best location in the Land of Ashes, but is also close to the plane node of the Ashes Holy Tower of Thain.

Including the coverage area of ​​the branch palace under his command, it basically covers the most fertile area in the Land of Ashes and the most prosperous population.

Of course, it cannot be said that the Nova Knight and the Verne Knight suffered a disadvantage.

As the first group of beings to come to the Land of Ashes to establish the Knights' Hall, Nova and the two had more opportunities than the powerful men who would later establish the Knights' Hall in the Land of Ashes.

Send away two fourth-level knights

Afterwards, Thain was sorting out his next itinerary and experimental plans, and Meili, who had been listening in the tower master's office, couldn't help but said, "Sure enough, establishing a holy tower and a knight's hall organization is more complicated than I thought. trouble."

"Looking at the sad faces of Nova and Knight Verne when they mentioned that they had borrowed nearly 30 million magic coins from the Wizards Alliance, I felt sad for them." Merry sighed.

Thain replied, "Newly promoted fourth-level knights and magicians will indeed have a difficult time at first."

"The most common type of standard space fortress costs 10 million, and the construction of the holy tower costs another 10 million. The last 10 million will be used for the daily development of the holy tower and the daily training expenses of magicians above level four. "

"Actually, the loan is only 30 million, which is already the minimum standard during the current civilized war."

"The divine core of a fourth-level creature is only worth about 3 million magic coins."

"Even if all the body materials and plane values ​​are developed, the masters of the new Holy Tower and Knight Hall will often need two or three plane wars to pay off their loans and get the development of the Holy Tower on track." Enya sighed.

He also built the Ashes Holy Tower with his own hands back then, so he naturally knew how difficult the process was.

Meili smiled at this time and said, "Sure enough, it would be better to work for you. Not to mention there is not so much pressure, and I can also receive a large dean's allowance from you every year."

"The allowance for a fourth-level magician is considerable."

With the salary that Thain paid to Meili, if she worked for Thain for another thousand years, she could buy the latest model of wizard civilization's special space fortress independently.

This is not to mention the war dividends and other additional income that Meili can receive.

Thain usually gives Meili a lot of medicines and rare specimens used in practice.

Faced with Meili's remarks, Thain shook his head and said, "This is different. I still recommend that you build a holy tower. This will be good for your future development."

"If you don't want to take on too much pressure, I can give you a start-up capital of 50 million magic coins like I did to Ulysses."

"It doesn't matter if you don't pay her back in the end, we are friends." Thain said seriously to Meili.

"Forget it, forget it, we have discussed this topic many times." Meili waved her hand hurriedly and said, "Let's continue talking about you. Are you going to visit the Steel City next? Or go to Cardiff first? Paige?"

Thain pondered for a few seconds and replied, "Let's go to the City of Steel first. The application for the four space fortresses over there has been approved. The only thing left is to go there and pay."

"Including the design drawings of the space fortress, I also want to discuss it with the mechanics over there."

"Although the process for Capecchi's two space fortresses has been completed, I had a new idea when I went to Sky City some time ago."

"How about I ask Sky City's Heavy Industry Laboratory to help me build a special core fortress?" Thain asked.

"Then you have to see it for yourself. I can't give you any advice on an experimental plan involving hundreds of millions of magic coins." Meili replied.

Nodding, Thain was also thinking in his mind.

Because he had to go out again, Thain talked to Meili about some things about the next development of the Holy Tower.

Meili reminded Thane that the disciple he was interested in would be coming to the Holy Tower of Ashes in a dozen years.

It is estimated that Thain will not be able to come back by then.

Thain said, "Let her be a tutor at Holy Tower College for a period of time. There is no need to give her any preferential treatment. We will talk about everything after I come back."

\u003e"Okay." Meili nodded.

After greeting others in the Holy Tower of Ashes, Thane set off on his way to the City of Steel.

This time, Thain didn't bring anyone with him, so he went alone.

Of course, Fumila was kept in the Rubik's Cube by Thane and carried with him.

Because he had several experiences of combined operations, the new space fortress ordered by Thane should be communicated with Fumila.

However, on the way to the City of Steel, Thane first stopped at a number of large World of Warcraft forests on the west side of the Land of Ashes, including a trip to the largest Warcraft forest in the Wizarding World - the Sage's Forest.

Naturally, the reason for going to these forests is to visit the local king of monsters above level four.

With Jiaolong Mo Yan exploring the path for Thain, Thain was quite happy in the process of communicating with these kings of Warcraft.

Thain was still in the Forest of Sages and met Milena, the White Tiger of the Moon, who had just returned to the wizarding world to rest.

In the past few hundred years, Milena, the White Tiger of the Moon, has mainly acted with the Elf World in the Wizards Alliance.

Even Milena herself was awarded a Leaf of Life by the Elven God Elune in recognition of her contribution during the Civilization War.

This time he returned to the wizarding world mainly to recuperate from his injuries. Thain noticed that the root of one of the pair of pure white wings on Milena's back had been obviously broken.

Milena, on the other hand, didn't care about her injuries. She told Thain that she wanted to help Simpson, the Counter-Feather Lion King, build a World of Warcraft forest and said, "I will inform the subordinates below that in the next few hundred years, A group of new monsters are migrating one after another to the land of your ashes."

"Thank you very much." Thain smiled.

"Next chapter at one o'clock"

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