The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2099: The Concept of Fusion

Sure enough, it is easy to do things when you know people, especially those who have war friendships.

As a species of Warcraft, the Reverse Feather Lion King also has a circle that it needs to socialize with in the wizarding world.

It's just that the level 4 and above Warcraft groups in the wizarding world are not as tightly organized as the Holy Tower and the Knights' Hall, and they have never received much attention from the top leaders of wizarding civilization.

The Sea Warcraft, which accounted for a large proportion of the Warcraft clan, were unified into the Sea Clan.

So much so that the Niyu Lion King wanted to get close to other kings of monsters, or he wanted to get help from some senior monsters, but there was no way.

Thane helped Niyu Lion King with this.

Moreover, the Warcraft community in the Land of Ashes is becoming more and more prosperous, which is good for Thane and the entire Land of Ashes.

At least the major knight halls and holy towers in the Land of Ashes will not be without space when they want to find suitable trial subjects, capture mounts, or find special magic materials. 🅆

When Milena learned that Thain was going to the City of Steel to purchase a space fortress, she actually expressed her desire to go with her to have a look.

This white tiger of the moon also wants to order a space fortress.

Capecchi's space fortress is too expensive and is mainly aimed at knights and magicians.

If Milena wants to buy a fortress, it is indeed better to go to the City of Steel.

The space fortresses produced in the City of Steel are generally durable and have a large internal space, which is enough for those Warcraft creatures to toss around inside.

Seeing Thain's slightly surprised expression, Milena showed two white tiger teeth and said with a smile, "Who said the King of Warcraft can't order a space fortress? There is no such rule in the Wizards Alliance."

"It is indeed difficult for ordinary Warcraft to control space fortresses, but if I hire some formal magicians or ask for help from the elves in the Elf World who are good at controlling space fortresses, I can make this kind of war platform available to us as a family of Warcraft. of."

"As for the cost of purchasing the space fortress, I have also accumulated some wealth over the years." Milena, who has level 5 strength, said with a smile on her face with a dim king character on her forehead.

"You are indeed a very thoughtful King of Warcraft, and I support you."

"Perhaps Mo Yan should have learned from you a long time ago. The last time we met, this guy was still at the peak of level four." Thain nodded.

The surprise brought to Thane by Milena, the White Tiger of the Moon, is not limited to this.

When he followed Thane outside the City of Steel, his originally huge white tiger body was transformed into a tall and beautiful woman wearing white gauze and with silver hair.

A pale golden word "王" appeared on Milena's forehead.

This makes this clearly ladylike King of Warcraft seem a little more domineering.

But Milena's domineering power is comparable to that of Gongsun Wudi.

Totally different.

Milena's aura is much weaker than Gongsun Wudi.

And her domineering attitude actually gives people a sense of cuteness.

Thain looked at Milena's forehead in human form and could always think of her tiger head.

"Let's go." Milena gathered her gauze skirt and walked up to Thain and said.

"I'm not very familiar with the City of Steel. Master Thain, how about you lead the way?" Milena asked.

Thain looked away and replied, "Okay."


The fifth-level mechanic Babbage is the main intermediary for Thane to order the space fortress this time.

This is not the first time that Thain has dealt with this fifth-level magician.

As early as the end of the Aiyoulandie Civilization Ruins War, Thain sold many fragments of ancient civilization secret treasures that he obtained in the secret territory of the ruins through Master Babbage.

The power of the laws of those fragments has been absorbed by Thane's Rubik's Cube.

But because it has extremely high scientific research value and contains some scientific and technological information from ancient civilizations, the City of Steel offered Thain a very generous price.

It also made Thain a lot of money at the time.

This time, Thain came to the City of Steel to spend money.

Including the upper and lower body of the Flame, it was also customized by Master Babbage in contact with professional mechanics.

Therefore, Thain is relatively reassured about this magician. The two of them have cooperated many times.

After meeting, Master Babbage really started chatting with Thain in a familiar manner.

Master Babbage couldn't help but marvel at the fifth level of peak power revealed by Thane.

In his previous long-distance magic communication with Thain, he had already learned that Thain had been promoted to the fifth level peak, and that Thain had no intention of hiding his aura after returning to the wizarding world.

——If you want to purchase so many space fortresses and gain more wizard civilization resources, you have to show your strength and investment value.

If an ordinary fourth-level magician threatened to buy seven space fortresses, it is estimated that even the wizarding civilization would not approve it.

In the current civilized war, space fortress serves as a rigid war platform.

Leaving aside the question of whether you have that much money to buy a space fortress, why would you buy so many?

Although Thain did not submit his experimental plan to the Wizarding Civilization, City of Steel and Capecchi still approved it after a period of review.

Thain's application was approved.

Although the four space fortresses that Thain customized in the City of Steel are part of the same series, they are slightly different in appearance and internal structure.

These four space fortresses were designed by Thain as the outer structure of his combined giant space fortress group, and they also constituted the limbs of Thain's super-giant fortress metal robot.

There is no way, the outer fortress group must be the main area to be hit.

Including the limbs of the super giant fortress metal robot, they are also the main attack parts on the battlefield.

The main features of the fortresses produced by the City of Steel are their size and excellent quality.

The "Thor" series of fortresses ordered by Thane are new products produced in the City of Steel in the past three thousand years.

The names of the fortresses in this series are borrowed from the name of the god-king Odin, the leader of the alliance who performed exceptionally well on today's civilized battlefield.

Before Odin succeeded to the throne of God King, he also used the title "Thunder God" for a while.

In recent years, however, the title has primarily passed to one of Odin's sons.

The price of each of the four Thor series fortresses with many differences is around 23 million magic coins.

These four together add up to nearly 100 million magic coins!

Not to mention, Thain wants the mechanics, alchemists and fortress-making masters of the City of Steel to cooperate with him to complete a series of improvement experiments on the four Thor series fortresses.

If these modification and processing fees are included, maybe another 100 million will be spent!

There was no way. If he wanted tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of first-level or above professional alchemists to cooperate with his experiments, including many level-four or above mechanics, Thain would have to spend money.

If he were to tinker with these four behemoths alone, how long would it take?

While discussing the purchase and renovation project of four space fortresses with Master Babbage, Milena, the fifth-level white tiger of the moon, looked at Thane blankly.

She did know that Thain came to the City of Steel to customize the space fortress, but she didn't expect that Thain would buy so much!

And I couldn't help but be slightly stunned by Thain's ability to spend hundreds of millions of magic coins at every turn.

Milena's current total net worth is only tens of millions of magic coins.

Thain didn't notice that Milena's gaze towards him had changed.

When talking to Master Babbage about a certain improvement requirement for the Space Fortress, Thane suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but ask, "Master Babbage, the group of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron, how have they been compared to Steel in recent years?" Do you want to contact the city?"

"Those intelligent robots

? "

"More than a thousand years ago, those smart robots got in touch with us, hoping that we could help them create some special models of smart robot production lines."

"But in the end, the cooperation failed to proceed smoothly."

"The conditions put forward by those intelligent robots are very strange. It is difficult for our mechanics in the City of Steel to complete some of their requirements."

"And we also have our own production and manufacturing tasks, so we can't spend too much energy helping them overcome the so-called technical difficulties."

"Although those intelligent robots have already captured many core production components of the Gallente Federation Heavy Factory on the front lines of the civilized battlefield," Master Babbage said.

"But Master Thain, you should also know that the magic and alchemy of our wizarding world is fundamentally different from the pure technological power of the Gallente Federation."

"Even if the Gallente Federation's high-precision equipment appears in front of us, it doesn't mean that we can break through the opponent's technical barriers in just a moment."

"Several fifth- and sixth-level mechanical masters in our City of Steel have also said that after the civilized war is over, they will have time to relax and decipher the mysteries." Babbage sighed.

Thain nodded and didn't make any answer for a while.

The reason why I think of the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron is because Thane has already had a combined battle with Fumila.

Since Fumila can.

Does it mean that the group of intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron can also be transformed and combined by Thane with the help of the Rubik's Cube, so as to have stronger power?

However, this involves another higher-end academic topic.

I'm afraid it's more complicated than the seven space fortress integration experiments planned by Thain.

Just a unity of will is not an easy task.

Because those intelligent robots have their own will, they may not be willing to become an "accessory" to Thane's power like Fumila.

The space fortress has no intelligence, so it will lose a lot of resistance during the integration and transformation process.

What Thain needs is just to assign some magicians to each of those space fortresses to station and control them to assist him in fighting.

As the Ashes Holy Tower has developed to this day, the number of registered magicians has increased, and there is no problem in having enough magicians to perform these tasks.

It doesn't even require the participation of combat magicians. Those academic magicians can also perform the control tasks of the space fortress.

That is, the risk may be higher by then.

Not as comfortable as teaching at Holy Tower College.

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