The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1977 Return

The appearance of the Blood Mosquito represents another support force of the Gallente Federation - the Immortal Mosquito Emperor.

The predecessor of the Mosquito Heaven Emperor, the Mosquito Taoist, was a great harm to the civilization in the Immortal Realm.

He was wanted by many saints and Taoist sects in the Immortal Realm, but he has not been caught so far. He has even developed a force in heaven. It must be said that this is the strength of Taoist Mosquito.

This time, Emperor Mosquito had a request to ride on the Gallente Federation's chariot.

In addition to the huge wealth that the Federation has agreed to pay, another requirement of the Mosquito Emperor and his legions is that they choose the target of the war.

The Federation has no right to control the offensive power of the Mosquito Emperor and his legions. They don't even know when these blood mosquitoes arrived.

Did Emperor Mosquito really take a fancy to the material wealth provided by the Gallente Federation, or was it science and technology?

Not exactly.

Gathering the power of the three lotuses and reshaping the Chaos Green Lotus is this guy's ultimate goal.

By virtue of his early sneak attacks on Buddhism, Emperor Mosquito had several golden lotuses of original merit in his hands.

But the Golden Lotus alone is not enough. If you want to reshape the Chaos Green Lotus, you need to obtain two other Law Lotuses - the Destruction Black Lotus and the Karmic Fire Red Lotus.

The person who destroyed Black Lotus has long gone.

But in this star realm, many subordinate sub-lotuses that destroyed the black lotus were left behind.

These seed lotuses come from the same lineage as the Black Lotus of Destruction, and the Mosquito Heaven Emperor can also use them.

There are currently two people who clearly control the Black Lotus of Destruction, namely Fountain of Destruction and Giant Ape of Destruction.

But these two are both eighth-level masters. Who can snatch the treasure from them?

And the other origin karma fire red lotus is in the hands of Ancestor Styx, the blood sea ancestor of the fairyland civilization.

Ancestor Styx, Emperor Mosquito cannot afford to offend him.

However, it has made sneak attacks on several Asura kings in recent years. The purpose is to see if those Blood Sea Asuras have been given seed lotus by the ancestor of Styx.

But judging from the results, no.

The one-on-one sneak attack method is indeed difficult to achieve one's goals.

Therefore, in order to reshape the ideals of Chaos Qinglian, Emperor Mosquito chose to hitch a ride on the Gallente Federation.

Almost all the allies of the wizard civilization are enemies of the Mosquito Emperor.

No need to worry if you have too many debts, no need to worry if you have too many lice.

Anyway, they have already provoked those top powerhouses and forces, and Emperor Mosquito doesn't mind fighting with them again.

Originally, the Mosquito Emperor planned to go to the battlefield where the Fountain of Destruction and other creatures were.

Although there are two eighth-level masters on the battlefield over there, the overall strength of the Prisoner Bull and the Fountain of Destruction is obviously inferior to the combination of the Destruction Giant Ape and the Demonic Heavenly Sage.

But the sudden burst of endless light made Emperor Mosquito temporarily change his mind.

Blood mosquitoes arrived in overwhelming numbers around Tyrann Star.

Because the two warring parties were still in an extremely fierce battle at this time, no one noticed the arrival of this group of uninvited guests.

The war in the Forensa plane of the Divine Star Territory ended with the victory of the Tianming Empire's coalition forces.

Gulasto, the leader of the pantheon of the plane of Florence, has indeed successfully promoted to the sixth level, and even the plane of Florence has begun the process of evolutionary transition to the medium-sized plane.

But the overall strength is not as good as it is.

When a large number of low-level legions invaded the plane of Florence, they brought abnormal chaos to the world.

The fifth- and sixth-level combat powers such as Fumila and Beipeng who seize the opportunity to break into it are the ultimate power that will bring annihilation to the Forensa spirit clan.

Gulasto, who has just been promoted to level six, has become another precious specimen in Thane's laboratory.

Because he still has a lot of plane blessing power left in him, and he has not yet

Old cells that have fully evolved.

Therefore, the research value of this early level six biological specimen is higher than that of some mid-level six organisms.

The evolutionary process of the Forensa plane was also blocked by the fall of Grasto and the heavy war damage suffered by this plane.

After the war was coming to an end, Thane, who had a certain understanding of the transformation process of this world, ordered people to sneak into the depths of the navel of the plane in the plane of Florence, and salvaged several weapons that had not been completely digested by the will of the plane. Star core fragments.

The heavy war pressure, countless casualties of the plane creatures, and the plundering of advancement nutrients have interrupted the transformation process of the Florence plane.

According to Thain's prediction, within twenty years, the world will fall back to the situation before promotion.

The decline process of the entire world may last for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

The end of the Florence plane happened right before our eyes.

"In this plane war, the mechanical army performed well, but the energy consumption and material consumption were too high. Fortunately, the overall benefits of the war in this plane were good." After the war, Thain sighed.

The mechanical legion, which constitutes the main body of Thane's cannon fodder legion, suffered great losses in this plane war.

After all, they are the first wave of combat units to rush into the plane of Forensa, and their own levels are generally low.

In addition to their body parts that can be recycled for those scrapped robots, the other main source of raw materials is the many Gallente Federation special alloys and warship wreckage collected on civilized battlefields.

The Alibaba Interstellar Chamber of Commerce has been acquiring the remains of the Gallente Federation fleet on the battlefield a long time ago.

The wizard civilization also has certain acquisition targets for these crashed battleships and giant fortresses.

Now, Thain will also join the ranks of recycling these technological creations.

World-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube, re-entering full speed

transfer status.

Thain hopes to accumulate a cannon fodder army ranging from hundreds of thousands to one million before the next war.

The smart factory cluster manufacturing model that utilizes scientific and technological civilization is indeed much more efficient than Lu Lianman cultivating green source seeds in the laboratory.

This is because the robot production lines in Thain's Cube are limited. If there are a few more lines, Thain can build his army of robot cannon fodder faster.

Regarding these low-level robot cannon fodder that are consumed at will, Thain still has the same concept as before and did not open wisdom to them.

Not long after the war on the plane of Forensa ended, Thain received the order and went to the battlefield of Gongsun Wudi's plane to get closer.

The transmission of information from the Tianming Empire, Alibaba Chamber of Commerce and the Wizarding Civilization is still very fast.

Not long after the Wanhua Tianzun World Army arrived in the Gallente Federation star field, it was discovered by the wizard civilization, and soon the wizard civilization also found out that two-thirds of the Wanhua Tianzun World Army was approaching the God-born star field. .

Accompanying them were two dominator-level combatants.

Gongsun Wudi was so anxious to call Thain over. It was probably because the Tianming Empire had adjusted and made a response plan.

On the frontline battlefield, Tianming Emperor Gongsun Wuji and others accelerated the siege of Marduk.

It seems that they want to severely damage or injure Marduk as soon as possible before the arrival of the Wanhua Tianzun World Army, so as to relieve the pressure of the subsequent war.

In terms of wizard civilization, adjustments have also been made to the war in the world of gods.

Originally, Bev wanted to send the Elf Legion and the Orc Legion, which had just been spared due to the arrival of the Dragon Legion, to help the God-born Star Territory.

But a familiar voice that just reached her ears made Bev change her decision.

"Sister, I'm back."

"Brothers, I'm stuck. There should be an update around 7 o'clock tonight~ Allow me to squeeze in QAQ."

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