The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1980 Another collision

A large amount of resources are constantly being transported to the God Star Territory.

A large number of low-level cannon fodder corps and slave biological corps are constantly being sent to this large-scale star field battlefield.

When the number of melee masters in this large star field is about to reach six.

Including the total number of legions fighting on both sides, it will soon exceed 10 billion.

The world of the gods will undoubtedly become another main battle zone on the vast battlefield between the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization!

There are already four main battle zones like this on today's civilized battlefields.

From a local war zone, it was upgraded to a main war zone.

It cannot be promoted by one person or something.

It is the result of the joint advancement of civilizations on both sides, and there are many uncontrollable factors involved in the process.

When Thain, as a fifth-level combatant, was also a grain of sand in the vast tide of war, he was swept into it.

I don’t know if he should be thankful that he came and witnessed.

We should still be fearful and uneasy, as we have no control over our destiny.

However, compared to other more humble life forms in this vast war, Thane is lucky and powerful enough.

At least he can control part of his destiny.

Those life forms that are weaker than him, or have less powerful backing, can only drift with the tide.

The subsequent war in the Divine Star Territory was, at least in Thane's opinion, much smoother.

Marduk fled back to his mother plane, and the other ordinary gods and weak gods had no desire to resist.

Gongsun Wudi assigned the three-dimensional attack mission to Thain, and Thain led his troops to attack them with little effort.

Civilized wars are not always evenly matched.

At least on the premise that Thain has two level six combatants, there are rarely any major setbacks in their attack on low-level planes.

That is to say, when we attacked the plane of Florence before, we happened to encounter that plane entering the transformation and promotion period, so there were a little twists and turns.

But that's a special situation

How can the plane of state be so easy to encounter?

How can there be so many low-level planes in the star world, with enough qualifications and background to impact the medium-sized planes?

Fifteen years later.

When Gongsun Wudi took over the last dimension requested by Gongsun Wudi - the miniature world of Hua Yuling, the bottom-level robot cannon fodder army re-accumulated under Thain's command not only did not decrease in number during these years of war consumption, but instead returned to Amount of one million.

The miniature world battlefield is a dimensional battlefield that creatures above level 4 cannot physically enter.

Therefore, when attacking the world of Huayuling, Thain ordered his mechanical legions, led by intelligent angels, to bulldoze any resistance in this world.

Energy amethyst has the function of repairing and upgrading most mechanical creatures. It is a law energy product.

When attacking the world of Huayuling, Thain deliberately used the energy amethyst accumulated in his hands to build three demigod-level intelligent angels whose power was increased to the limit.

Demigod-level angels are already the limit of what Thain and the Rubik's Cube can currently achieve.

The mass upgrade of angels above level 4 is really not something that Thain can do at this stage.

Being able to produce three demigod-level mechanical angels is exaggerated enough. This indicates that Thane has the ability to mass-produce demigod-level combat power.

But his family knew his own affairs, and Thain himself knew exactly how much energy amethyst he spent in order to build these three demigod-level angels.

Now these three angels have become Fumila's most capable assistants.

It seems that the stronger the robots are, the higher their intelligence will be. This seems to be related to their CPU and computing processing system.

Thain has now confirmed his identity as a mechanic. He told Bepen and Meili that he was an orthodox elementalist, but these two powerful men from the wizarding world did not believe it.

After capturing the last dimensional battlefield, the Tianming Empire, which had slightly restrained its offensive momentum, was ready to face the onslaught of reinforcements from the Gallente Federation.

With a relatively complete logistics and intelligence system, Thain already knows who the other wave of enemies he is about to face is.

He led the legion and eventually stationed in a low-level battlefield called the world of Bros.

Gongsun Wudi is sitting in another medium-sized plane closest to him.

A fierce war is once again on the horizon, as if it is about to break out. 🅆

After such a long period of rapid war, Thane found that the morale of the Tianming Empire Legion had not decreased, but had become increasingly high.

Burrows World.

Guo Shao, who came from the battle sequence of the Tianming Empire, was a junior colonel and centurion with a second-level life level.

The division of military ranks in the Tianming Empire is very complicated, and it also involves official positions and one's own martial arts level.

Although it is unlikely that low-level warriors will command higher-level warriors.

But everyone in the Tianming Empire, without exception, desperately hopes to have higher military ranks and stronger power.

This is a large-scale world with great development potential. For example, Guo Shao, a small army colonel who came to the battlefield of the Divine Star Territory, completed the leap from the early stage of the second level to the late stage of the second level in just a few decades.

War is the stage for warriors to achieve their goals.

It's just that after coming to the Divine Star Territory for a while, Guo Shao felt a little homesick.

Mainly I miss the wives at home.

The sunset in Bros' world was very similar to that in the Tianming Empire. Leaning on the wall, he seemed to have returned to the time when he was a child, lying on the wheat stack in his hometown.

At that time, the sun was shining on my body, making it warm and comfortable.

But the sunset at this time gives people more of a feeling that the setting sun is like blood...

"Boss, it seems like it's coming.

"A tall and thick man walked up to Guo Shao and said.

Guo Shao's squinted eyes instantly opened, and he glanced at the sky. Sure enough, at the end of the sky, there were some faint black spots.

Hovering directly above Guo Shao and others is an extremely exaggerated and huge planet-level war fortress.

This extremely thick fortress is extremely oppressive, but it also brings security to the lower-level legions of the Tianming Empire like Guo Shao.

Guo Shao followed the Xiaodi Army and saw this huge war fortress when he transferred to the previous plane. And in the end, I was very lucky to be assigned to the same war zone as this war fortress.

"If you have the chance, you must go in and take a look."

"When we return to Tianming World, we can brag to Yu Lian and the others." Guo Shao couldn't help but said to himself as he looked at the giant fortress hovering in the sky.

Yulian is one of his wives, has a first-level life level, and is also a warrior.

But because she was a woman and she was pregnant at the time, she was not included in the Tianming Empire's expedition to the world battlefield of the gods.

Now the Divine Star Territory has established a stable transmission channel with the Star Territory where the Tianming Empire is located.

It was the help of the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce. They really have a good way with cross-star transmission technology.

Guo Shao heard that many of his colleagues and old friends, especially those who had suffered certain injuries, had returned to the Tianming Empire to rest and recuperate.

But Guo Shao had no intention of going back. The injury on his shoulder didn't matter and he had already recovered.

He plans to hit the third level in this war and accumulate more war wealth.

If we don't make a fortune in this war, won't it be in vain?

Guo Shao still wants to be a general in the future, and he also wants to live a better life with Yulian and other girls.

"In this war, it's not too much to fight for the rank of a sixth-rank official, right?" Seeing the enemy troops gradually appearing in the distant sky, and more and more, Guo Shao set up his bow and arrow and said viciously.

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