The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1988 Second Sister

Gongsun Wuji was holding the Emperor's Sword in one hand and the Jade Seal of the Kingdom in the other.

A touch of Lord's blood flowed from Gongsun Wuji's arm, indicating that he had not had an easy time fighting against the main god Marduk.

The Blade Queen's attention gradually shifted from Gongsun Wuji's face to his arms, and finally looked at the national jade seal held in Gongsun Wuji's hand.

The special dragon energy is densely packed in the square jade seal of the country.

The Queen of Blades looked at the Imperial Seal for a moment, sighed softly, and asked, "Is Uncle Xuance dead?"

The Queen of Blades' inquiry caused Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji's face to gradually change from the original joy of seeing his sworn sister to one of loneliness.

"Yes, father, after he established the laws of the Tianming Empire, created the dragon energy and dynasty luck system, and created the national jade seal, his life span and the master's soul were exhausted, and he finally passed away." Gongsun Wuji said in a deep voice. replied.

Gongsun Wuji's father was Gongsun Xuance, the supreme emperor of the Tianming Empire.

The other party's other identity is the adopted brother of the Blade Queen's father.

Therefore, the relationship between the Tianming Empire and the wizard civilization is still very close.

After receiving Bev's magic letter, Gongsun Wuji almost didn't even hesitate, and immediately decided to go on a personal expedition to support the wizard civilization.

During Emperor Tianming's relatively weak childhood, he lived in the Western Islands of the Wizarding World for a long time.

At that time, it was the eldest sister Bev who took the most care of Emperor Tianming.

Although the second sister Lisa, the Queen of Blades in front of her, has a cold and straightforward personality, she was also responsible for the development of the Zerg at that time and was usually very busy.

But he also gave great help to Emperor Tianming.

After hearing Gongsun Wuji's answer, the Queen of Blades sighed silently again, but at the moment of their reunion, the Queen of Blades did not dwell on some sad questions, but instead asked, "I heard that you have another child." younger sister?"


Wuji calls the Queen of Blades his second sister, so his sister Gongsun Wudi, no matter how young or weak her age, can naturally be considered as her equal and call her "sister".

Gongsun Wudi is the last treasure left to the Tianming Empire by Wuji's father before his death.

Judging from Wuji's father's final strength, which was close to the eighth level, it was already unbelievable that he could give birth to another offspring.

From the analysis of astral lineage and many rule fields, Gongsun Wudi theoretically should be more talented in cultivation than his brother!

This is also true. Gongsun Wudi, who has grown to the peak level of the sixth level, is faster and even stronger than Wuji back then when crossing this process.

"Yes, my sister's name is 'Wudi'. Originally, my father and mother thought it was another boy at first." Wuji said with a smile.

"Where is she?" asked the Queen of Blades.

At this time, the battlefield was extremely chaotic, and because he had never come into contact with Gongsun Wudi before, it was not like an eighth-level powerhouse like the Queen of Blades could discover creatures that had nothing to do with the origin of her bloodline.

Wuji naturally knew that his sister was there, and pointed towards the Felice plane battlefield with his left arm wearing golden armor.

The Queen of Blades also looked over, and soon, the figure of a heroic female general appeared in the Queen of Blades' field of vision.

The fighting style of Gongsun Wudi, Princess Taiping of Zhenguo, is very similar to that of the Supreme Emperor.

After all, the Emperor of the Tianming Empire stayed with his little daughter in his later years.

Affected by the sight of the Queen of Blades, the Zerg legions that had already arrived at the battlefield on the Felice plane spontaneously moved closer to Gongsun Wudi's position.

These bugs are all under the Queen's will

According to the guidance of the will, when the Queen paid attention to Gongsun Wudi, these insect beasts naturally risked their lives to protect Gongsun Wudi.

Among them, there are even those dominant insect beasts.

The look on Gongsun Wudi's face couldn't help but bring a bit of satisfaction. The Queen of Blades represented the Zerg's top combat weapon. Naturally, she could tell at a glance what level Gongsun Wudi was at at this time.

"Have you reached the level of a 'peak despairer' in a desperate world?"

"Perhaps when this civilized war ends or comes to an end, your Tianming Empire will have another master." The Queen of Blades said with a smile.

The friendship between the Blade Queen's father and Gongsun Wuji's father and others originated from the world of despair.

Therefore, when he heard the second sister's evaluation of his younger sister, Emperor Gongsun Wuji couldn't help but smile a little.

But soon, due to unknown factors, the Queen of Blades' gaze towards Gongsun Wudi in Felice's plane shifted slightly.

The Queen looked at the battlefield on the Burrows plane, which was closest to the Felice plane.

In the sky of the plane there, a fifth-level magician opened his own law body, and a huge shadow of the law mask appeared in front of the magician.

Dense rays of magic elements shot out from the shadow of the mask in front of the magician.

In the wizarding world, magicians are also called "Kings of War" and "Kings of Far Attack", and this is clearly demonstrated by this fifth-level magician at this time.

At the same time, a huge planetary fortress completed its distortion and transformation beside this fifth-level magician, and finally turned into a giant robot that even sixth-level creatures were shocked by.

The blue light of law emanates from the depths of the planetary fortress robot, and one can tell at a glance that it is unusual!

If only one person mastered two world-class secret treasures

A fifth-level magician is not enough to make the Queen of Blades change her sight.

On the battlefield, most people were paying attention to the oppressive feeling of the extremely majestic giant fortress robot, but the Queen of Blades' main attention was on the phantom of the Law Mask whose aura was extremely restrained.

Gongsun Wuji couldn't help but look at the distance for a long time, and Gongsun Wuji also followed the Queen of Blades' gaze.

After discovering that he was Thain, a fifth-level magician from the wizarding civilization, Gongsun Wuji said, "He is the successor of Uncle Joe's will."

The Queen of Blades nodded and smiled freely, "I didn't expect that just after returning to the wizarding civilization, I would meet so many old friends and bring back so many beautiful memories."

"No more talk, I'm going to deal with the seventh-level main god under the plane first."

"After the war in this star field is over, we will have a good chat." The Queen of Blades said with a smile.

"Second sister, let me help you." Gongsun Wuji said while holding the Emperor's Sword.

"No, I am enough. Femton's role is only to speed up the breaking of the dimensional barriers in this large world."

"Go and help the Holy Dragon King and Gustavo, and deal with the two Wanhua Tianzun World Masters as soon as possible."

"I don't want to take too long in this large star field war," said the Queen of Blades.

Gongsun Wuji took another look at the colorful world of gods below, where the power of laws was deep and dense. He was not worried that his second sister's main purpose was to snatch trophies.

If the Queen of Blades had spoken, Wuji would not hesitate to transfer all the war wealth in the Godborn Star Territory to the Zerg.

The same goes for the Queen of Blades. Compared to the wealth of a large star field, they care more about feelings rather than profits.

Gongsun Wuji nodded heavily, raised the Emperor's Sword, and turned around to fly in the direction of his mount, the Holy Dragon King.

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