The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1989 Shadow of Death

The majestic and huge dead descendant Feimton gradually pressed down on the divine descendant world.

When the Queen of Blades was having a conversation with Emperor Tianming just now, Marduk, the god of divine descent on the battlefield below, naturally noticed it.

Instead of rushing to attack the world of gods, they just kept doing their own business there.

As soon as the Queen of Blades appeared on the scene, she showed her dominance over the Goddess.

And the fact is that Marduk, who suffered a certain amount of trauma, didn't even have the courage to fly out of his mother plane.

How could there be such a strong person in the star realm?

Marduk, who has never left the Divine Star Territory, should be the first to come into contact with an eighth-level master.

Although the Gallente Federation was surrendered and won over before, the Gallente Federation showed its own unparalleled and magnificent master fleet at that time.

The god-born master of spiritual affairs is a hero, and finally chose to join the Gallente Federation camp.

But the final result proved that working behind closed doors is not feasible.

There are really too many weird life forms and terrifying ancient existences in the star realm.

The dead descendant Femdon alone is not a creature that the god descended god can deal with.

Not to mention, there is an even more powerful and terrifying Zerg Queen standing on top of Femdon!

The strong large dimensional barriers, as Feimton dived into the world of the gods, continuously rubbed and collided, producing colorful waves of law flames.

Generally speaking, the process of entering this large plane for a seventh-level master must be very difficult. They may even face a peak seventh-level master god holding an ark. They can use the power of faith in the entire world to resist, and they may not even be able to enter.

But Feimton’s progress is unstoppable!

"My people, God needs your faith." Below the plane, at the highest peak of the world of gods and where Marduk's main temple is located, the seventh-level peak god opened his arms. , calling out to believers throughout the world.

In the entire world of gods, billions of creatures heard the whispers of gods at this moment, and were so excited that they fell to their knees and prostrated on the ground, offering their best sacrifices to the supreme gods who had believed in them for generations. A noble belief.

A little bit of white light gathered into a long river, and finally poured into Marduk in the center of the plane.


It was transformed into divine power by Marduk and sent into the ark in the sky.

The azure crystal wall became more solid and bright at this moment.

However, "Boom!" After the loud noise.

Feimton's sinking movement was not greatly hindered.

The originally solid and smooth crystal barrier became more and more convex as Feimton sank, and harsh sonic booms sounded throughout the sky of this world.

Countless creatures prostrate themselves because of Marduk's oracle, and raise their eyes in fear because of the arrival of the terrifying giant in the sky.

With their shallow knowledge and life class, they can't even imagine what this dark giant shadow that is descending on their home plane is.

"The end is coming, gods save me!" Hundreds of millions of believers in the world of gods are crying sadly at this moment, praying that their gods can bring them the gospel.

However, the fourth- and fifth-level creatures of the divine world who were regarded as "gods" by these lower creatures were also dumbfounded below the plane at this time.

Even the Lord God, who has the power of faith in the entire plane, cannot stop the arrival of this terrifying creature. What else can they do to stop it?

Including veins popping up on Marduk's face at this time, a large part of the pressure on the law crystal wall supported by the Ark will also be transmitted to Marduk himself.

The huge law barrier is sunken downwards, showing Marduk the power of the terrifying master outside the plane.

This made Marduk even more fearful and even desperate.

It was the Queen of Blades standing on the head of the dead descendant Feimton, but she didn't take action from the beginning to the end.

She just stood there quietly, with her arms folded, looking at the dimensional barrier, the ark crystal wall, and the AT protective force field of the Gallente Federation in the world of gods below. They were slowly being crushed by Femton. Twist and deform until stretched to the limit.

"No!" Marduk roared.

He has struggled for so many years to get to where he is today. How much did he do to survive. How could it fall today?

it's here!

"God needs your power!" Marduk once again used his divine power to convey his divine voice to the entire world.

Another wave of power of faith, more surging than before, came from all directions in the world.

It is estimated that the billions of creatures in this world are also afraid of the dark shadows that appear in the sky.

In the eyes of those lower creatures, only gods can save it. Therefore, the power of faith conveyed by Marduk is even purer.

"Haha, it's interesting, you can even use such power." Above Femton's head, the Queen of Blades couldn't help but let out a chuckle as she looked at the barrier of the divine world below that was constantly pulling and changing between solidity and illusion.

The abilities of the gods are really complex.

He seems to know a little bit of everything and can be called an all-around player!

When the Queen of Blades first came to this battlefield, she thought she was just an ordinary seventh-level peak creature at first. She didn't expect that the opponent could show such special abilities.

It is indeed interesting to gather the power of all creatures in the entire plane to resist.


The Goddess Lord Marduk is supported by his followers and billions of people. The Deathborn Femton and the Queen of Blades also have Zerg under their command!

The Queen of Blades still didn't attack directly. She didn't even show her weapons and fighting posture from beginning to end.

The right hand wrapped in red scales gently pressed on Feimton's back.

Feimton, who had woken up, suddenly felt the power of the endless insect swarm!

At this moment, all the Zerg clan roared.

Femton's original white eyes gradually turned into a dark red.

Femton, who entered a violent state, once again moved forward firmly and without losing speed.

This time, Marduk was really unstoppable.

Feimton, who kept attacking into the avatar plane, was too big and too high in mass, which attracted a certain amount of gravitational pull from dozens of low-level and micro-planes around the avatar world.

Many planes have shifted from their original coordinates.

The last time we were able to create such an exaggerated effect was not long ago.

Kun, the big fish from the fairyland who arrived on the battlefield of wizard civilization before.

In terms of body shape, Femdon and Kun seem to be pretty much the same.

However, one is lifeless, while the other is full of vitality.

And both of them can continue to grow.

I wonder if these two behemoths will create different sparks when they meet in the future.

But in the current battlefield, sparks have appeared.

"Crack!" With a loud noise, the dimensional barrier of the divine world was finally completely crushed by the dead descendant Feimton during his descent!

The azure law crystal wall supported by the world-class secret treasure ark also shattered at that moment.

Marduk, the main god of the gods, suddenly spurted out a mouthful of his master's blood.

The precious blood of God was actually splashed all over the original white jade floor of the main temple.

At the same time as the blood of gods gradually flowed into the main temple, the entire world of gods was suddenly filled with the smell of blood.

Destruction, killing and destruction soon descended on this large world that had been at peace for countless years.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, although within the world of gods, the gods have been constantly fighting and invading.

But this is the first time that the world of gods has been invaded by foreign enemies!

During the process of descending into the god-born world, Feimton, who had an astonishing size, was struck by layers of orange-yellow fire on the surface of his body due to the original dimensional barriers and air waves.

It was also during this process that umbilical cords protruded from Femton's body surface, including the dead skin that was originally tightly sealed, and cracks opened.

Among these gaps and flying umbilical cords, countless swarms of insects rushed out of them.

A pitch-black shadow accompanied Feimton's arrival in the world of gods and began to sweep across the entire large plane!

"It's still around seven o'clock in the evening. I'll try to write another chapter~

Today is the last day of this month. Although the update this month is not very good, Xiaodou still shamelessly asks for a monthly pass. Brothers who still have free monthly passes, please vote for Xiaodou. The current monthly vote is 539. Let’s see if we can round up the whole number. .

I now owe everyone nine chapters, and I feel very ashamed.”

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