The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1976 Two lines of reinforcements

As a treasure of civilization, it can play a role in turning the tide in certain wars of a critical nature.

But it is obviously unrealistic to rely on the treasure of civilization to easily kill the eighth-level creatures that possess the eternal soul.

No matter how powerful the civilizational treasure is, it is just a "prop".

In war, the real fight is with people.

The wizard civilization has seen this, so their civilization's treasures have only been used very rarely.

Of course, it is also possible that another cultural treasure of the wizard civilization is really not very easy to use.

It's impossible for all the advantages to be taken up by the wizard civilization!

At least in the field of civilized treasures, whether it is the Light of Wisdom or the Supreme Knight Domination Suit, they are all powerful equipment suitable for specific strong people.

Unlike the Gallente Federation's Endless Light Device and Ultimate Quantum Computer, they are somewhat "universal".

Anyone can use it and it can be valuable in any situation.

Especially the ultimate quantum computer.

The wizard civilization has always been at war with the Gallente Federation, but it is not the upper echelons of the federation, but a set of cold computing machines.

More than 70% of the war decisions made by the federation's top brass, even down to the dispatch of each corps, are all suggestions given by the ultimate quantum computer, which are then adopted by the federation's top brass.

Among the plans given by the ultimate quantum computer, the final adoption rate of the federal high-level officials reached an extremely exaggerated 97%.

The failure to directly kill the Destruction Giant Ape was expected by the top federal officials, but it also left them extremely disappointed.

The exaggerated combat power displayed by the Destruction Giant Ape later also gave the federal generals a new view on its strength assessment.

The war game on a large mechanical planet has mixed advantages and disadvantages for the Federation.

In fact, most of them are bad.

Because they didn't expect that the monkey was so capable of fighting.

Moreover, the core of the planet that was penetrated was also an extremely heavy loss for the Federation.

But soon, two other pieces of news came one after another, which cheered up the spirits of the Gallente Federation.

Their reinforcements are coming!

The first to arrive at the civilized battlefield of the Gallente Federation were the combat legions from the world of Wanhua Tianzun.

This expeditionary army from the world of Wanhua Tianzun is led by three masters, and its total scale reaches billions.

can be assembled in such a short period of time

Completed and expedition mobilization completed.

To say that the world of Wanhua Tianzun did not have any ideas earlier, the wizarding civilization would not believe it.

Considering that the wizard civilization has long had a gap with the world of Wanhua Tianzun, their appearance can be considered reasonable.

The expeditionary legion of Wanhua Tianzun's world appears in the middle and rear of the Federation's home star field.

There is a giant star gate constructed by the accumulation of a large number of energy blocks.

The expeditionary legion of Wanhua Tianzun's world arrived at the front line of this civilized battlefield through these giant star gates.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or intentional.

When the long-range legion of the Wanhua Tianzun world stepped out from the giant star gate with great vigor and vigor, they were ready to come to this remote alien star field battlefield to "support justice."

Just in time to catch up with the Gallente Federation's ultimate doomsday weapon, the Endless Light, its target was a giant destructive ape located on a large mechanical planet.

In order to persuade the world of Wanhua Tianzun to send troops in advance, the Gallente Federation spent a lot of money.

It is not an exaggeration to call the federal lobbying team "please tell grandpa to sue grandma."

Although in this process, the Gallente Federation was a relatively weak party and had signed many treaties with the Wanhua Tianzun World that betrayed its own interests.

But the foundation of the Federation as a top civilization lies here.

When an endless beam of light penetrates the void and reaches the depths of the distant battlefield.

It has brought great shock to the creatures in the world of Wanhua Tianzun!

"What on earth is that?" A sixth-level Wanhua Tianzun world creature couldn't help but murmured.

He is considered to be the top powerhouse in the local star field, but under such a world-destroying blow, he is not even a hair.

At the same time, one of the three masters at the forefront of the Wanhua Tianzun World Army, Yun Qizun, was also shocked by the blow that occurred outside the distant starry sky in front of him.

"Is this the top civilized battlefield?" the extremely young Yun Qizun couldn't help but ask.

Invisibly, the Gallente Federation, which had given the Wanhua Tianzun World Legion a powerful boost, immediately had high-ranking figures with marshal-level military ranks to contact the Wanhua Tianzun World Masters.

This federal marshal is still an old man. Except for the Desert Fox Rommel, most of the other federal marshals are very old.

In other words, there is almost no young person standing at the pinnacle of federal power.

The federal marshal named Hofstad asked the Wanhua Tianzun World Army to be divided into three groups and go to the front line of the main battlefield of civilization, the large mechanical planet where the giant ape is located, and the world battlefield of the gods.

The federal marshal's words were tough and his temperament was strong.

It is completely different from the federal lobbyists that Wanhua Tianzun World has come into contact with before.

With the threat of endless light in front of them, the other two seventh-level masters with a slightly higher level of strength were stunned by Marshal Hofstad's request.

This is different from what they agreed before.

However, Yun Qizun, who was the master of the early seventh level, stepped forward. He seemed not to be intimidated by the endless light of the Gallente Federation. Yun Qizun said in a deep voice: "Our civilizations have made an agreement before. , our Wanhua Tianzun world has great autonomy on your civilized battlefield."

"And in the signed treaty, it is also clearly stated that before the only Lord of our world arrives on the battlefield, our world of Wanhua Tianzun will not prematurely intervene in the frontal main battlefield between you and the wizard civilization!" Yun He said in a respectful manner, neither humble nor arrogant.

Yun Qizun's statement was quickly echoed by the other two Wanhua Tianzun world masters.

The two of them were just stunned by the endless light before. It didn't mean that they had lost the dignity and backbone of the dominant powerhouse.

How can we go back on what we have already agreed upon?

Anyway, the good thing is that Wanhua Tianzun World has already eaten part of it. At worst, it will be broken up in two pieces, and they will build a teleportation array to go back.

The Gallente Federation did not want to push too hard. I saw that the federal marshal did not know what he communicated with the rear, and then said: "Then you divide your troops into two groups, and rush to the aid of the God-born star field and the large mechanical planet Tyran. star."

"These two battlefields are not the main civilized battlefield between us and the wizarding world." Marshal Hofstadter said.

Yun Qizun communicated with the other two venerables, and then nodded in agreement with the federation's assignment requirements.

The world of Wanhua Tianzun is quite rogue. In the direction of the battlefield of the world of gods, they decided to send two masters and two-thirds of the expeditionary legion.

In the direction of the Tyran Star battlefield, which had just been hit by the Federation's Endless Light, they were only willing to dispatch one master.

Even a powerful weapon like the Endless Light was forced to be released. Who knows what terrifying characters there would be on that battlefield.

Even if they think that no master can withstand such a blow.

In terms of personnel allocation, the strongest late-level seventh-level venerable present was originally going to the Tyran Star battlefield.

But Yun Qizun took the initiative to take on this responsibility.

"I want to see what kind of existence is able to withstand such a blow."

"You two have gone to the Divine Star Territory, and you can preserve the power of our Wanhua Tianzun world as much as possible and explore the benefits of civilized war."

"I heard that in that star field, there are currently only three masters of the wizard civilization?"

"Marduk has the seventh level of peak strength. If you pass, you can also reverse the decline of the war and create better prerequisites for the arrival of Lord Weiwu and others." Yun Qizun said.

This is a young and strong man who is extremely motivated and energetic. He takes the initiative to approach danger and meet unknown challenges. This is not something ordinary creatures can do.

The two venerables could only nod their heads in response to Yun Qizun's firm statement and told him to be careful.

As for their own trip to the Goddess Star Territory, it does seem that the danger is not great at present, but the benefits of the war are very considerable.

The Divine Star Territory is an extremely rich large-scale star territory.

Wanhua Tianzun World has helped Marduk so much, this guy can't express his gratitude?

The Wanhua Tianzun World Legion, which soon split into two groups, began to take action at the urging of the Gallente Federation.

When Yun Qizun set out for the Tyran Star, another uninvited guest appeared on the federal battlefield.

What a coincidence is that the other party appears in the star field where Tyrann Star is located.

On the surface of a defunct artificial satellite outside the Tyran star, a blood mosquito with a wingspan of half a meter quietly appeared.

This blood mosquito silently merged with the solar panels of the federal satellite.

No, it should be said that this blood mosquito is drawing energy from the solar panel.

The surrounding stars are bright and dim.

In the plane below, another violent turbulence and energy shock wave came. The artificial satellite, which had been scrapped, floated uncontrollably to remote areas.

When the man-made satellite finally calmed down, and after careful observation, he was surprised to find that countless bloody mosquitoes had gathered in the surrounding starry sky.

These blood mosquitoes have an exaggerated number of compound eyes.

Just looking at it makes people shudder!

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