The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1979 Two thirds

"Damn it, let him run away." Outside the typhoon plane, the Holy Dragon King couldn't help but growl as he looked at the god Marduk, the god of descent, who was getting further and further away.

The blood on Gongsun Wuji's arm continued to drip down the Tiandao Sword.

These blood stains include the blood of the Lord God from Marduk, the blood of Gongsun Wuji's own Lord, and some of the dragon blood of the Holy Dragon King.

In Gongsun Wuji's fighting dictionary, there is no such thing as stalemate or point-stopping.

Almost every move contains hidden murderous intent, making Marduk hard to guard against.

At the same time, it was also during the battle with Gongsun Wuji and others that Marduk finally felt the long-lost pressure - the breath of death.

He left the battlefield so quickly and retreated to his mother plane to defend himself.

It has to be said that Marduk has been away from fighting with people of the same level for too long, so his resistance to blows and pressure has been greatly reduced.

"Are you still chasing him?" The dominant demon Gustavo appeared in front of Gongsun Wuji and asked.

Although he is much older than Gongsun Wuji, the apparent command power on this battlefield still belongs to Gongsun Wuji. Even Gustavo has to listen to the Tianming Emperor in some war decisions. of.

Looking at Marduk who quickly escaped from this medium-sized battlefield in the Ark, Gongsun Wuji shook his head and said: "The reinforcements from the Gallente Federation are coming soon. It doesn't make much sense to pursue them forcefully. On the contrary, it may cause We ended up being attacked from both sides."

"Now that Marduk has been defeated, it would be better for us to hold on to the confirmed gains from the war."

"Order all legions to eliminate the remaining resistance forces around the typhoon plane as soon as possible."

"The main god of the gods has accumulated a lot of middle and low-level power to reinforce the typhoon plane this time. He can run away, but the group of ordinary gods under him cannot run away!"

"We also joined in the siege of these god-level creatures." Gongsun Wuji said coldly.

When dominator-level beings participate in the pursuit of creatures below level six, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for those god-level experts.


During the war of the Ming Dynasty, there was no need to care about the false reputation of bullying the small and relying on the strong to bully the weak.

Real gains from war are real.

The Tianming Empire came to the battlefield of wizard civilization. In addition to repaying the kindness of the wizard civilization, the Emperor Tianming himself also wanted to make some extra money.

Seeing the colorful gods being returned to the treasury of the Tianming Empire, Gongsun Wuji, as the helmsman of the martial arts clan, felt inexplicably more at ease.

This may be a different kind of happiness in saving money.

"By the way, support from the Gallente Federation is about to arrive in this star field, so where will our support come from?" The Holy Dragon King couldn't help but ask when the purge war in the Typhoon Plane was coming to an end.

Gongsun Wuji replied: "I haven't received the notification yet, but Sister Bev told me, don't worry, our support will be here soon."

Gongsun Wuji still has this little trust in Bev. After all, they are like siblings and they have known each other for a long time when they were young.

It would be impossible for Bev to watch Gongsun Wuji fall here.

Furthermore, even if support from the Gallente Federation arrives, Gongsun Wuji and others will not be unable to fight.

Judging from the dominance ratio, everyone is still three to three. Who is afraid of whom? !

Although he looks like a gentle and elegant emperor on the outside, Gongsun Wuji is also somewhat stubborn and tough in his heart, which comes from his father.

After the war on the plane of Florence ended, Thain quickly arrived at the medium-sized battlefield where Gongsun Wudi was.

The war here with Gongsun Wudi ended quite quickly.

Thain has just arrived, and the battle here has basically come to an end.

"I heard that the Goddess Lord fled back to his mother plane in a panic, causing the Goddess World Legion that was still resisting on the front line to lose all morale and collapse the front line?" Arrival?

After Gongsun Wudi's camp, Thain couldn't help but ask.

At this time, Gongsun Wudi was looking at the star field map in front of him.

The war in this medium-sized plane no longer requires her intervention.

Also in this battle, Gongsun Wudi once again joined forces with several other generals from the Tianming Empire to kill two more sixth-level creatures from the divine world.

The war in the Divine Star Territory has only been going on for a long time, and many sixth-level combatants have fallen to Gongsun Wudi.

Looking at this heroic female general, Thain couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Now, in Thain's laboratory, there is also a living specimen of the White Jade Dragon recovered by Gongsun Wudi.

That guy's arrogance has almost been smoothed away.

I wonder when Gongsun Wudi will take that female dragon away.

Facing Thain's inquiry, Gongsun Wudi shook his head and said: "Many battle reports contain exaggerated elements in order to enhance our momentum."

"It's not a matter of running away in a hurry, but it is a fact that the main god of the gods has withdrawn to the mother plane."

"As a result, we have made great advances and gains on all battlefields."

"In this large-scale star field war, nearly half of the territory was occupied in such a short period of time. This is really something we did not expect."

"Next, we still need to advance as quickly as possible, occupy more planes, rely on favorable terrain and plane advantages, and prepare to deal with federal reinforcements." Gongsun Wubi said to Thane.

By the way, she also explained to Thane the bottom line of the Tianming Empire - that is, before the Gallente Federation reinforcements arrive, they must completely occupy nearly two-thirds of this large star field!

There are more than 1,600 complete planes with rules in the Divine Star Territory.

If you add in the resource demiplanes with development value and the broken planes with certain strategic value, the overall number of planes will be even greater!

Just that plane with complete rules, according to Gongsun Wudi, will occupy more than 100,000 square meters in a short period of time.

A thousand.

However, considering that nearly 800 planes have changed hands so far.

Before the Gallente Federation reinforcements arrive, it seems that it is not impossible to occupy more than two hundred planes with the current momentum of the war?

The Tianming Empire's advance was so fast that it exceeded Thain's expectations.

It is also mainly because Marduk, the main god of the gods, is "interesting enough".

This guy didn't go out to fight at first and retreated to his home plane. He didn't know what he was doing.

Later, when he finally went to war, faced with the siege of three wizard civilization masters, this guy quickly returned to his mother plane, even leaving behind a large number of divine world legions.

It is really rare to see such a top-notch master god.

So much so that Thain couldn't help but want to meet him.

"Could it be that this guy is one of our own hiding in the Gallente Federation camp?" Thain, who had followed Gongsun Wudi throughout the whole story and knew the general war pattern of the Divine Star Territory, couldn't help but come up with such a ridiculous idea.

Smiling and shaking his head, Thane asked Gongsun Wudi what he needed to do next.

The legion led by Thane is also a powerful force on the battlefield of the Godborn Starfield.

In terms of performance in various wars, with the same size, they are not inferior to the elite Tiger and Ben troops under Gongsun Wudi.

Faced with Thain's inquiry, Gongsun Wudi was not polite and assigned him offensive tasks in three dimensions.

These offensive tasks are flexible. If Thain completes them quickly and there are some plane battlefields around, Thain can lead his troops to support them.

Gongsun Wudi really didn't waste any of Thain's power and squeezed him completely.

Since the end of the Forensa Plane War, Thane has had no extra time to conduct personal experiments.

Judging from the current war situation in the Divine Star Territory, Thain will not have too much free time to do his own things for a long time in the future.

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