The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1978 Retreat and defend

The main battlefield of the Divine Star Territory.

With one against three, it was also a battle with great pressure for Marduk.

Although he has level seven peak combat power, and his priestly attributes also imply omniscience and omnipotence.

But Marduk has a major shortcoming, that is, he is too "all-round", so that the whole thing seems a bit "mediocre", and there is no particularly outstanding highlight.

This situation of his also directly caused him to reach the eighth level, which seemed extremely difficult.

If he had focused on a certain priesthood and the path of law back then, with the overall heritage of the divine world not inferior to that of Faerun, Marduk would probably have reached the eighth level by now, right?

Marduk's omniscience and omnipotence are fundamentally different from the veteran true spirit magicians in the wizarding world who have made profound achievements and research in various fields.

Marduk's omniscience and omnipotence was achieved by plundering other people's priesthood and godhead.

However, the true spirit magicians of the wizarding civilization discovered it on their own through lengthy research in the laboratory.

Although Marduk will also engage in divergent thinking and speculation after obtaining the priesthood in related fields, his growth path is obviously similar to that of the magicians in the wizarding world, who start from the underlying logic to lay the foundation. There is a fundamental difference.

And the three opponents that Marduk faced were not easy.

In addition to controlling the destiny of the entire dynasty, Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji, his biological father and adoptive father, looking at the entire star world, are definitely top-notch at the same level.

Although the two of them left one after another, Gongsun Wuji, who inherited part of their mantle, still had few rivals among his peers.

At the beginning, he was suppressed by Marduk, mainly because of this guy's "all-round characteristics", which made Gongsun Wuji a little confused about the opponent's background.

Moreover, the world-class secret treasure "Ark" is indeed a special world-class item that surpasses the traditional jade seal and magic sword in terms of quality.

Level secret treasure.

Not to mention that Gongsun Wuji couldn't understand the way of combining the power of faith with the power of technology. Even if those erudite wizards and civilized true spirit magicians came over, they would be stunned for a while.

However, after a period of fierce confrontation, Gongsun Wuji and others gradually figured out Marduk's attack methods.

In the sky above the battlefield, the phantom of the Ark was constantly shooting down and sniping, but it was resisted by Gongsun Wuji's mount companion, the Holy Dragon King.

The strong dragon scales and the powerful physique of the dragon master make this guy an excellent front-line human shield on the battlefield.

Gongsun Wuji himself often manipulated the imperial seal and constantly bombarded the surface of the ark.

With the blessing of the unparalleled dragon energy, Gongsun Wuji's national jade seal also increased countless times.

The square jade seal pressed directly against the surface of the ark, leaving numerous marks on this behemoth.

The Immortal Domain Civilization has an extremely famous world-class secret treasure called the Heaven-turning Seal.

It is controlled by a certain saint in the fairyland, and has the ability to suppress all evil and evil creatures, and can even suppress the entire world.

Gongsun Wuji's national jade seal is somewhat similar to the Heaven-turning Seal in terms of its use.

It's just that the Chuanguo Jade Seal is much more noble and elegant, and in the Tianming Empire, the appointment of all fourth-rank officials and above and the blessing of dragon energy require the Chuanguo Jade Seal to be personally marked.

I guess Thain didn't know that the official status he obtained in the Tianming Empire was actually certified by the Imperial Seal, which was why he was able to draw on so much dragon energy from the beginning.

In addition to the Imperial Seal, Gongsun Wuji's Emperor Sword also frequently matches Gustavo's Demonic Sword.

One white and one black

The swords of Tao and Law criss-crossed, bringing increasing pressure to Marduk.

Marduk, I don’t know if he has a habit of bullying gods who are lower than himself.

Facing strong opponents like Gongsun Wuji and the seventh-level demon Gustavo, he did not perform as well as he should.

After Gongsun Wuji founded the country, he did not stop his growth and cultivation.

He hopes to bring the Tianming Empire and the martial arts clan to the top and restore the glory of his father's generation.

The seventh-level demon Gustavo has also been doing "dark work" with the wizard civilization in recent years. Frequent battles and the inherent ferocious and bellicose nature of the demon clan make him very troublesome.

In the end, Gongsun Wuji took the lead in catching a flaw in Marduk.

Neither the Imperial Seal nor the Emperor's Sword was used.

The opportunity and vulnerability appeared in a fleeting moment. Gongsun Wuji jumped out from the back of the Holy Dragon King and struck Marduk's vest with his right fist.

The roar of the gods, full of angry sounds, then came from Marduk's mouth.

There were even a few drops of divine blood splashing onto the ground.

All creatures in the Typhoon Plane were frightened and trembled.

The defeat of one move was nothing, but to Marduk, he had lost a lot of divine power and even the soul of domination during the battle with Gongsun Xuance and others.

The world-class secret treasure Ark has not been fully promoted to the ranks of high-level world-class secret treasures, which is also a major shortcoming of Marduk's battle.

In addition, Marduk's Ark has just completed a small improvement, and he hasn't had time to become familiar with his natal artifact...

"This battle can't be fought!" Marduk shouted, and then controlled the ark and retreated out of the typhoon plane.

Just now, Mal

Duke also received a reminder from the Gallente Federation and knew that two legions from the Wanhua Tianzun World would soon come to assist him.

Continuing to fight in the typhoon plane is not a wise move.

As for Marduk, he still has a way out.

"Let's go!" Marduk's oracle was quickly transmitted throughout the typhoon plane and in the surrounding starry sky.

Under the instructions of the Lord God's oracle, more and more divine world legions are withdrawing from this world.

It is better to say defeat than retreat.

Even the backbone of the army is gone, so how can the Divine World Legion still have the will to fight?

Of course, there are also a small number of divine world legions who do not want to leave.

For example, the local gods and pantheon members of the Typhoon Plane.

However, under the premise that the entire civilization's war momentum has collapsed, the efforts of a handful of gods appear to be insignificant.

Not to mention, the Gallente Federation also supports the Goddess to retain his strength and wait for the arrival of the Wanhua Tianzun World Army before he can counterattack.

Marduk runs very fast, and the Ark is indeed a relatively comprehensive platform world-class secret treasure.

By observing the opponent's war performance, it can be predicted that even if Marduk gave up his mother plane, the God-born world, he could still live a comfortable life in the star realm just by driving the Ark.

But as a noble god, Marduk was certainly reluctant to give up everything he already owned.

In the process of retreating to the world of gods, Marduk resisted the attacks from Gongsun Wuji and others behind him, while quickly arranging defensive arrangements.

Marduk doesn't plan to leave. He wants to rely on the large-scale world god plane to fight these invading enemies to the end.

Just like the oracle he issued before the war - victory belongs to the people of God!

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