The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 2097 Two Knights’ Halls

Put the matter of Kathleen aside for now.

Thain, who returned to the Ashes Holy Tower Laboratory, once again took out a fist-sized crystal of the blood of Lord Tianyang from his space equipment.

"Is it the deep secret of the power of the fire element..."

"And the three kinds of top-grade flames that I came into contact with in the master's laboratory..." Thain pondered.

Cultivation takes no time.

In the blink of an eye, another fifty years have passed.

The great undead wizard mentioned by her mother-in-law Xia Ya still has not arrived at the Holy Tower of Ashes due to factors such as the frontline war.

Of course, Thain couldn't stay here and wait for him.

In the past fifty years, in addition to conducting his own experimental research day and night, Thane also went to Sky City, and applied for space fortress orders from Capecchi and Steel City, and finally got a reply.

I went to Sky City to unravel some confusion about my recent experiments.

Some of the truth-profound exploration issues that Thain is currently facing cannot even be answered by Triris, and Thain needs to explore them on his own.

The Sky City has accumulated the wisdom of billions of magicians for countless years. In just over ten years in the Sky City, Thain has indeed benefited a lot.

Also taking advantage of this trip to the Sky City, Thane raised his arcanist level to level five.

However, when Thain, with the authority of a fifth-level arcanist, looked for an introduction about the Dominant Almighty Soul in the Sky City.

There are still only a few words of effective information.

According to the feedback from Sky City, the fifth level is not the appropriate period to engage with the academic subject of the Soul of Dominion.

After Thain has been promoted to at least level six, and the level of the arcanist has also been raised to level six, Sky City will open up more mysteries about the Dominant Soul to Thain.

But consider that, in general, arcanist levels are much more difficult to level up than normal caster levels.


If you want to have a sixth-level arcanist level in the wizarding world, your personal strength must be at least raised to the peak level of sixth level.

And at that stage, it is the perfect time to get in touch with the cutting-edge topic of the soul of domination.

Not being able to obtain academic research on the Lord's Soul made Thain slightly regretful.

However, Thain also benefited a lot from the knowledge of other elements, machinery and alchemy genealogy obtained from the Sky City.

The mechanical mysteries that Thain mastered are still very different from those of traditional mechanics in the wizarding world.

He is a self-taught type and has not received the most authentic mechanic inheritance from the City of Steel.

Including Thain's mechanic power, a large part comes from the blessing of the Rubik's Cube.

The mechanical knowledge recorded in Sky City is equivalent to broadening Thain's thinking from another perspective.

At the same time, an in-depth study of the traditional machinist genealogy knowledge in the wizarding world will also facilitate Thain's next large-scale experiment to transform the space fortress.

"We in Ashland welcome you both very much."

"I also look forward to having in-depth cooperation with you two in future civilized wars." In the tower master's office, Thain said to the two fourth-level knights in front of him.

These two fourth-level knights are both early-stage fourth-level strong men, and both are male knights.

In terms of physical appearance, the two men have completely opposite physical characteristics.

The one who is tall and strong and looks like a walking cube is named Nova and comes from the Belen Empire.

The other person was thin and small. As a fourth-level knight, he was only 1.5 meters tall.

But judging from the appearance of the other party, he should be taking a flexible route. He is from the south coast and his name is Verne.

Both of them wanted to come to the Land of Ashes and build a knight's hall.

It is really not easy to meet Thain.

This is their third time coming to the Holy Tower of Ashes.

The first two times, Thain went to the Grant Family and Sky City respectively, perfectly staggering with both of them.

Thain is not an unkind magician. After finally meeting the two fourth-level knights this time, he quickly decided to join the two knight halls in the Land of Ashes.

As for why the two knights came to the Land of Ashes to establish a knight's hall, instead of joining the forces from which they came?

Naturally, this is because the development momentum in the Land of Ashes is better, and the number of holy towers here is also gradually growing.

Unlike the Belem Empire and the South Coast, as regional powers that have existed for a long time, the internal cake has been distributed.

Even if they can still build knights' halls in the Belen Empire and the South Coast, the overall development of the knights' halls will definitely not be as good as those in high-tech development zones.

The south coast and the Beren Empire are directly adjacent to the Ashes of Thain. Nova and Verne must have considered a lot when they inspected the construction of the Knights Hall.

The two fourth-level knights also expressed their opinions at the right time and would establish long-term cooperation with Thane's Ashes Tower.

And in the previous conversation, the two also implicitly stated that they and others would try their best to lead the Ashes Holy Tower in the future.

Knights obey the orders of magicians, which has a long history in the wizarding world.

Even the profession of "knight" was created by ancient wizards.

It took such a long time for Thain to receive these two fourth-level knights. It's not that he is really that busy, or that he is playing a big role.

\u003eBut he is also inquiring and investigating these two fourth-level knights from various fields.

Not just any cat or dog can come to the Land of Ashes.

If someone with bad conduct or a level four or above knight who specifically confronts Thain settles in the Land of Ashes, isn't this going to cause trouble for Thain?

Bit by bit, the Land of Ashes has developed from scratch to what it is today. Thain has already regarded this place as his territory.

Even the wizarding civilization also knows that the Land of Ashes prospered because of Thain.

Therefore, when recommending knights and magicians above level 4 to develop in the Land of Ashes, they will say hello to Thain and give Thain some information about these new powerful people.

And currently, those who are interested in building a holy tower and a knight's hall are almost all strong men who have just entered the fourth level. (Strong people at level 5 or above basically have their own holy tower and knight's hall, and generally will not change regions rashly.)

With Thain's strength, this group of strong men can also be suppressed.

Not to mention, the Land of Ashes already has Jessica’s Green Flame Tower, Musol’s Black Forest Tower, Lenna’s Heart of Steel Knight Hall, Xia’s Fire Demon Knight Hall, and Jean’s Crimson Knight. Behind the palace, it is equivalent to an iron barrel made by Thain.

In addition, Thane is closely connected with the surrounding Beren Empire, the South Coast, the Forest of Warcraft, and the Land of Green Source.

If outsiders want to get in, there is no place for them to gain a foothold.

"By the way, I wonder if the two knights have named their own knight halls?" Thain asked curiously.

Nova and Verne looked at each other.

Finally, Nova, who was physically strong, was the first to answer, "My knight's hall is called the 'Dragon Knight's Hall'."

The little Verne immediately replied, "My knight's hall is called the 'Xunliu Knight's Hall'."

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