The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1990 Crush

"God, what kind of suffering would come to our world..." In the eastern corner of the divine world, in a very sparse and ordinary small village, a village woman wearing a shawl on her head held her baby tightly in her arms. Children, keep mumbling prayers.

At the end of her field of vision, a pitch-black tide had swept down from the sky.

The village woman didn't know that the black tide was actually composed of ferocious insect beasts one after another. She just felt uneasy instinctively.

The entire world is under the invasion of powerful foreign enemies, exuding an ominous atmosphere. 🅆

Especially at the moment when the plane barrier was shattered, almost all creatures in the divine world felt the aura of collapse and destruction of the doomsday.

The city of Frantes.

"Fight for the God of Justice!" Hundreds of temple knights wearing golden armor, holding high swords soaked in holy water, shouted at the swarm of insects that was about to rush towards Frantes City in the distance. The sound of shouting.

Because there have been few foreign wars, the strength of the established legions in the Divine Star Territory is actually very small.

Many divine gods only maintain the number of divine envoys needed to maintain the operation of their own temples.

This is a pyramid-shaped social structure. If there are too many divine envoys, it will inevitably cause instability in the foundation of rule, which will in turn promote major changes in the upper structure.

This is not allowed by the god Marduk.

He would look at those gods who grew too fast or were "too fast" and thought to himself, "What do you want to do?!"

In recent years, the local gods of the divine world who have been killed by Marduk overtly or covertly include not only those who have the qualifications to reach the peak of level six.

There are even some fourth- and fifth-level creatures that Marduk doesn't like, or if the opponent's potential is too strong, they will kill them early.

I have to say that this is the tragedy of the world of gods.

The dimensional barrier of the god descendant world is so fragile. Even after being blessed by the law crystal wall of the Ark and the power of faith of the creatures in the entire world, it was still broken down so quickly by the dead descendant Femton. This may also have something to do with Marduk himself.

The fairy civilization emphasizes karma, the wizard civilization talks about the law of balance, and the Gallente Federation focuses on the scientific nature of calculations.

Marduk's results today must have his causes back then!

"The will of the creatures in this world to resist is quite strong. After all, it is a large plane whose minds have been blinded by belief in the gods."

"However, below the Overlord, there doesn't seem to be anyone too eye-catching?" After the Queen of Blades followed Feimton into the world of gods, she watched the massive Zerg legions below her rushing in all directions, while also observing the world.

The situation said.

"Father once said that destruction and killing are not the meaning of plane war."

"There is nothing left, so why should we fight?"

"Profit is the core of war!"

Having said this, the Queen of Blades immediately issued a constraint, ordering all Zerg legions to slaughter only resistance forces.

As for those ordinary creatures who have no ability to resist, let them go for the time being.

The wizard civilization has a set of effective development methods for every plane it conquers.

And this set of methods has become more and more sophisticated in the past hundreds of thousands of years.

The war benefits brought by killing all of a plane are definitely not as great as the long-term benefits brought by enslaving and enslaving a plane.

Even Thain couldn't help but come up with another more efficient system for squeezing the Wizards Alliance plane after seeing the situation in the Black Mist World and the Kells Star Territory not long ago.

It's just that when she led the Zerg across the starry sky, the Queen of Blades did not have as many professional magicians to assist her as she did in the Wizards Alliance. Therefore, the common approach of her Zerg swarm against those planets that occupied the plane was to kill, eat, and kill them all. Grab it all.

Almost every planet that has experienced the ravages of the Zerg will be reduced to a dilapidated and barbaric planet.

There is no way around it.

Before finding a stable tidal crystal vein, the Zerg must keep moving, and they cannot live in one place.

This may also be the fate of the Zerg.

But this time, before returning to the Wizarding Civilization, the Queen of Blades had heard from certain channels that the Wizarding Civilization had rediscovered a batch of extremely rich inert crystal veins.

Perhaps there will be another opportunity for the Zerg to leap forward in development.

The group of magicians who heard about the wizarding civilization are already trying to mass-produce inert crystals by studying information about the ruins of ancient civilizations.

This is an extremely difficult subject to complete, but at the same time it is a project of great significance to the Zerg.

Even the Queen of Blades is looking forward to the day when the freedom of the inert crystal can be achieved.

After looking around the entire world and getting a general understanding of this large-scale plane, the Queen of Blades turned her gaze to Marduk, the god of gods directly below.

Marduk's speed is still

It was very fast. After vomiting a stream of blood and staining his main temple red, this guy quickly hid in the world-class secret treasure ark.

Due to Feimton's crushing and destruction, the Ark was seriously damaged at this time.

A large number of law crystal walls were damaged. From a distance, the originally beautiful crystal blue ark now looked like a broken spaceship.

However, its world-class secret treasure essence has not been downgraded.

As long as Marduk is given a certain amount of time, this world-class secret treasure can definitely be restored.

But unfortunately, the Queen of Blades would not give him this chance.

"Do you still want to fight trapped beasts?"

"Still want to escape?"

"Forget it, I'll just play with you."

"Looking at your condition, I won't activate the fighting stance." The Queen of Blades, covered in red scales, nodded and smiled.

After entering the plane, Feimton, which was in a sinking position, was also far away from the world-class secret treasure ark in front of it.

The Queen of Blades never said that she wanted to fight Marduk, the god of gods.

The Goddess of God plus Ark, versus the Queen of Blades plus Feimton.

Isn’t it reasonable...

Opposite the Queen of Blades, Marduk, who was in the cockpit of the Ark, turned pale.

He really wanted to abandon his mother plane and escape from this civilized battlefield that frightened and made him extremely uneasy.

But the reply given by Ark was that it was impossible to jump away.

It was as if the surrounding space was frozen by the Blade Queen in front of her.

The state of being almost crushed made Marduk feel cold all over.

I wonder if the young local gods who were killed by Marduk had similar emotions when facing Marduk.

In fact, Marduk had already lost his last chance of escape since he chose to retreat from the typhoon world and return to his mother plane.

"If you want to fight, I will fight." Marduk responded with no confidence, and controlled the ark with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, another divine power scepter with world-class secret treasure law fluctuations appeared in his other hand.

This guy has lived for so long and has occupied more than 90% of the high-end resources in the entire Divine Star Territory. He has a lot of good things in his hands.

The Queen of Blades glanced at the divine scepter in Marduk's hand. She said nothing, but a bright red blade suddenly fell from her hand.

Appears on the arm.

Bros plane battlefield.

The War of Domination is still too far away from Thane.

Originally, there were masters fighting around the Felice plane, but the beaten Wanhua Tianzun World Master obviously wanted to seek change and was unwilling to perish. Therefore, during the battle, he tried his best to move towards the world of God Descendants. Fly in the direction.

Only when he reaches the world of gods and is blessed by the plane rules of that large world can he have the possibility of struggling.

If they wanted to break out of the Divine Star Territory directly, the Tianming Empire and the Zerg Overlords would not agree.

At this time, the war situation on the battlefield in the Bros plane, after several twists and turns, once again completely tilted towards Thane and others.

Those fighting legions in the world of Wanhua Tianzun, like their fleeing sages, were almost defeated in the face of the wizarding civilization legions attacking from inside and outside, and it was difficult to gain a foothold.

The latest Zerg army to arrive on the battlefield made Thain's eyes suddenly light up.

Having just owned a mechanical army, he suddenly became very interested in the Zerg army.

What's more important is that these Zerg legions all seem to be "our own". I wonder if I will have the opportunity to study these Zerg at close range.

Thain has never been one to just imagine things; he prefers to do them.

The powerful man from the world of Wanhua Tianzun who was originally targeted by Thain was pressed to the ground and rubbed by the powerful Zerg warriors and powerful thugs under Thain.

Thane himself was dealing with the battle in front of him while flying towards the Zerg base that had taken root in this world.

"I'll just lean over and take a look. Those Zerg creatures won't mind, right?" Thain couldn't help but ponder, resisting the desire to take out the scalpel on the spot.

"Hula!" A group of flying dragons flew past Thain.

"Xiaodou found that there are 670 monthly tickets. Is there any brother who can collect the whole qaq?"

Also, after this study, Xiaodou deeply felt that his update volume was insufficient, so he decided that in addition to the normal monthly tickets, he would also give an additional chapter to the top brother on the list every month. This month is "take" brother. Thank you for your support to Xiaodou and Ash Lord. Additional updates and supplementary updates will be honored next month, including winning the award on the Internet Literature Influence List. I will also add some more updates to everyone later. Zhang, thank you for your support.

All in all, next month may be another month of tens of thousands of dollars, and I’m still a little excited just thinking about it qaq”

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