The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1972 Plane Transformation

"This world has entered a critical stage of being promoted to a medium-sized plane?" Thain asked in great surprise when he just arrived on the battlefield of this plane.

"Yes, feedback from all aspects indicates that the situation in this low-level plane is very special at this time."

"Those indigenous creatures have undergone varying degrees of evolutionary variation in a short period of time, and their advancement speed has exceeded the theoretical scope."

"Including the plane energy concentration of this world, it is also constantly increasing." Ximen Feixiao of the Tianming Empire replied.

He has a relatively high status in the Tianming Empire Legion, and is also responsible for the deployment and appointment of scout troops.

There are also a lot of planes with complete rules under the Tianming Empire. It is estimated that they have also been exposed to the promotion and transition of planes from low-level stages to higher-level stages.

But for Thain, who has been promoted to level five for some years, this is the first time he has encountered this kind of plane jump!

The changes taking place in the plane of Florence at this time are also of great research significance to Thain.

But Thain also knew that this change also heralded that a native sixth-level creature was about to be born in the plane of Florence.

The appearance of a sixth-level combat power is still a little troublesome for Thain and others.

With the return of aid from the native gods of the Godborn Star Territory and the secondary aid from the Gallente Federation, the Tianming Empire temporarily has no spare power to assist Thane and others.

In terms of specific combat power, the legion led by Thane and his team is much stronger than the local gods of the plane of Florence.

But don't forget, these native creatures are blessed by the mother plane.

With the two canceling each other out, Thain did not want his legion to be restricted and intercepted in the plane of Florence for too long.

At this time, the main force of the Tiger Army led by Gongsun Wudi was located in another medium-sized battlefield not too far away from Thain and others.

Thain is still waiting to quickly resolve the war here before joining Gongsun Wudi.

Recent battles and experimental research have given Thane a deeper understanding of power and laws. \u003cb


Thain, who had been suppressed and beaten by Gongsun Wudi several times in sparring sessions, suddenly wanted to compete with him again this time.

"Order all legions to attack across the board and attack this plane!"

"Although the transformation phenomenon taking place in this world is of great research value, at present, the outcome of the war is more important!" Thain ordered.

Ximen Feixiao immediately took the order and left.

As Thain's order was issued, the planet-level war fortress roared loudly, and the various war legions under Thain's command quickly entered a state of readiness for war.

The first to launch a long-range attack on the plane of Florence was the planet-level war fortress at the feet of Thane.

Dense energy beams fired from the cannon ports of the war fortress towards the dimensional barrier below.

Soon afterwards, the dragon roar from the Tianming Empire, the cloud-piercing heavy crossbow, and various war weapons for attacking the plane obtained by Thain from the Alibaba Chamber of Commerce were also launched one after another.

In an instant, the terrifying force that erupted outside the plane of Forensa struck, and for the creatures in this world, it seemed as if the end was coming.

Almost at the same time, colorful energy shields and AT protective stances rose up in the plane below.

The Gallente Federation is quite determined to defend this battlefield.

However, what really blocks the attack of Thain's army is not the federal technological weapons, but the plane barrier of the Florence plane!

"After being in the evolutionary jump state, is the thickness of the plane barrier more solid than usual?"

"I thought that after entering the promotion and transformation mode, the plane would become more sensitive and would not be able to withstand any external interference." In the main control room of the planetary fortress, Thain, who was activating the Phaseless Mask with all his strength and observing the information collection of the plane below, said,

He couldn't help but said to himself.

The eight-winged angel Fumila has already led part of the mechanical legion to wait outside the plane.

As soon as a gap is opened, Fumila will lead the crowd into it.

At the same time as her, there were also sixth-level knights Beipeng, Ximen Feixiao and others who were in a sudden state.

Thain's muttering to himself didn't last long. He suddenly caught some inspiration, raised his head suddenly and said: "According to the law of conservation of energy in the plane, this kind of world in an environment of internal turbulence and transformation is the most afraid of being suddenly attacked. Those who failed to advance due to external interference!"

"The dimensional barriers that are more solid than before are actually a manifestation of the world's self-protection."

"It's like activating the defense to protect yourself at critical moments."

"Although it looks very strong now, once it is penetrated, the damage and impact it will bring to this plane will definitely be far greater than before!" Thain said with increasing excitement.

Thain has not conducted much research in the field of plane science in recent years.

But the transformation plane that suddenly appeared in front of him made Thain unable to put it down for a while. Inspirations and truths from all aspects sprung up one after another, making Thain extremely excited.

Seizing a glimmer of truth, Thain immediately contacted Fumila and others who were still waiting outside the planetary fortress.

"You don't have to wait to break the dimensional barrier before attacking, attack now!"

"Send out all those cannon fodder robot legions!"

"Even if you bite it with your teeth, you must penetrate the dimensional barriers of this world and let them invade!" Thain ordered.

Fumila resolutely carried out Thain's instructions, and then Ximen Feixiao also attacked brazenly. The God of Black Mist and others also reacted very quickly.

Millions of armies rushed towards the plane of Florence to kill.

Although the Gallente Federation garrison in the plane also opened fire and counterattacked, because compared to an entire plane,

Generally speaking, its territory is too large. The Gallente Federation can focus on defending those level four and above, and even demigod-level creatures can be their key targets.

But the Federation is really unable to stop first- and second-level creatures, and even cannon fodder with lower life levels.

There are too many of them, and they have no value for fixed-point strikes!

Even because there are so many bottom creatures, even the protection of this type of creature by the plane barrier is not obvious.

The plane barriers in all major planes mainly protect against high-level creatures. I have never heard of low-level creatures being blocked from the plane.

This is also a manifestation of the law of balance in the astral realm.

High-level creatures may not necessarily succeed in everything, and low-level creatures may not succeed in everything.

In this war, the most outstanding performers were no longer Fumila and the female knight Beppon, who had a sixth level of life.

Instead, they were 800,000 ordinary robot cannon fodder that had just been manufactured in Thane's mechanical space and landed on the battlefield.

After approaching the dimensional barrier of the Forensa plane, these robot cannon fodders encountered almost no obvious obstruction, and successfully passed through the dimensional barrier and descended into this transformed plane world.

The reason why it went so smoothly was because the energy levels of these ordinary robots were too low, and most of their models came from the production line of the Gallente Federation.

Because there are also a large number of federal legions stationed in the plane of Florence, even this low-level world will that is in a state of transformation can't tell the difference between the mechanical legion under Thane and the Gallente federal legion.

It's like two groups of ants from different camps. Even if you look carefully, it's hard to tell who belongs to whose family.

On the contrary, "big guys" like Fumila and Beipeng were blocked from the plane.

Even with the planetary fortress at the feet of Thane constantly providing them with firepower assistance, there was no sign of breaking this solid dimensional barrier for a while.

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