The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1971 Plane of Florence

The world of Florence is a world with an extremely strong plant atmosphere.

A large number of low vegetation fills many corners of the world.

A special species called the Forensa Spirit is unique to this world.

Over the course of a long period of development, the Florence spirits took over the dominant position in the world and gradually had their own "gods".

In the world of gods, there are many gods and gods.

At its peak, there were more than 1,300 recorded and famous gods of level 4 or above in the world of gods.

With the outbreak of the Civilized War, the number of gods in the world of gods has inevitably experienced a period of sharp decline.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

More and more fourth-level gods from the world of gods are returning to support the home star field. This large star field currently has about 700 gods. 🅆

This is a very exaggerated number.

The wild orangutan world that Sai En's sect attacked back then, as a medium-sized world civilization, only had about seventy god-level experts at full strength.

In this way, the wild orangutan world can be regarded as a relatively powerful medium-sized plane.

Grasto Rompe Augustin is the leader of the pantheon in the world of Florence.

This is a level five peak creature with a deep scar on its face.

At its most glorious time, the Florentine pantheon had a total of twelve gods of level four or above.

Just from the number of gods, it can be seen that the plane of Florence is much more prosperous than the Black Mist World back then.

The rather long name of Grasto comes from the very weird slang developed by the Florensa clan in this world.

This is a medium-sized pantheon that is not very popular among the mainstream pantheons in the world of gods. However, after withdrawing from the world of gods, Grasto seems to be taken more seriously by others.

Because he now has a total of seven gods under his hands.

After returning from a round of fighting in the Gallente Federation, the number of members of the Forensa pantheon was reduced by only one-third, which was much better than the battle damage of most pantheons in the divine world.

Moreover, Gulasto has obviously touched the threshold of a sixth-level creature. He has suppressed and powerful fluctuations in divine power. In the past, some clues could only be seen in those high-ranking gods.

But Gulasto, as the person involved, is not in a good mood now, and his facial expression is mostly heavy.

The plane of Florence, which has extremely high plant coverage, has entered a long rainy season since half a year ago.

The sky was gray, and more than 50% of this low-level plane, including the Gurasto Temple, was covered by dark clouds.

Thick dark clouds, while covering the plane of Florence, also seemed to cover Grasto's heart.

He couldn't help but look into the distance. Grasto penetrated the dark clouds and the endless starry sky, and seemed to see the four gods who had fallen on the border between the Gallente Federation Star Territory and the Divine Star Territory.

Three of the four gods under Gulastuo fell permanently on the battlefield of the Gallente Federation star field, and one had half of his body shattered by the dragon's roar from the Tianming Empire when he was at the border of the Goddess star field.

In that case, Grasto had no power to help others.

Just like the battlefield habits he has always developed, during the war, Grasto will only look after himself.

It's hard to believe that with such a leader of the pantheon, the death rate of gods in the Forensa pantheon is lower than the average.

Perhaps it was because the other gods above level 4 on the battlefield noticed in advance that their "leader" had begun to slip, so they imitated him and ran extremely fast.

Escape is not Gurasto's specialty

, sometimes this short god can be quite ruthless, and he is also unambiguous in battle.

The sharp Frenza Claw is Grasto's famous artifact.

He even hopes that one day, his Forensal Claw will reach the level of the main artifact. (ps: The main artifact is the name of the world-class secret treasures given by the creatures of the world of gods, which means that only the main gods are qualified to master this level of treasures.

And in the god-born star field, which is relatively rich in material, among the huge star field territory and many planes, it seems that only the main god Marduk has the world-class secret treasure.

As for other gods who potentially possessed world-class secret treasures, they were all killed by Marduk early. )

Grasto was not looking into the distance in vain.

In addition to the rolling dark clouds in the distance, the figures of the Gallente Federation Legion and fleet mechas can also be clearly seen.

In order to defend the plane of Florence, the Gallente Federation has really invested a lot of power.

In addition to a mixed war fleet group that is comparable to level six combat power, the Gallente Federation has also injected a large number of middle and low-level legions and various special weapons into the plane of Florence.

Even the Doomsday Weapon was obtained and placed near the navel of the Plane of Florence.

The description of the federal two-star general was that they needed to use the earth's core in the Forensa plane to complete the charging of the doomsday weapon.

But in fact, Grasto himself also knew that this was actually a sharp blade placed by the Gallente Federation on the necks of their creatures from the plane of Florence.

Due to the unsatisfactory situation in civilized wars, more and more alliance vassal planes have chosen to surrender to the wizard civilization in recent years, causing great trouble to the Gallente Federation.

There are many smart people like the God of Black Mist in the star world.

Everyone just wants to live.

It is a pity that Grasto himself also discovered that the wizard civilization and its followers do not seem to need so many surrenders...

"Inform the God of Blood and them to prepare for battle. The enemy is coming soon." Gulastuo turned to his envoy and said, this envoy with peak demigod strength, then respectfully resigned.

Grasdor did not intend to surrender, not only because Thane and others did not need surrenderers, but also because the Gallente Federation sent several things some time ago - two S806 genetic variant potions, four planes Star core, and seven godlike treasures that are very consistent with the attributes of Grasto's priesthood.

The Gallente Federation is really generous this time. They have given such great support to the planes of Grasto and Forensa in order to rely on this plane to withstand the Tianming Empire's army's attack on the surrounding countries. Attack on ten planes.

After giving the oracle, Grasto turned and walked towards the deepest part of his temple.

Unlike the gods in other planes who like to build their temples very tall and magnificent, Gulastuo only likes to extend his temple downwards and build it deep underground.

In a dark and deep environment, Gurasto picked up a silver syringe that shone with a sharp edge.

With his pitch-black eyes focused, Gurasto fiercely inserted the silver needle into his arm.

The special liquid was infused into Grasto's body. At the same time, several surrounding divine beings shining with the bright light of blurred laws erupted in a specific direction.

It was also the same time, near the navel of the plane of Florence.

A Gallente Federation ship that felt the fluctuations of the special laws of this world, through the bottom hatch, delivered four star cores exuding rich law energy to the navel of this low-level plane.

Huge changes began to occur inside and outside the plane of Florence.

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